Chapter 223

The whole movie is based on humorous and funny, interspersed with all kinds of fighting, horror, and magnificent wars, and because of the absurd performance of Qin Zhong, the laughter is very dense.

After the whole movie was over, the audiences had never closed their mouths.

Roger is still thinking about how to write film reviews.

Although Will’s performance was a little mediocre, he also completed his role perfectly.

However, Qin Zhong’s performance of this type was extremely popular with the audience.

As a commercial film, the audience on the scene has been laughing, no doubt it does not prove their success.

For those audiences, they lack those professional perspectives. Maybe the film lacks connotation or depth, but they feel that the protagonist is too individual. The plot is also a climax after a climax, which is enough. NS.

“We had to fight… and run away!”

Jack had a disappointed expression on his face: “Couldn’t any of you save me just because you missed me?”

(Everyone looked at each other, and finally the monkey named Jack raised his hand…)


“Maybe you can kill me, but you can never insult me, who am I? I am Jack Sparrow!”

The audience was completely immersed in the world of Jack Sparrow.

Every character here is so flesh and blood, and every character is completely different from other movies!

Captain Jack ran away if he couldn’t fight.

Not only did it not disgust the audience, but the audience instantly fell in love with the role.

In other heroic movies, they all have the same image.

They are heroes and martial arts, handsome and invincible, and their eyes are shining with wisdom. What they say is very similar to the content of textbooks. When they face the enemy, they are full of bitter and deep hatred. Rarely, like Jack, if he fails to fight, he will immediately turn his head.

Jack is completely different from other heroes. His hair is messy and his skin is rough by the sea breeze. What he cares most about is his hat. He walked around, twisted and twisted, and painted smoky makeup.

But it was such a captain, but he was always able to overcome the danger, and at the most critical moment, he rushed to his enemy without fear!

The movie was over, but none of the audience left,

They all stood up, everyone applauded and shouted.


“Captain Jack, you are awesome!”

“It’s the best movie I have ever seen!”

“Qin Zhong, come on!…”

As the final shots fell, Gore took Qin Zhong and Keira and other leading actors onto the stage prepared by the organizer, and everyone lined up one by one.

Facing everyone’s applause, the group of them bowed deeply.

Throughout the cinema, the ribbons fluttered, and their premiere was a success.

All the actors are standing on the stage, and some of them have wet eyes.

When the filming of their movie started, except for those diehard fans, everyone disliked them. Even their big boss, Disney, often put pressure on them to clean up their expenses so that they could help the next movie. Give Way.

In those days, the starring actors of the movie sighed secretly.

In a blink of an eye it was only twenty days, their premiere day. The seats are full, and they are still standing here, receiving the applause and flowers from so many audiences!

This feeling of approaching destruction and then reaching the top again… it’s so cool.

There are many actors who have never received so much applause.

At the end of their previous movie premieres, the audience left very quickly.

The most is to applaud sparsely, then turn around and leave.

Worried watching now, the whole movie theater is boiling,

The applause was thunderous and did not dissipate for a long time. Even the invited stars and film critics kept applauding.

And those film critics also began to applaud silently.

Gore’s body was slightly before.

That is he was too excited.

He knew that he finally achieved success, a huge success, and all of this was because Qin Zhong used his own way to interpret this alternative hero!

After working hard for such a long time, and now finally got the affirmation of those audiences, Gore finally landed on the stone in his heart.

Gore’s expression of ecstasy.

Qin Zhong next to Gore has already captured the audience’s reaction.

Although I had guessed it a long time ago, it seemed that he didn’t want to be like Gore’s ecstasy, but the look of relief on his face could not be concealed.

The audience in the audience is still calling Qin Zhong’s name!

At this time, seeing the audience in the movie theater, Gore suddenly choked up and didn’t know what to say.

The host handed the microphone to Gore. The guy looked at countless pairs of eyes staring at him, and had to suffocate one sentence: “Three kess!”

Qin Zhong thought that Gore had prepared a lot of words to be sensational!

The result is over in one sentence!

After Gore finished speaking, he took the actors and bowed deeply!

Every actor is excited and confident.

When all the actors bowed, applause rang out again.

“Today’s premiere is over, I hope to bring you a pleasant experience watching the drama, thank you for your support, and wish you all a happy life!”

The curtain fell slowly.

The audience reluctantly left.

There are also many stars who will appear on the stage tonight. There are also many people in the industry.

All Disney executives prepared a party to entertain the stars who came to the premiere, the company executives and the crew.

After the producer’s simple opening speech, the guests can move around freely and talk about various topics as they like.

Of course, their topics are all about this movie.

“For the box office forecast? Oh. You know, I have always been very conservative. Before I thought it was about 300 million US dollars. I can barely make money back!”

“But after watching this movie, I think it’s best to get around 700 million yuan!”

It is the CEO of the investment agency of this movie.

He already had no hope for this movie. Everyone knew before that Qin Zhong was going to use a “weird” way to interpret the protagonist, but the director of Gore actually agreed.

But at this time, seeing the audience’s performance, is it actually pretty good?

A middle-aged man with blond hair came over anxiously and found a staff member.

“I want to meet your lead actor Mr. Qin Zhong!”.

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