Chapter 235

Qin Zhong’s hand suddenly patted on the table.


The table actually cracked in the middle.

Is that human being?

At this time, Li Xiaotao, Zhang Yiming, and the bosses of several film and television companies were all frightened by the scene in front of them.

Qin Zhong’s sight slowly swept over these people.

All these people felt a chill.

They resisted the fear inside and tried to pretend to be very calm, but their trembling legs had already betrayed them!

Everyone exclaimed in a low voice.

At this time, both Director Peng and Li Chaofeng can live.

It is unimaginable that a hand can smash the table.

The owner of this restaurant is always Wang Jianlin. This time he is going to receive big guys. Of course, it is very luxurious.

The sofas are made of genuine leather, and the carpets are made of Australian wool.

The thickness of this table is ten centimeters.

Wood is a very hard black iron wood.

Anyone who knows a little bit knows how hard this wood is.

Qin Zhong made such a big noise, Wang Jianlin naturally saw it.

He looked at Qin Zhong with an incredible look, mixed with an expression of admiration.

Li Chaofeng patted the table, just because of his temper.

He regretted it after taking pictures of the table, and now his hand still hurts!

But now Qin Zhong has directly cracked the table. If it wasn’t for the wooden dowels behind it, I’m afraid it would have been rotten at this time.

Although Qin Zhong did not speak at this time, everyone could see it. At this time, Qin Zhong was already very angry.

Peng Lixin also heard what Qin Zhong meant.

He looked at Qin Zhong and took a deep breath.

“Mr. Qin, I am not very clear about the matter between you and Xiaotao. I guess there is some misunderstanding in it! But the misunderstanding between you should be resolved privately. It is not suitable to say on this occasion!” Peng Lixin In this way, it is tantamount to giving Qin Zhong a face!

Li Chaofeng also brought bodyguards today.

But those bodyguards, it is estimated that Qin Zhong will not be able to pass ten tricks.

He had lingering fears, and wanted to curse Qin Zhong, but found that his voice seemed to be clogged with cotton, and he couldn’t say anything.

Xiami Entertainment’s article is always an outspoken guy, and he directly steps forward and says: “It seems that some people really do not do this thing authentically!”

Qin Zhong smiled and said, “Hehe, Peng Ju, I’m sorry, I was a little excited just now!”

“But I’m not targeting you, it’s actually President Li who took the table first, so I couldn’t help but take a shot!”

“President Wang, don’t worry, when the meeting is over, I will let someone accompany you exactly the same!”

Wang Jian Lin Xin waved his hand with lingering fear: “No, we don’t need to be so polite between us, but your hand just now is really amazing! No wonder you are so popular in Hollywood!”

Qin Zhong said: “Then I disagree with your proposal today, what do you plan to do?”

“No, what can’t be done!” Wang Jianlin’s face was still pale, but he was very good at judging the situation, and he immediately began to speak for Qin Zhong.

“I said it’s not easy for people to work hard to build a company!”

“That is, people’s patents are protected by national laws. How can there be a free lunch in this world!”

“If something developed is forced to be used by everyone for free, who is willing to develop technology!”

Unexpectedly, many people immediately stood on Qin Zhong’s side and helped Qin Zhong speak.

Qin Zhong nodded and looked at Wang Jianlin.

“What you said is pretty good, it makes sense!”

Wang Jianlin’s expression of joy, as if being praised by Qin Zhong, is something particularly glorious.

“Well, Xiao Wang, I found that I and you are quite congenial. When you use our patent in the future, I will give you a discount!”

Qin Zhong’s face recovered a bit. Faintly said to Wang Jianlin.

“President Qin, my head is actually quite round, you see, really!” Bo Na’s Yu Dong also stood up and said.

“President Qin, in fact, my daughter has repeatedly said in public that she admires you very much, saying that you are young and talented, but I don’t know if you have a girlfriend!” Zhang Xiaoyang of Sohu Entertainment also opened his mouth and smiled.

A group of people scrambled around Qin Zhong and kept flattering him.

Both Zhang Yiming and Li Xiaotao’s faces turned green.

The few bosses who did not speak were also surprised.

They couldn’t figure it out, but they knew what had been agreed upon, so how could they suddenly turn back?

Unexpectedly, nearly half of the people at the scene suddenly turned to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong saw that more than half of the people present had given it away, so he didn’t dare to make trouble for himself.

He stood up and said, “Then I can go now?”

After speaking, Qin Zhong glanced at Peng Lixin lightly.

I felt the pressure in Qin Zhong’s eyes.

Peng Lixin nodded very unwillingly.

“No problem at all!”

Wang Jianlin and Yu Dong still felt that their posture was not low enough, they got up and bent over and asked: “Mr. Qin, you have to go, let us give you one for you!”

“Haha, no need!” Qin Zhong glanced at them casually, and said meaningfully: “I won’t bother you today, I wish you a happy meal!”

After Qin Zhong left, Li Xiaotao finally couldn’t stand it. He came to a few people and asked loudly, “What’s the matter with you bosses?”

“Didn’t you say that you have a united front?”

When Wang Jianlin looked at Li Xiaotao, he couldn’t help but think of what Qin Zhong said before, and he became more and more contemptuous of Li Xiaotao.

He secretly cursed shamelessly.

Yu Dong began to regret it again. He had known that Qin Zhong had such a deep background and had such a strong ability, he shouldn’t have listened to Li Xiaotao’s words!

If you show good things to Qin Zhong earlier, maybe Qin Zhong will give yourself a discount.

Thinking of this, he said coldly, “Mr. Li, what do you mean?”

“I didn’t say anything just now, what kind of united front, are you trying to force people to give you the things they bought for free?”

“People, you can’t be too shameless!”

“Indeed!” Many people agreed, looking at Li Xiaotao with indignation.

What exactly is going on?

Zhang Yiming’s face was very flat, but his hands trembled slightly, revealing his heart at this time.

They have communicated well before, and these bosses have also promised themselves vowedly.

Could it be said that there is another force behind Qin Zhong that can influence their decision?

Zhang Yiming’s face began to pale when he thought of this. .

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