Chapter 216

Chapter 216 The Director Digging A Hole

“Jackson, what are you doing?” Qin Zhong couldn’t figure out why Jackson, who was originally a gentleman, showed a misunderstanding look.

This is too easy to cause misunderstanding!

“Why didn’t I think about it!” Jackson finally woke up from the trance~.

Suddenly patted his thigh, and yelled excitedly.

“Hey, I have a very suitable candidate, but this person is a magnificent Oscar actor, superb acting, long and handsome, and the skill is first-rate. It is simply the best candidate to play Legolas!”

“Oh? There are such people!” Qin Zhong was also very happy.

“It’s just that this person is very unpleasant. The key is that he has money. He doesn’t care about the size of the role and the salary, and what he plays is purely based on his own interests. I guess this person will not be invited!” After speaking, Jackson sighed.

Qin Zhong raised his eyebrows: “Who did you pull like this?”

The screenwriter Mike next to him was drinking water, and the water spouted out with a chuckle.

“It’s far in the sky, right in front of you!” Mike finally stopped his cough and pointed to Qin Zhong.

Everyone in the whole room laughed.

Qin Zhong now understands what they mean. Feelings are digging holes for themselves.

Qin Zhong couldn’t help but get a black line when he thought of playing the fairy prince. “Legolas is such a beautiful man who doesn’t eat fireworks, I can’t act that kind of temperament!”

Jackson patted his chest, raised his head and said: “Don’t worry about this, your facial features are very handsome, but your hair color and ears are slightly changed! I promise you can fascinate the women of country M. No way!”

The screenwriter also said: “Mr. Qin, we really can’t find such a good image as you, so please promise us! Anyway, it’s just a few days’ worth of scenes!”

“Mr. Qin Zhong, although you are an investor, your temperament and image are simply too similar to Legolas!”

In the face of Jackson’s praise, Qin Zhong’s black line.

I just came to invest some money and monitor the progress of their crew by the way. How could I become an elf prince?

Next, the screenwriter, director, and deputy director of this movie all stood up very excitedly.

Their eyes were locked tightly on Qin Zhong’s body.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, you know, I originally wanted to find a very handsome actor. It’s better to have superb acting skills and a little bit of martial arts, but you know, the role of this role is not very good, those acting skills Superb young actors, all of whom have eyes above the top, how can they play a small role!”

Hearing Jackson say this, Qin Zhong finally understood that Jackson had not found the reason for Legolas.

“Mr. Qin, please promise us. If this movie does not have you, it is estimated that there will be fewer female audiences!” Jackson is also a straight boy, and he will open his mouth if he says anything.

The black thread on Qin Zhong’s end, feelings have turned into a vase?

And the one responsible for attracting female audiences?

Qin Zhong had to say, “I will think about it!”

“What are you thinking about, this role is simply you!”

Director Jackson’s small eyes slyly circled Qin Zhong.

The next day, [Lord of the Rings] started up in Los Angeles with a low profile.

Except for some passersby watching the excitement, not a single reporter came.

After all, this is a movie invested by Chinese people, and people outside are very dissatisfied with this movie.

There was no opening ceremony for the movie in Country M, so the shooting started quietly.

On the day of the boot, Qin Zhong paid for it out of his own pocket, and invited the entire crew to a five-star restaurant for a meal.

Jackson found a very experienced makeup artist for Qin Zhong.

The makeup artist came to Qin Zhong and then began to apply makeup to Qin Zhong.

It took more than three hours to complete Qin Zhong’s makeup.

Looking at myself in the mirror. Qin Zhong couldn’t help but froze.

Immediately Qin Zhong shook his head and said, “Teacher of makeup, your methods are really superb!”

At this time, the heroine of the movie, Liv, walked in and couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Oh my God, this is too handsome!”

Standing in front of everyone at this time, Legolas, with yellow hair and pointed ears, was unmatched in handsomeness. When you see him, you can’t think about whether he is a righteous gentleman or an evil villain.

He just stands there, and you will want to be with him forever.

The so-called survivorship and independence is probably like this!

If it’s his eyes, if you look at you more, you will fall in love with him completely.

0 ········Find flowers···


The thing in Liv’s hand fell to the ground.

In this world, there are really handsome and flawless men!

“Liv, what’s the matter with you?” Kate, who plays the fairy queen, stared at Liv unkindly.

Feeling her gaffe, Liv said incoherently: “I’m sorry, the first time I saw Mr. Qin just now, I was a little gaffe!”

Kate also said: “To be honest, it’s the first time I get along with Mr. Qin. I originally thought that a rich man like Mr. Qin must have a bad temper and super arrogant, but I didn’t expect that he would be so easy to get along with!”

On this day, the crew is filming a highlight.

As a fantasy movie, the fighting scenes are naturally indispensable.

But today’s filming is a bit different.

Qin Zhong is going to make gestures to the air. Of course, the special effects company of the small tower in the later period will add various monsters and demons to the front of Qin Zhong.

But now, Qin Zhong only needs to perform a martial arts in front of the air.

The crew paid much attention to this section, and invited a martial arts instructor to teach Qin Zhong a complete set of movements.

The martial arts instructor was from the Chen family. Van Loon brought a lot of martial arts instructors when he broke into Hollywood. At that time, the entire Hollywood was fascinated by these Chinese kung fu, so Van Loon and Li Lianjie were in A lot of Kung Fu movies were also shot during that time.

But Lao Mei’s money is not easy to make.

The clever old beauty quickly figured it out. Instead of spending a lot of money to invite Chinese martial arts stars to act, it is better to use less money to hire martial arts instructors, so that they can save a lot of money, and the protagonist can become their own favorite white person, killing two birds with one stone. why not!

The people from the Chen family stayed under such circumstances.

After a few martial arts instructors made a little gesture, Qin Zhong quickly mastered a complete set of movements.

“Qin, people often say that you Chinese are all kung fu, now I really take it, your movements are more beautiful than those guided by martial arts!” Jackson said.

During this time, Qin Zhong got used to it, anyway, Jackson was used to flattering Qin Zhong when he had nothing to do.

Qin Zhong was still a little uncomfortable at the beginning, but after a long time, he didn’t care anymore. Ding.

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