Chapter 199

Below Qin Zhong’s Weibo has become a large-scale PS site.

There are even many fans who have made cute cartoon images.

Even Liu Yuxi couldn’t help it @了 Qin Zhong.

“You captain looks so cute! The blindfold is actually studded with diamonds!”

“Don’t mention it! It’s all from the fans PS!”

Qin Zhong has become accustomed to his fans not playing cards according to their routines.

Seeing that his fans support him so much, Qin Zhong also secretly made a decision that he must make a good movie and definitely not let his fans down!

In the morning of the next day, Qin Zhong got out of bed and started to make styling before four o’clock.

It took four full hours for the three stylists to get Qin Zhong’s styling right.

When Qin Zhong’s styling was finished, other actors came to the scene one after another.

“Does Qin Zhong’s acting skills work?”

“I’ve seen “Youth Pie, who has so many fans?”

Unlike the previous film production staff and many Asians, this movie is completely

The story of “Pirates of the Caribbean” takes place in the legendary Caribbean Sea where pirates are infested. The background of the story is about 1720-1750. This mysterious sea is located in the southeast of North America, where the blue sea and blue sky, and the sun are shining brightly.

And here is the place where the European business fleet must pass to America.

Jack Burrow is a young pirate active in the Caribbean. He has his own “Black Pearl” pirate ship. For him, the most comfortable thing is for the driver “Black Pearl” to roam freely in the Caribbean Sea and looting the passing ships by the way.

But these leisurely days are over. Pirate leader Barbosa deceived Jack, and even the Black Pearl was stolen.

This pirate ship used to be a transport ship under the East India Company. The young Jack was the captain of the ship. But when he found out that the goods being transported were black slaves, Jack released the black slaves and his ship was Burned and sank to the bottom of the water, and Jack himself was arrested, branded with the word P representing pirates, and imprisoned.

Barbossa used to be the first mate on this ship. Because of the things that Jie had done, Barbossa looked down on Jack very much, thinking that he was not worthy to be a pirate, and the beam of two people was forged!

Although Barbossa used conspiracy and tricks to obtain the Black Pearl, he was cursed. On the night of the full moon, Barbossa and their crew became skeletons.

Even the black pearl became ghostly.

Turner, the loyal crew member killed by them, said in his last words that they must return the gold coins, otherwise they can only be the living dead for a lifetime.

In order to unravel the curse, Barbosa, who has become a skeleton, kidnapped Elizabeth, the governor’s daughter, who mistakenly thought that Elizabeth’s Turner was the offspring.

In order to leave the beloved girl, Wiltner, played by Orlando, finds Captain Jack in jail.

Two bold people hit it off.

The two of them decided to cooperate, one for their own Black Pearl and the other for their beloved girl, and they stole the fastest Royal Interceptor. Their driver “Intercept. ¨” chased the Black Pearl!

The whole story is very exciting.

After reading the script, Qin Zhong has sketched out the general image of Captain Jack in his heart. ”

What he needs is a unique pirate, completely beyond the inherent imagination of the audience.

He is completely different from the heroes of the traditional academic school. He is covered in countless small problems. Maybe such Sparrow will not become an idol of people, but it can resonate in the hearts of the audience.

Look, this hero is completely different, he is also righteous and evil, and sometimes seems a little timid and fearful, and his strength is erratic, but he is also resourceful!

In a critical juncture, he can always come forward and defeat the enemy.

The entire crew is now a busy and confused scene.

Since this story took place in the 17th century, and it also contained magical elements, the people in charge of costumes and props were also very busy.

Among these people, some are normal people in modern outfits, and many more are people in weird outfits.

As a distance, Barbosa and his men will transform into skeletons from time to time. Bones are also indispensable.

After several major actors arrived at the scene, it was discovered that Qin Zhong had already come very early.

Suddenly showed a very strange look.

In fact, as Qin Zhong is now the actor, he doesn’t need to come so early.

Having said that, although he has many scenes, he can arrange the scenes according to his own time. Many big-name Hollywood actors have this privilege. They adjust the scenes according to their own schedules, and even concentrate all the scenes of different scenes in one day. The shooting is completed, and other things are done in the next schedule.

The other actors had no choice but to wait.

Qin Zhong didn’t think so much, so he just chatted with them casually, and it was a bit familiar in advance.

At the beginning, everyone knew that Qin Zhong was the actor, and there were many fans who didn’t know Qin Zhong at all.

Thinking about new actors like Kayla is even more nervous.

But soon after talking with Qin Zhong, they discovered that Qin Zhong was very charming when acting, even, but when the scene was over,

Everyone was originally a young man, and soon let go.

Looking at the painted makeup, Qin Zhong couldn’t help but feel a little stunned, and then said with a smile: “`” Solo, it’s fine if you get me four gold teeth, but I’m also a macho man, you actually gave it to me. Painted smoky makeup! ”

Solo was doing the final finishing touches for him, and smiled and said: “As long as your eyes are too evil and you are so handsome, if I change to another person, I would not dare to paint like this. They all achieved (Zhao’s) less than your effect!”

Qin Zhong took a closer look, and indeed the smoky makeup seemed more in line with Captain Jack’s temperament.

He raised Lanhua’s fingers and walked out slowly.

The actors outside were already chatting there, and when they saw Qin Zhong going out, they couldn’t help being stunned.

I saw a small dirty whip on the opposite side of the visitor, dark skin tanned by the sea breeze, tattoos on his body, and smoky makeup.

He seemed to be squeezed as he walked.

The evil spirit’s face again carried the cunning and greed of the pirates, and his eyes were full of calculation, and after a while he exuded all kinds of tenderness!

Director Gore clapped his hands and said with admiration: “This fits perfectly with Captain Jack in my mind!”

Orlando also looked at Jack and said, “Captain, you are so charming! I saw from your eyes that you are the captain who loves the ocean and is cynical.” Li.

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