Chapter 227

Not to mention Qin Zhong’s status in China’s entertainment industry!

Even in Hollywood, Qin Zhong holds the trump card of Weita Special Effects Company in his hand, which is not something anyone can look down upon.

And the attitude of Thors towards Qin Zhong just now was completely superior and dismissive.

He regarded the cooperation between the two people as a charity unilaterally given to Qin Zhong.

It reminds Qin Zhong of the days when he was on the set.

Laozi has worked so hard to come to the present!

Just to see your face?

This is unbearable!

“What do you mean?”

“Do you know who you are rejecting?”

Thors was also stunned when he heard Qin Zhong’s refusal.

No one can refuse the conditions he thought he offered.

Of course, such a high salary is already considered a high price for the Chinese actor Qin Zhong!

Before he came, he did his homework on purpose.

Orlando’s pay in [Pirates of the Caribbean] is five million dollars!

The price of Qin Zhong is 25 million dollars!

I carefully weighed it and gave a price of 30 million yuan, although I believe that no one can dare to offer such a high price except for the rich and powerful Paramount!

Even Leonardo’s pay is only 10 million.

Of course, this is because Qin Zhong’s commercial value is higher. His acting skills make the film and television company feel that he has more plasticity, and his outstanding box office appeal is related to a certain extent.

Thors has studied the two Buhollywood films of Qin Zhong.

[Youth School] and [Pirates of the Caribbean], it turns out that Qin Zhong has one thing in common in these two high-grossing movies, that is, it is irreplaceable, that is, among actors of the same level, there are no actors who can Replace him,

Such scarcity has caused him to become the target of competition among directors!

But he didn’t expect that the people he was optimistic about would be so shameless for himself.

Suddenly several assistants stood up aggressively.

Surrounded Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong’s eyes suddenly became cold.

There was a cold and crazy breath from his whole body, which shocked the hearts of several assistants.

Everyone suddenly remembered the scene that appeared on Conan’s talk show.

Qin Zhong’s eyes made Thors’s heart chill.

But Thors calmed down quickly.

In any case, the other party is just an actor who seeks life from outside,

And he is the president of Hollywood’s number one film and television company.

Although I know that the other party knows martial arts, what about that?

Can the other party do something to someone with his own identity?

You know, even veteran stars such as Xiao Lizi and Will Smith are respectful when they see themselves.

Thors, who had understood in his heart, suddenly had an icy smile on his face.

“I advise you, Hollywood, say it’s not small, say it’s big, it’s not big!”

“You are an actor from China, it is not easy for you to break into Hollywood and achieve the current results!”

“Don’t be confused about the form, you feel amazing after making a movie!”

“It’s no good for you to block the road!”

Thors spit out a few words coldly!

“No sign, take your contract, get out!”

Qin Zhong shook his head.

An unnamed anger in my heart burned.

He regrets now, why should he let this guy in.


He stood up and said to Bai Lili: “Xiaobai, see off the guests!”

Bai Lili couldn’t bear it for a long time, she immediately walked out, looked at a few people coldly, and said, “Several people, please!”

“By the way, take out the cushions that these gentlemen have sat on, and throw them into the garbage!”

“Things that have been touched by rubbish, don’t put them in my home!”

Qin Zhong said lightly.

“Yes!” Bai Lili glared at Thors, who had already exploded in front of her, and smiled: “Are you still going? Are you waiting for me to drive you away?”

Thors was so angry that he vomited blood.

He didn’t expect that he, the boss of a dignified film and television company, would be kicked out.

“Qin Zhong, if you dare to do this to me, it’s just looking for death!”

He staggered out and felt his blood pressure rise somewhat.

“Boss! What shall we do?”

An assistant saw his boss’s face pale!

Asked quickly.

It took a long time for Thors to react.


“I want to block him!”

Thors spit out these words fiercely from his teeth.

“Boss, no!” One of them shook his head.

“Now, the other party is in full swing!” Looking at Thors’s increasingly ugly face. He gritted his teeth and said the rest.

“Even if it is blocked, it is not now. A movie star with a box office revenue of more than one billion will be blocked if it is blocked. The audience has not lost their memory. Maybe Qin Zhong will still play the sympathy card to make the audience feel more sympathetic to him!”

“Okay!” Thors smoked a cigarette. ……..

Calm down.

“I understand what you mean, I just became impulsive!”

He waved his hand. Although he was vomiting blood, he said helplessly: “Forget it, don’t tell anyone what happened today!”

If I let those outside know, my own dignified president,

After watching Thors go away embarrassedly.

A solemn feeling appeared on Qin Zhong’s face.

He had a hunch that Thors would never let it go.

never mind!

Qin Zhong shook his head.

The ones that should come will come.

Even if it is not Thors today, there will be others coming!

After all, this is the world of capital.

Whoever is strong has the right to speak.

I still have to increase my strength as soon as possible.

Qin Zhong squinted his eyes.

Following the secretary all the way, Nolan came to a building.

This is a very luxurious building with a small square in the middle and a fountain.

“This is the new office building that Qin Zhong bought for Weita Corporation!” Nolan couldn’t help but show envy.

This is too embarrassing.

It’s so rare to have a company with lawns and fountains in Hollywood, where the land is so rich!

Nolan brought his own information, and soon saw Qin Zhong.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, it’s really not easy to see you!” Nolan said in a bit of a whisper.

When Qin Zhong saw the person in front of him, he was also shocked.

“Director Nolan?”

“How could it be you?”

“If it’s you, just give you my number directly!”

Qin Zhong knows Nolan, he used to film the Batman series of movies.

Applauded and well-known, he is also a well-known commercial film director in Hollywood.

Nolan smiled bitterly and said: “You don’t know how popular you are now, and I am more than the director waiting to see you!”

[Pirates of the Caribbean] is very popular. Although it has only been in theaters for a few days, Qin Zhong’s life has changed a lot. Major film and television companies have thrown olive branches on Qin Zhong.

With the explosion of Qin Zhong’s popularity, it has entered the field of vision of thousands of people, and of course the major producers will fix their eyes on Qin Zhong.

At least for the next one to two years, no one will have such a big box office appeal as Qin Zhong.

So Nolan is not sure whether he can invite Qin Zhong to star in his movie.

“Well, let’s talk about the script!”.

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