Chapter 250

Norton is a shrewd kid, knowing that Qin Zhong is making movies very fast.

Moreover, Qin Zhong may have nothing to do during this period. I took this opportunity to show his script to Qin Zhong. Maybe Qin Zhong can directly choose to start shooting after seeing it right.

“Let me see.”

Qin Zhong took the script from Norton, which read “Brooklyn Orphan”.

Norton is a very talented person, and Qin Zhong is very interested in his script.

This “Brooklyn Orphan” tells about New York in the 1950s. Private detective Lionel Messi suffered from Tourette syndrome after witnessing his only friend and mentor being killed by a mob. Essrog solved the difficult puzzle with only clues and powerful thinking.

This story is suspenseful, and looking at the degree of brain-burning of the plot, Norton must have spent a lot of effort on this script to modify the details.

After reading the script, Qin Zhong said to Norton: “I intend to keep this script.”

“Are you going to shoot?” Norton asked excitedly.

“But there are still some incomplete aspects of your script, and some content needs to be revised.” Qin Zhong said.

Norton was very happy at first, but he couldn’t help being stunned when he heard what Qin Zhong said. It took him several months to complete the 300.

He is very confident in the content, no matter which director the script is shown to them, they can’t fault it.

But when I arrived at Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong said that the script still needed to be perfected. Norton was not happy at the time.

Said to Qin Zhong: “Mr. Qin Zhong, haven’t you read this script seriously? I don’t think it needs to be modified. As long as one change is made, the whole script will become very messy.”

This is a script that was satisfied by Norton’s continuous improvement. If you change it casually, the entire script may be abolished and rewritten.

“Of course I watched it carefully, and what I said really needs to be changed.”

As Qin Zhong said, he and Norton carefully studied the script.

Norton certainly didn’t care about Qin Zhong’s words at the beginning. Perhaps many directors like to give pointers after seeing the script.

But what Qin Zhong said needs to be corrected, and Norton gradually discovered the problem.

“Ah, if this place is changed, it will indeed make the plot look smoother!”

As time went on, Qin Zhong kept pointing out the flaws in the script, and Norton began to become convinced.

“The reason why I will stay with this script is to see the potential of this script. Although some parts are not perfect. But I believe that after it is perfected, it will be a very good script.” Qin Zhong said.

Norton gave Qin Zhong a thumbs up and said: “Mr. Qin Zhong, what they said is right, you are a very talented person!”

Norton was very satisfied with his talents before, but after meeting Qin Zhong, this idea naturally changed.

Qin Zhong’s views on these things are not known how many levels higher than Norton.

“Okay, Norton, I think you should know what needs to be changed in this script.” Qin Zhong said.

“Of course I know, thank you Mr. Qin Zhong, I will go back and change the script now, and see you in a few days!”

Norton needs to revise and perfect the script before coming back here.

For other things, Norton intends to talk about it after the script has been revised.

Qin Zhong watched Norton leave, leaning lazily on the back of the chair.

It seems that I am too good, but it is also a shortcoming.

Norton’s matter was temporarily put on hold, but Qin Zhong would not let this matter go on forever.

He also needs to recruit other actors to sign with Qin Zhong’s company. Only Norton is the only one, which is obviously not enough.

As a result, Qin Zhong asked his right-hand assistant Bai Lili to take charge of the matter.

Inform the company about the recruitment of contracted actors, so that more actors can take the initiative to join their company.

The news was sent in the name of Wushuang, not Weita.

Qin Zhong wants to beat the reputation of Wushuang Company in Hollywood, and develop Wushuang Company into Hollywood’s most influential company in the future.

In the past, Wushuang Company only made movies and did not sign any actors. This time Qin Zhong felt that a reform was needed.

When the news was released, there was an uproar immediately.

After all, Qin Zhong’s identity lies there, not only an excellent actor, but also an excellent director.

Mixing with Qin Zhong is absolutely right.

In the next two days, many actors came to Wushuang to apply for jobs every day.

Unfortunately, only three actors were actually signed.

Qin Zhong has strict requirements for actors. After all, he does not intend to raise waste without the slightest acting skills.

However, this guy Norton has not contacted Qin Zhong since he left. Qin Zhong guessed that he should be struggling to change the script.

On the third day, Qin Zhong came to the company, intending to continue to see what kind of actors would apply for.

But things are not as simple as Qin Zhong imagined. Qin Zhong received a call from the special effects department less than an hour after he came to the company.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, please come to our department. We seem to have encountered a troublesome customer.”

The director of the special effects department smiled bitterly at Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong replied, “I’ll be there right away, wait a moment.”

Weita is one of the best special effects teams in country M. Qin Zhong doesn’t know what kind of customers they can meet.

Although Weita was bought by Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong didn’t bother to take care of many things.

The outsourcing of special effects is not something that Qin Zhong arranges himself, and Qin Zhong doesn’t bother to take care of it.

This time I don’t know what the problem is that can make this department a headache?

After Qin Zhong arrived, he saw that the minister was frowning.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, you are finally here, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Stan Lee from Marvel,” the minister said to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong was immediately attracted by the name.

Not only Marvel, but also one of the most influential people in Marvel, Stan Lee.

You know, he is the pioneer of the Marvel universe, the most indispensable person in Marvel.

Stan Lee is not that old at this time, but his expression is not good at this time. Qin Zhong walked over to Stan Lee and stretched out his hand: “Hello, I am Qin Zhong, the owner of Weita Corporation. I don’t know what’s going on. Can I help you?”

“Hello, I’m Stan Lee from Marvel.”

Stan Lee and Qin Zhong shook hands and said: “I only planned to cooperate with your Weita company after hearing about your fame, but your special effects made me unsatisfied.”.

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