Chapter 203

Qin Zhong said goodbye to everyone in the crew one by one.

Many sets in the crew have already begun to be disassembled.

Qin Zhong thinks about it now, and there is nothing left. For him, when he is an actor, he only needs to do his job well.

After simply eating the breakfast provided by the crew, Qin Zhong was about to leave the island of Hawaii.

Gore said regretfully, “Qin Zhong, I really hope you can stay in Country M for a few more days!”

“I really can’t bear you anymore!”

Qin Zhong laughed and said, “Director, you are a man, and you say you can’t bear me, I’m going to fight a cold war!”

Gore smiled and hugged Qin Zhong and said, “But it’s okay, there is still a chance next time!”

The film has been finalized, and the original film has been handed over to the team behind the scenes for editing, dubbing, and special effects shots!

Once “Pirates of the Caribbean” is approved everywhere, it will be released soon.

At that time, Qin Zhong, as the main creative staff, must also come back to do enough publicity.

And Disney’s executives attach great importance to this film, and they decided to release it on a global scale.

At that time, Qin Zhong, as the main creative staff, will naturally come back to Country M in 2008, and follow the movie to promote it everywhere.

Of course, they will not go everywhere, but will symbolically choose some more prosperous cities to promote.

According to Gore’s estimation, there should be almost a month before it can be staged.

Gore said: “At that time, the company will also arrange for you to appear on some variety shows to help promote this movie, don’t you have any comments!”

Qin Zhong asked: “What show are you on?”

Gore said: “It’s a talk show, the show of veteran host Kelan O’Brien!”

The talk show is one of the few variety shows that the star of Country M will choose before the movie is released.

Qin Zhong naturally expressed his willingness to cooperate.

Gore and Qin Zhong determined the time for the movie to be promoted.

After talking about these things, logically Gore should also leave.

But don’t know why, Gore has not left, but has been hesitating, as if something is hard to tell.

Qin Zhong was a little confused, and then asked, “Gore, what else do you have?”

Gore suppressed the smile on his face and became worried.

“Mr. Qin, my good friend Jackson, recently had a very bold idea!”

“Since he is a friend of Director Gore, he should also be a director!” Qin Zhong said.

“Yes!” Gore gave a bitter smile: “Jackson is a very good director. I can guarantee that he is going to make a movie recently, “The Lord of the Rings”!”

“”Lord of the Rings”?” Qin Zhong suddenly became interested, but he still looked at Gore with a “doubtful” look, and said: “Gore, the world structure of this book is very majestic. If you want to restore it You can imagine the difficulty of the world in the book!”

“So my friend, Jackson spent four years and didn’t persuade those Hollywood investors to invest in this movie!”

“This project will not go on soon, and it will go bankrupt!”

Gore said worriedly.

When Qin Zhong heard the three words “Lord of the Rings”, he was already surprised.

He was still thinking about leading the [Wushuang] company to the world.

Unexpectedly, when the doze came, someone would give pillows.

This is simply a surprise.

“It seems that this is really not easy!” Qin Zhong took a deep look at Gore and said.

Gore sighed and said, “Actually, I just came here today with the idea of ​​giving it a try. I know that Mr. Qin, you have your own film and television company in China, and your strength is also very strong. If you can invest in this movie If you do, I believe that this movie will not disappoint.”

After Gore finished speaking, he looked at Qin Zhong tightly, afraid that Qin Zhong would say something to refuse.

Qin Zhong nodded, and then said, “I know, Jackson is indeed a very good director!”

In fact, Qin Zhong is silently calculating how much profit “Lord of the Rings” can bring to his company.

“Yes. He is indeed a very good director! Unfortunately, many investors are not optimistic about him.” A trace of worry flashed in Gore’s eyes.

A few days ago, he received a call from Jackson.

On the other end of the phone, Jackson drank a lot of wine, called him, and yelled at Hollywood’s Ansi investors.

And said that they have no vision.

After speaking, Jackson began to curse, and said some very bad things.

“This movie is like my child. From the time I wanted to make this movie, I spent too much energy!”

“I have modified the character and dialogue of each character in the countless nights of the past four years. The first thing I thought about when I got up in the morning was how to make the story more attractive.”

“When I was creating the script, I worked 19 hours a day, and every dialogue of the characters in it! I read it over and over again by myself!”

“For many continents, I have made thousands of ideas. Everything about them is in my mind. It can be said that “Lord of the Rings” will definitely be a very, very good work!”

“I can’t think of such a good work, why no one wants it!”

“If this is the case, I would rather…”

Gore and Jackson are very good friends.

He really can’t bear to see his old friend, you get frustrated.

“Mr. Qin, would you like to invest in this movie?”

Gore asked seriously.

“I have two questions!” Qin Zhong said.

Although his heart has directly issued the decision to invest in this movie.

But before again, he still has to make sure.

“First of all, I want to ask, there are tens of thousands of billionaires in country M. Why did you choose to let me be a Chinese person to invest in this movie?”

“Second, in the country M market, is there a special effects company powerful enough to complete the magnificent world in “Lord of the Rings”?”

You know, the Shire Manor, the Elf Kingdom, and the Dark City in “The Lord of the Rings” have various scenes, all of which are very complicated!

And because “Lord of the Rings” is also a very successful literary work, it means that if the special effects are not done well, it will immediately be criticized and cursed by a large number of fans!

Gore thought for a while and said, “You can rest assured about this!”

“Special effects company. We have already found a special effects company called Weita. They have enough strength to produce the problems you mentioned!”.

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