Chapter 206

“What? Cannes Film Festival? I won’t go!”

“The host is kindly invited?”

“Forget it, tell them, I understand their kindness, but I’m really too busy!”


Now, not only Zhang Yiming, but even He Haiyang couldn’t listen anymore~.

“It’s really bragging!”

“Cannes is nothing? Then those of us who can’t get to Cannes-are so busy!”

“Director Zhang, don’t be angry!”

Zhang Yiming’s face was dark, and he didn’t speak.

In fact, Qin Zhong really didn’t mean to pretend.

After he returned to China, he was really busy.

Besides, there are too many foreign awards. There are too many awards issued by Hollywood every year.

In Qin Zhong’s eyes, he didn’t bother to participate in the Cannes, Golden Globes, other than the Oscars that deserved attention.

In the eyes of the people of Country M, only those who have won an Oscar dare to claim to be the actor and queen.

Others are not very important.

It was a very ordinary sentence, but it was particularly harsh when it fell into the ears of other people.

Zhang Yiming just shortlisted for the Cannes Film Festival this year…

Whether he can win the prize or not may be, the people around him have already praised him to the sky.

As a result, I heard such words,

Immediately he couldn’t help but sarcastically said: “I really can’t think of when the Cannes Film Festival can’t be so uncomfortable!”

He Haiyang said with a smile: “Forget it, Yiming. You are also a famous director anyway, why bother about it?”

Zhang Yiming’s smile was vicious.

“I want to see, who dares to be so awesome!”

After a while, a young man of about 27 or 18 years old came, wearing a suit. He walked up to Qin Zhong, took a look at Qin Zhong, and said very politely, “How are you sir?”

“Our boss wants to see you!”

“Your boss?”

Qin Zhong wears a mask and sits on a chair.

Didn’t move.

“Our boss, his surname is Zhang, and his full name is Zhang Yiming!” The man said very politely.

Qin Zhong’s expression changed slightly.

It turned out to be Zhang Yiming. Qin Zhong didn’t bother to go, but it’s not bad to know more directors from China. Just think of teaching a friend.

Qin Zhong thought to himself.


When he walked over, he saw Zhang Yiming and looked at himself with a smile.

Next to Zhang Yiming, there was an old man who was in his fifties, with gray hair and a different temperament. He had a peaceful smile on his face, and he was a very kind old man.

After Qin Zhong sat down, the old man poured Qin Zhong a cup of tea.

“Director Zhang, hello, long admiring the name!” Although the other party is a very famous director in China, Qin Zhong still greeted him neither humble nor arrogant.

“Who is this?”

Qin Zhong asked.

“Hehe, you just call me how good it is!” He Haiyang said with a smile.

Qin Zhong did not expect to be sitting on the same plane with Zhang Yiming.

But apart from the initial surprise, Qin Zhong didn’t feel any more.

And he keenly felt that Zhang Yiming was not very friendly to him, his eyes were fixed on him tightly.

“Hey, you are Qin Zhong!”

He Luoluo was the first to recognize Qin Zhong.

The first reaction in Zhang Yiming’s mind was: “Fuck, it turned out to be Qin Zhong!”

No wonder he even pushed down the Cannes Film Festival.

He is a serious Oscar actor.

Originally wanted to laugh at Qin Zhong, he finished all the drafts.

Don’t hold it in your stomach now, you can’t send it out at all.

Suddenly Zhang Yiming’s face was red and white.

“Hehe, Xiao Qin, you are more handsome than the one in the movie, no wonder my daughter praises you for being handsome every day!”

The girl next to He Haiyang was very excited after seeing Qin Zhong.

“Brother Qin, I am your fan, and I have watched every one of your movies!” the girl proactively said.

“Hello!” Although it is not clear why Zhang Yiming called himself over.

But Qin Zhong knew that the old man in front of him, even Zhang Yiming’s attitude towards him was very respectful.

But his identity should be unusual.

“Introduce, my daughter, He Luoluo, has been spoiled by me since she was a child!”

“Brother Qin, can you sign for me?” He Luoluo’s eyes are full of stars!

As soon as he saw Qin Zhong, He Luoluo’s eyes stuck tightly to Qin Zhong’s body.

Qin Zhong has become accustomed to this look.


Qin Zhong has been polite and polite. For his fans, Qin Zhong’s attitude has always been very patient.

0 ········Find flowers···

“Thank you, Qin Zhong!”

He Luoluo was happy as if he had planted a lottery ticket, jumping three times.

“Brother Qin, I am still a small group leader in your fan group!”

He Luoluo proudly announced.

However, before the little girl could say a few words, He Haiyang drove her away.

He Haiyang talked with Qin Zhong happily, and Qin Zhong answered neither humble nor overbearing.

“Qin Zhong, you won the Oscar actor, and you also starred in Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean”. This is a big face for us in China!”

“In the future, we will rely on you for the culture of China!”

Zhang Yiming snorted coldly and said, “Boy, you’re lucky, this is the head of our China Cultural Department, He Haiyang!”

.. ……. …….

What surprised Qin Zhong was that the very kind-looking old man facing him turned out to be the Minister of the Ministry of Culture and China. It is no wonder that Zhang Yiming has such an attitude.

He Haiyang is typical self-familiar.

He and Qin Zhong started chatting.

After He Luoluo was driven away, He Haiyang stared straight at Qin Zhong and said: “Qin Zhong, you are now a celebrity on the Internet. I heard that your fans have already moved from here on the Yangtze River. The first row goes to the other side of the Yangtze River!”

For He Haiyang’s praise, Qin Zhong waved his hands very modestly.

He Haiyang has nothing to do with himself, he must have a purpose.

“What I do are trivial things, it’s not worth mentioning!” Qin Zhong was neither humble nor overbearing.

Zhang Yiming nodded and said, “I heard that you still want to invest in The Lord of the Rings?”

Qin Zhong looked at Zhang Yiming.

Surprisingly said: “I called just now, you heard all this far away?”

Then he said: “Actually, the investment in “Lord of the Rings” is not particularly large. The main thing is that the special effects are too expensive and belong to the kind that can burn money…”

As soon as he finished saying this, Zhang Yiming smiled.

Qin Zhong looked at Zhang Yiming with a black face.

This old guy.

What’s the meaning?

I laughed at myself before saying that I could not go to the Cannes Film Festival. It was too pretense.

It’s better to stop the joke and invest in “Lord of the Rings” yourself. Want to lose money?

“”Lord of the Rings”?”

He Haiyang was obviously shocked. Ding.

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