Chapter 242

Li Xiaofeng posted this point of view on his Weibo, and he said righteously, as if he was considering it for China’s film and television circles.

And Zhang Han didn’t know what was going on at all, until he was told about it by his agent, he was completely confused.

He just performed according to what was written in the script, and he could leave after shooting.

What’s the box office of the movie, what’s up to him, he has tried his best.

Besides, Zhang Han also hopes that the box office of “Don’t Talk About Wind and Moon” can surpass “Charlotte’s Annoyance”.

“Zhang Han, you should quickly apologize online. If you don’t apologize, your acting career will be in trouble…”

Zhang Han’s agent called Zhang Han and said.

“Why should I apologize? I’m not wrong at all!”

Zhang Han hung up and broke the phone.

Then Zhang Han hurriedly went online to read the comments on the Internet. You must know that Li Xiaofeng is a ruthless person. He can’t block Qin Zhong, but in order to make Zhang Han’s back and block Zhang Han, he really can do it.

After seeing those comments on the Internet, Zhang Han collapsed at that time.

“Li Xiaofeng, your garbage Tianyu company wants to cheat me!”

Zhang Han kicked the table fiercely, but in the end Zhang Han compromised.

In any case, apologize online first.

For other things, ask his brokerage company to talk to Tianyu Company. Anyway, Tianyu Company must not be blocked.

“It has been really lively these days.”

Qin Zhong looked at the computer and knew what he said online.

But for Qin Zhong, it really has no effect.

He knew that the box office of “Charlotte Annoyance” would not be bad.

The fact is the same as he thought, Tianyu Company wanted to target Wushuang Company, completely shooting itself in the foot.

“You want to make a movie about social issues. This is a good idea for me! This movie should be a farewell gift to the fans before going to Hollywood!”

Qin Zhong put down a script in his hand.

There are four words written on it, [Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart].

After all, “Charlotte Annoyance” has only been released for half a month, and Qin Zhong has started to shoot the next film. Many reporters are very interested in this film.

But they only know the name of the film and the theme of the discussion of social and family issues.

They don’t know anything else.

Qin Zhong only informed this plan on the Internet, and has not yet started filming.

The early role selection is very important. This is a movie that values ​​the re-acting skills very much.

The movie tells the story of an ordinary family in the 90s, the husband Ma Xuewu is the director of a state-owned enterprise factory, his wife Li Baoli is a hawker on Hanzheng Street, and the two have a son Xiaobao. A corporate housing division allowed the family to move into a new house. Unexpectedly, a series of unexpected changes will follow from the day of the move.

The husband Ma Xuewu filed for divorce, the wife found out that her husband had cheated, and the homeless mother-in-law wanted to move into a new home. Ma Xuewu committed suicide under the blow.

Li Baoli’s friend Xiaojing attributed all the bad luck to the bad feng shui of the new house, calling it “a thousand arrows to pierce the heart”, but the stubborn personality of Li Baoli was unwilling to compromise and was determined to support this home.

Qin Zhong intends to shoot this movie and find talented actors to star in.

Qin Zhong is the kid who intends to play the protagonist in the movie, like Ma Xiaobao was in high school.

After a week, Qin Zhong found all the actors who felt satisfied and prepared to shoot.

The movie needs to be shot in a city that looks a little behind, and it looks like the 90s style.

There are no other requirements, but there are very strict requirements for acting skills.

Qin Zhong sent out all the scripts for the movie, and the company began preparations for shooting.

Now the reporters are beginning to know what the theme of the movie Qin Zhong is about to shoot.

It turned out to be the same type of movie as “Don’t Talk About Wind and Moon”, and Wushuang Company has already defeated Tianyu Company by relying on “Charlotte Trouble”.

If a movie with the same theme as theirs is produced and the box office can stabilize “Don’t Talk About Wind Moon”, then it is not as simple as defeating Tianyu Company, but then slapped them in the face.

The location chosen for the filming of the film was a relatively remote town in Wuhan City. Qin Zhong also had a hard time finding a suitable location for filming.

During the filming period, after all, Qin Zhong played relatively few roles. The main time he played was also in the second half of the film. After Ma Xiaobao grows up, Qin Zhong can play the role of Ma Xiaobao as a student.

Prior to this, Qin Zhong began to work as a director 0 ……..

The whole script has been reworked according to Qin Zhong’s idea, which is more concise and easier to express the theme.

In the first act of the movie, the protagonist Ma Xuewu works as the director of a state-owned enterprise factory. The factory arranges a new residence for Ma Xuewu.

When moving, Li Baoli was cursed downstairs for temporarily increasing the price of workers. Ma Xuewu just stood in the window upstairs and looked down.

Then when they arrived at their new home, the workers began to work. At this time, Ma Xuewu came out to hand out cigarettes, and asked his son Ma Xiaobao to go out and buy a few bottles of soda.

At this time, Ma Baoli came out and scolded Ma Xuewu, causing Ma Xuewu to lose face.

Later, outside the door, the workers all expressed sympathy to Ma Xuewu. No matter how tired they were outside, they would have a considerate wife when they returned home.

How useless like Ma Xuewu.

Because of this incident, the seeds of divorce with Li Baoli were planted in Ma Xuewu’s heart.

“You are not new actors anymore. After reading the script and knowing how to act, let’s start.”

When they came to the shooting location, Qin Zhong said.

The movie started and everything went smoothly.

Li Baoli was very excited because she moved to a new home.

Until the movie was filmed when Ma Xuewu handed cigarettes to the workers and asked her son to go out to buy soda, Li Baoli rushed out to curse Ma Xuewu.

“Stop! You want to show your strong side, you can’t just scold Ma Xuewu a few words, this family has always been your final say, you have to show your aura. You have to behave like a wife scolding and disposing of your husband. Look like.”

Qin Zhong called to stop and said to Li Baoli’s actor.

“Okay, director, I will pay attention.”

Li Baoli’s actor said quickly.

After all, regarding Qin Zhong, they know that the box office of each movie is very high.

What Qin Zhong said is correct.

“Okay, start over.”

The filming continues, this time the actor of Ma Baoli performed well, and this scene was barely finished.

“You did well just now, and you did well. Keep working hard.”

Qin Zhong praised the two actors.

“Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Qin, we will take good shots.”.

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