Chapter 189

Hu Ge couldn’t help but said: “You are the male number one? What do you pretend to be? I am also here to interview the male number one!”

“Everyone sits on an equal footing. Why are you so arrogant before you go to the audition?”

“Yes, maybe who is the male number one!”

Wang Kai couldn’t help but said something.

Li Xiaotao said coldly: “Just because I am Li Xiaotao of Tianyu Entertainment! My mother is the chairman of Tianyu Entertainment!”

Based on these, these people here are not worthy to stand with him.

Suddenly, the faces of Hu Ge and others changed rapidly.

Although Hu Ge has acted in many good TV series in recent years, it is a pity that he was born in an ordinary family.

As for Wu Xiaolei and Wang Kai, their backgrounds are similar, so in Li Xiaotao’s eyes, these people are farmers themselves!

Not only did Li Xiaotao look down on Hu Ge and the others, but also most of the people in this crew.

Moreover, Li Xiaotao came to this TV series because on the one hand, the recent TV series produced by the [Wu Shuang] film and television company have relatively good reviews, and there is a possibility of a big explosion in their TV series. On the other hand, he is aimed at playing Nihuang. The county lord’s actress Liu Yuxi is here!

When Li Xiaotao came to the crew, a large part of it was directed at Liu Yuxi, so he saw Liu Yuxi also come to this dressing room just now. Of course, he had to clear out all the “miscellaneous people”.

And Li Xiaotao dared to do this, and he was not afraid that other people would not want it!

“I’m going to you!”

“You Li Xiaotao, what’s so great about you!”

Everyone scolded like this, but after all, it was a dwarf in arrogance.

After all, Tianyu Entertainment is extraordinary!

Occupy 30% of the theaters nationwide!

If you offend Tianyu Company, I’m afraid that without Li Xiaotao speaking, the director will just kick them out.

Everyone scolded angrily, but some people had already started to pack things up.


Qin Zhong said.

Although the crew is also a small river and lake, it is understandable that the less famous must give way to the more famous.

But Li Xiaotao relied on his family’s power to oppress people like this, and Qin Zhong couldn’t stand it anymore.

Seeing Li Xiaotao doing whatever he wanted on his field, Qin Zhong couldn’t help it anymore, and immediately stepped forward and came to Li Xiaotao’s front.

As soon as Qin Zhong came in, he found three men and a woman in front of the makeup mirror. Everyone looked at Li Xiaotao angrily.

The makeup artist in the crew stood there at a loss and was scolded by Li Xiaotao bloody.

“What kind of eyes do you guys, you won’t drive me out of such a person. The makeup artist’s room is soiled, it looks good with you. ¨!”

Liu Yuxi seemed to be unable to take it anymore, she stood up and was about to leave abruptly.

Li Xiaotao quickly put a smile on his face and said, “Sister Yuxi, I didn’t say you, I am talking about the farmers!”

Liu Yuxi’s face was as cold as ice, her lips pressed tightly, without saying a word.

Several makeup artists glanced at Qin Zhong secretly and found that Qin Zhong’s face was not very good.

“What are you looking at? Don’t hurry up to give us Taotao makeup. If we delay our Taotao makeup audition, will you delay it?”

Although everyone was very unconvinced, they had all heard of Li Guozhu’s name.

Forget it, Shinobu calmed down for a while and took a step back.

Just when Hu Ge and the others were about to get up and give way to Li Xiaotao, suddenly there was a round of applause at the door.


Everyone looked in the direction of the door, only to see a young man walking over calmly.

“Who am I supposed to be so arrogant! It turns out to be the eldest son of the Li family! But since you are so powerful, why don’t you let Laozi make a TV series to praise you, and run into our small crew to run on other people? Woolen cloth?”

“That’s too uneducated!”

Qin Zhong said coldly.

Seeing someone come out to mock Li Gongzi, as his number one horse boy, of course the thin assistant could not have just passed such a good flattering opportunity. He immediately yelled at Qin Zhong: “What are you, dare to be in front of our Li Gongzi. Arrogant?”

Suddenly Liu Yuxi recognized what Qin Zhong looked like. She covered her mouth and screamed in surprise.

“It’s Qin Zhong!”

“It’s the Oscar actor! Why did he come?”

“Oh my God, the youngest Oscar actor is also the boss of [Wushuang] Company.” Everyone turned their attention to Qin Zhong.

When Li Xiaotao saw Qin Zhong, he was unforgiving.

Continue to fire at Qin Zhong: “You are the boss of this small company? I came here to see you! Do you know?”

“If you are acquainted, quickly get rid of these irrelevant miscellaneous people!”



Everyone was scolded by Li Xiaotao, but at the same time they looked at Qin Zhong.

A glimmer of cold light flashed in Qin Zhong’s eyes. He walked over and said: “`” A scum like you, get out of my crew! ”

Li Xiaotao looked at Qin Zhong with a grim face, and said word by word: “Qin Zhong, don’t think that you have taken back a little golden man, it is amazing. I tell you, in the eyes of people like us, you little golden man People are just rubbish, and maybe others will recognize them when they are outside, but in our place, you are not a fart. I am going to be the best man in this drama!”

“I don’t believe it, you dare to move even me!”

Li Xiaotao’s words were loud and loud.

At the same time, standing by, looking at Qin Zhong provocatively.

Those eyes seemed to say: “No matter how awesome you are, you are just a flat-headed people. Come move me! I’ll take you!”

After Hu Ge and Lin Gengxin heard it, they felt lonely, and felt very uncomfortable. They both wanted to get this opportunity, but it seemed that there was no hope at all.

But he looked at Qin Zhong unwillingly.

Qin Zhong was amused by Li Xiaotao’s arrogant appearance.

A little (Wang Hao) Tianyu Entertainment, he really didn’t notice it.

When he got the system, he was also proud of it, and even a little bit of swelling, feeling that he was chosen by the heavens.

But after Qin Zhong swelled, it was discovered that it was the same.

He also never thought about going out and pretending to be in front of others every day.

Moreover, Qin Zhong has any bottom line in doing anything, that is, never forcing others.

All fools know that this Li Xiaotao is pursuing Liu Yuxi.

A fanatical pursuit.

But in a society under the rule of law, if you want to chase other girls, you just chase them upright.

Get rid of all the people in the house, leaving you and Liu Yuxi alone!

Think of this as a dressing room or a fitting room for Youyiku!

Besides, Liu Yuxi’s eyes clearly read the word rejection.

Other girls are not willing anymore, you still do!

That’s not love, that’s hooliganism! .

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