Chapter 248

Tors of Paramount is very concerned about this matter. After all, for him, Qin Zhong is a person who must be taught.

I originally planned to teach Qin Zhong a lesson when “Inception” was released.

But Qin Zhong started shooting the next movie before the film was over, which made Thors a little confused.

But in any case, the kid Qin Zhong must teach a lesson, not to make every film of Qin Zhong shoot so smoothly.

Qin Zhong didn’t know that Paramount was so concerned about him.

At this time, “Fight Club” has begun pre-production, with Qin Zhong as the protagonist Jack, Pete as the supporting role Taylor, and Mara as the role of actor Kat to play.

The filming went smoothly, and Nolan took a fancy to the script Qin Zhong gave him and studied it for a long time.

So in terms of content, Nolan has a good control.

After two months, the filming of “Fight Club” has been completed, and the production of the latter 08 period has also begun.

However, at this time, the Antarctic scene of “Inception” has not yet been completed, and Qin Zhong can only focus on “Fight Club”.

At the same time, Paramount Pictures’ “Dangerous Man” also began to publicize.

“Does Paramount want to be released with our company’s Fight Club?”

After Nolan learned the news, he asked Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong didn’t take this matter to heart, no matter when Paramount started targeting them, it didn’t matter.

Qin Zhong has confidence in their company’s films. “Fight Club” is of quality. Qin Zhong believes that Paramount can’t produce more films than it.

After “Fight Club” set a release date, Paramount also set the release date of their “Dangerous Man” at the same date as “Fight Club”.

On the day “Fight Club” was released, many reporters and media had a keen interest in the film.

After all, there is no news about the movie “Inception”, so I can only focus all the attention on “Fight Club”.

On the day the film was released, it received unanimous praise.

Paramount’s movie “Dangerous Man” was released on the same day, but according to Paramount’s previous reputation, many people still sold face at the premiere of this movie.

So at the box office of the day, the two movies are not the same.

However, the movie “Fight Club” is more interesting for the audience. On the first day, their scores were similar, but in the next few days, “Fight Club” completely exceeded the box office of “Dangerous Man”.

Paramount’s Thors was obviously upset about this.

Of course he has seen the movie “Fight Club”. I have to say that the quality of this movie is really good.

But Thors is not reconciled. How can Paramount be defeated by such a junk company?

“You guys prepare, let’s go see Qin Zhong again.” Thors said to the assistant.

Qin Zhong’s office door was knocked, and Tors from Paramount and his assistant came here.

“What are you doing here?” Qin Zhong asked suspiciously.

Last time Tors wanted to work with Qin Zhong, but Qin Zhong refused.

It is estimated that Thors has a lot of opinions on Qin Zhong, but I didn’t know what he was thinking when I came to Qin Zhong this time.

“Qin Zhong, are you satisfied with the performance of the movie this time?” Thors asked Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong smiled and said: “Of course I am satisfied. “Fight Club” has completely surpassed your “Dangerous Man”. What else can’t satisfy me?”

“However, you came here, but I am very curious, what do you want to say?” Qin Zhong asked.

“I want to talk to you about cooperation.” Thors said while sitting in front of Qin Zhong.

“Forget it, I don’t want to work with you, let’s talk about it later.” Qin Zhong shrugged.

“Qin Zhong, I hope you can be more serious this time. Hollywood is not as simple as you think. Don’t think that you can get involved in Hollywood if you win a movie.” Paramount sneered.

“I won not just the box office of a movie. In the past, my results were pretty good. How do I get stuck in Hollywood? You don’t have to worry about it.” Qin Zhong said.

Regardless of the box office results of this “Fight Club”, Qin Zhong was very satisfied with the development of Qin Zhong in Hollywood.

I just don’t know what Thors is thinking.

“Qin Zhong, your filming “Inception” hasn’t been finished yet? If you can cooperate with me, I can guarantee you that the results of “Inception” are better than you think.” Thors laughed. .

“You can’t even guarantee the box office of your company. What can you use to guarantee the box office of my movie? Don’t be kidding, you should take care of yourself first.” Qin Zhong snorted coldly.

It seems that Paramount is throwing an olive branch to Qin Zhong, but it is afraid of being overtaken by Qin Zhong in my heart.

“Hollywood is not just our film company. If you find out too quickly, other companies will naturally suppress you. Why can’t you cooperate with Paramount? So I can guarantee that there is no company in Hollywood. Dare to bully you.” Thors said.

Paramount is a film company that can rank in Hollywood anyway. According to Thomas, 300 is to make Qin Zhong a pawn of their company.

The box office of this movie made Thors a little embarrassed.

The movie “Dangerous Man” is plausible in terms of content, but it was “Fight Club” by Qin Zhong.

Therefore, both in terms of quality and box office, they were beaten by Fight Club.

“It is said that “Inception” is setting up the scene in Antarctica. I believe that the funding requirements must be very high. If you can cooperate with me, Paramount can pay you to shoot at will.” Tors said.

When facing Qin Zhong, Thors could only think of such a way to win over Qin Zhong.

If the hard is not good, they can only come to the soft.

It is necessary to make Qin Zhong a member of their film company. He has been watching Qin Zhong’s company develop slowly and surpassing them when the time is up. Tollswan doesn’t want to see it.

“Oh, I’m thinking, why do you think I lack funds? Money is the most important thing I always lack. You don’t need to worry about this, and I won’t cooperate with your company in the future. If you are okay, you should leave as soon as possible. , I have something to be busy.” Qin Zhong said.

“Damn, can’t you really think about it?”

“Of course not, goodbye!

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