Chapter 244

Finally, when it was time for the premiere of “A Thousand Arrows Through the Heart”, the diehard fans of the movie “Charlotte Annoyance” tried their best to buy tickets.

Since Qin Zhong posted on Weibo that the quality of the movie can be guaranteed, they will come to see what the movie is about.

The premiere day of “A Thousand Arrows Through the Heart” was very successful, and the ticket sales went smoothly.

Of course, because of this movie, Li Xiaotao and Zhang Chaoyang of Tianyu Company came to the cinema again.

They also saw the movie “Charlotte Annoyance” last time in the cinema.

They are here solely to discover the shortcomings of this “Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart” movie.

Just a few minutes after the beginning of the movie, Ma Xuewu was scolded by his wife Li Baoli for passing cigarettes to the workers and asking his son to buy a few bottles of soda downstairs.

“This is a movie that shows social issues? It has no meaning at all.”

“This man is completely useless.”

Li Xiaotao and Zhang Chaoyang first began to find fault with this movie.

“Can you stop talking? It affects my watching movies.”

A man next to him said unhappy.

“Just watch it, it’s up to you to talk.” Li Xiaotao gave the man a blank glance.

“You! Forget it, I don’t have the same knowledge as unqualified people.”

“Who do you say is unqualified? Do you know who I am?”

Li Xiaotao was angry at the time.

Zhang Chaoyang, who was next to him, hurriedly stopped Li Xiaotao. They must not let others know when they came here.

Can’t Li Xiaotao keep a low profile?

Although the movie was just a few minutes away, the man always felt that the next movie was definitely not that simple.

A man being scolded by his wife in front of so many people will surely cause other conflicts afterwards.

Sure enough, when Ma Xuewu filed for divorce in the bedroom at night, the plot had just begun.

Later, Ma Xuewu and her female colleague went to the hotel, and they were ran into by Li Baoli. In despair, they called the police and said that they had found someone who was whoring Chang in the hotel.

On the way back, the police car drove oncomingly, Li Baoli shed tears to watch the police car leave.

When seeing this plot, many viewers opened their eyes wide.

This kind of plot arrangement looks a little bit bloody, but it seems to be justifiable.

The actor who played the role of Li Baoli, under the strict requirements of Qin Zhong, showed his acting skills to the fullest.

Less than half of the time the movie was aired, Ma Xuewu was asked to be laid off by the factory, and he jumped into the river in the face of various pressures.

“Should this Ma Xuewu be the protagonist? How can the protagonist commit suicide in the middle of the movie. ¨?”

“Maybe it was Ma Xuewu pretending to commit suicide, but actually changed his status to continue living.”

After all, the movie hasn’t finished yet, so it’s useless to speculate at this time.

They can only keep watching.

After Ma Xuewu’s death, for the next ten years, Li Baoli used to carry a pole for her son to go to school, and also to take care of Ma Xuewu’s old mother.

“Ten years, the women who were still charming at the time had their hair half-white.”

“It’s really not easy. A woman who has never suffered before, actually does a job that a man can do like picking a pole.”

“This is the high school Ma Xiaobao played by Qin Zhong, so it looks like Qin Zhong is really young!” a fan of Qin Zhong shouted.

But more people couldn’t bear it, feeling that this woman Li Baoli was really pitiful and hateful.

If Li Baoli thought more about Ma Xuewu at the time, and if she were not so strong, how could she end up in such a field?

Maybe she is still a wife of the director who has no worries about food and clothing.

But when Li Baoli was under pressure, she resolutely carried her shoulders to support the family, which also impressed many people.

Finally, Ma Xiaobao finished the college entrance examination. When celebrating at home, he even said that he would sever the relationship with his mother. After going to college, he could support himself.

And let Li Baoli move out of this home, because Ma Xiaobao has always believed that the murderer of his father’s suicide was his mother.

“What the hell! This kid is too much, how can he treat his mother like this?”

“Although Li Baoli is wrong, she has paid so much in the past ten years. Why can’t she live at home?”

“I really want to go up and beat this Ma Xiaobao, is this like a son?”

The sudden reversal of the plot caught many people off guard.

Is Ma Xiaobao’s conscience to let the dog eat it?

But if you bring your identity to Ma Xiaobao, you feel that Ma Xiaobao doesn’t seem to be doing it too wrong.

After all, their identities are different and their positions are different.

In the eyes of the audience, Li Baoli had been carrying a pole for ten years in order for her son to go to school.

But for Ma Xiaobao, hasn’t he seen the murderer of his father every day for the past ten years?

Until the end of the movie, Li Baoli left this home, which again represented a kind of rebirth.

“This is not only a film that discusses social issues, but also includes couple issues and family issues. This film covers too many issues!”

“`” In the face of “Thousand Arrows Pierced the Heart”, she said that it was “brightly shining”. This kind of unyielding spirit is exactly what we lack! ”

Several film critics in the theater plan to go back to write film reviews after watching the movie.

However, after the movie was over, they couldn’t help but stand up and applaud.

“Qin Zhong is right. The quality of this movie is really excellent, and the plot is very tight. Although the actors are not well-known, their acting skills are not superficial!”

“Let’s go, go back to write a film review. I feel that the content of this “A Thousand Arrows Through the Heart” is better than “Charlotte Annoyance”!”

“No, I feel that both films are quite good. After all, they were all made by Qin Zhong, so I can only say that they are equally inconsistent.”

“No matter what, it’s better than that trash “Don’t Talk About Wind Moon”. What is it that was filmed?”

When Li Xiaotao heard the last sentence, he couldn’t help but go forward and argue with that person.

“Mr. Li, since we have watched the movie, let’s go back quickly, don’t we have to arrange the navy?” Zhang Chaoyang persuaded.

“Arrange (Nuo Zhao) navy, what navy do you arrange? Come on, come and tell me where are the black spots in this movie?” Li Xiaotao grabbed Zhang Chaoyang’s collar and said coldly.

This movie has no exposed places, no vulgar places, and only talks about family matters.

It seems very difficult to find a black spot.

“If there is no black spot, we will create black spots for him. Anyway, we will talk about slavery when we go back.”

Zhang Chaoyang saw that someone was aiming at him, probably because they were making a lot of noise, so he hurriedly pulled Li Xiaotao away.

That night, the movie “A Thousand Arrows Pierced Heart” was praised by many film critics, and its popularity even surpassed that of “Charlotte’s Annoyance”.

“The most worth watching movie this year is definitely not “Don’t Talk About Wind and Moon”, or even “Charlotte’s Annoyance”. I personally only recommend “A Thousand Arrows Through the Heart”!”

The man who wrote “Charlotte Annoyance” was the most worth watching movie last time, and felt that he was beaten in the face by himself. .

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