Chapter 209

at noon.

Qin Zhong came to a five-star hotel.

Wu Jing, Xu Zhen, Lin Tao, Sun Qi and others are all here.

After seeing these people, Qin Zhong said with a smile: “Brother Wu, Brother Xu, Director Lin, Director Sun, you big guys want to invite me to dinner, I’m a little actor simply flattered!”

“Little actor?” Wu Jing couldn’t help but said: “You go find me a little actor worth tens of billions, and show me a little actor who has an Oscar actor!”

“Also, who said we invited this meal? You are the boss of Tangtang [Wushuang] film and television company, and the new boss of Weita special effects company. Your half-day income is worth our hum It’s been a year, I don’t need to tell who will invite this meal!” Xu Zhen also said with a smile.

“Let me please!” Qin Zhong said with a smile: “My boss is also a bad heart, but I can invite the four of you in the film and television industry, most people really don’t have my chance!”

Xu Zhen ordered the food, and then said sternly, “Well, we are here today to solve the problem, Xiao Qin, we have heard about you!”

“We are here today to help you solve this problem!” Sun Qi’s voice was not high, but when he spoke, everyone stopped and looked at him.

Lin Tao continued: “We have already contacted many people, and they will put pressure on people from the Film and Television Bureau!”

Qin Zhong was moved in his heart.

“thank you all”

Lin Tao said: “Actually, this matter is just the beginning. Qin Zhong, your current [Wushuang] film and television company has had too much influence and moved some people’s cakes. But they have done it too badly. We I will definitely support you!”

While talking, the waiter brought the dishes.

Qin Zhong took a sip of wine and said, “Actually, I have thought of a solution to this matter, but I still have to thank you for helping me in this way!”

Xu Zhen said: “I really don’t know what the guys in the Film and Television Bureau think. There is an Oscar actor from another country, who is guarded like a baby. In the end, he came to us, let alone regarded as a baby, but I have to be suppressed by those people. ¨!”

Sun Qi said: “So we have to escort these young people, and we must not let those people succeed!”

Several people were moved.

“Qin Zhong, although our strength is not strong, we all have the same goal, that is to support you!”

“Thank you for your support,” Qin Zhong said: “If you help me like this, what am I afraid of?”

“I heard that Director Peng of the Film and Television Bureau is not in good health. He was hospitalized again this time?”

Sun Qi nodded and said, “Yes, Director Peng is also very old. This time he was hospitalized, and everything in the Film and Television Bureau was left to Li Chaofeng!”

Said this, Sun Qi frowned.

“I have already greeted my friend Liu Xinda. He is the deputy director of the Film and Television Bureau, but he is relatively young!”

Qin Zhong thought about it in his heart.

“How many years has Li Chaofeng worked in the Film and Television Bureau?”

Sun Qi said: “He has been working for more than 30 years, and he has been in the position of director of the audit department for seven or eight years!”

Qin Zhong clenched his fist secretly.

“Hehe, he has stayed in this position for too long!”

Qin Zhong gradually narrowed his eyes.

If Li Chaofeng is allowed to stay in this position, then the TV series and movies produced by [Wu Shuang] film and television company in the future will be affected to a certain extent!

The gate of China Film and Television Bureau.

Wang Jie was a little worried.

And Li Chaofeng sneered even more, a small [Wushuang] film and television company, what can it do?

Isn’t it just that he has made a few decent TV series, and it’s amazing to know some stars. Does he really have any backstage?

“Minister Li!”

When Wang Jie saw Li Chaofeng’s expression, he was a little angry.

“What’s the problem with our TV series? As for you, you can’t get along with our company?”

Li Chaofeng’s face was a little embarrassed.

This guy,

Are you going to tear your skin?

He has never given the other party a clear answer, just wanting Qin Zhong to come out in person, and then humiliate the other party well.

However, since their employees are so impatient!

A luxurious car stopped at the door of the Film and Television Bureau.

Wang Jie’s eyes lit up, and he trot over.

Qin Zhong got out of the car.

“Xiaojie, it’s okay, it’s just a clown, don’t care!”

Li Chaofeng’s face sank again.

He did not expect that Qin Zhong would dare to scold him in person!

“What do you mean?”

“Qin Zhong, how many years have I been in this position? Do you think I will deliberately oppose you?”

“Young man, you have to consider the consequences when you speak!”

Qin Zhong sneered.

“Consider the consequences? What are the consequences? What else can you do to me?”

“You really think that I’m in the mud, the things you do behind my back, you think I don’t know, “Langya List” has been under pressure for more than a month, when do you plan to review it”

Li Chaofeng’s face sank.

“`” It’s your turn for the work of our film and television bureau? How many TV series have been sent to us for review? Who do you think you are, everything is up to the rules! ”

“Something has to come first, first come first, there are too many best films, I guess it will take a while!”

Qin Zhong said directly: “Okay, since this is the case, you give me an answer, when will you be able to review it? Can you give an accurate date? It also saves our company employees running to you every day, yours Time is also very tight, isn’t it?”

Li Chaofeng immediately enlisted.

He wanted to keep dragging,

But unexpectedly, in just one morning, he received more than a dozen calls.

There are big stars in the film and television circles, emerging directors, as well as the directors and ministers of TV stations!

One or two alone, maybe Li Chaofeng can ignore it.

But these ten (Zhao Zhao) people, together put pressure on Li Chaofeng!

This influence is great.

“According to the current progress, let’s talk after September!”

Li Chaofeng said impatiently.

He wanted to drag.

But today he discovered that there are so many people fighting for Qin Zhong.

Li Chaofeng couldn’t figure out that those people are neither shareholders of [Wushuang] Film and Television Company, and they have no interest in Qin Zhong. Why should they help Qin Zhong?

“Moreover, if there is any problem in the review, you have to take it back and modify it until it can be passed!”

Looking at Qin Zhong, who was undaunted in front of him, Li Chaofeng couldn’t help but said.

He looked at Qin Zhong with straight eyes.

Qin Zhong, aren’t you very relevant?

I want to watch it. I just want to hold your TV series, so that you can’t broadcast it. I think what you can do?

Even if you offend those people, what can you do? .

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