Chapter 183

Li An is talking with the foreign director.

Li An said, “Jack, the last movie of your company seems to be good at the box office!”

Jack laughed and said, “Hey, it’s strange to say that we are not very good in the country of M. Our investors almost gave up, but I didn’t expect to get a big box office in China!”

Another director also said: “China’s development in recent years seems to be pretty good. We can’t give up such a large market. We think we can cater to the tastes of Chinese people! So this time I am going to put the background of the story in China. The magic city, and then invite two small fresh meats!”

Li An frowned, somewhat displeased.

With the continuous advancement of the awarding process, the larger awards slowly began to be announced.

“Let us congratulate Andrew for winning the best supporting actor this time!”

Andrew came to power.

Then there are the last four most important awards left.

Best Director, Best Drama, Best Actress, Best Actor.

These four awards have the highest gold content.

In Country M, if you are not the Oscar for Best Actor or Best Actress 08, but the Golden Globe Award or other awards, you are embarrassed to be called the actor or queen.

At this point, Oscar’s has a unique authority.

Yes, there are so many awards held in Los Angeles every year.

But the only one who can make M country agree with you is only Oscar!

“The winner of the best director this time is…”

Qin Zhong clearly felt Li An’s body suddenly straightened.

The host paused, and then continued to read: “It’s Mr. Spielbod! Let’s come to the company Mr. Spielbod with applause!”

There was a round of applause from the audience.

The audience in front of the TV watched the screen carefully.

“Li An actually didn’t get the best director?”

“Somewhat disappointed!”

“However, generally speaking, Oscars will not award the same award to the same person for the third time!” someone said.

“That’s right, but after this award, there will only be one best actor nominated by Qin Zhong!”

“Can Qin Zhong win the prize? It shouldn’t be possible!”

The audience expressed their opinions on the Internet, and they were optimistic about Qin Zhong, but many expressed doubts about it.

The award ceremony has reached the most critical moment.

When Scarlett and Xiao Li came up as the award-giving guests at the same time, there was a very warm applause.

Qin Zhong’s heart was also a little nervous.

Little Lizi said flatly to Scarlett: “Oh, Scarlett, you are really the most beautiful actress I have ever seen!”

Scarlett said mischievously: “It’s so embarrassing, you are so, out of politeness, I have to respond to you like this! Little plum, you too, so far the most handsome man on stage!”

The audience burst into enthusiastic laughter.

“What? Why so far?”

“We have to look at who won the award before we can give a judgement!” Scarlett said with a smile.

The little plum is very good at driving the atmosphere.

The audience below burst into enthusiastic applause.

“Ah, you say that, I’m a little sad!” Leonardo deliberately said in a self-deprecating tone: “Next, let’s see who won the best actor!”

Then Scarlett took the winner’s envelope from the host and said: “Next, I will announce, congratulations to Qin Zhong, who won the best actor this Oscar!”

Little Lizi said sadly: “Oh, this one is so handsome, he really doesn’t lose to me!”

Scarlett said: “Let us invite Mr. Qin Zhong!”

The crew of “Youth School” below all breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Li An did not get the best director, Qin Zhong won the best actor.

In the next second, warm applause erupted from the entire venue.

Roman and Li An both walked up and gave Qin Zhong a eager hug.

Along the way, many celebrities took the initiative to embrace Qin Zhong,

Depp was even more excited and punched Qin Zhong on the shoulder: “Young man, you are great!”

Qin Zhong didn’t expect these big stars to be so enthusiastic.

After a few steps on the stage, Scarlett gave Qin Zhong a warm hug, and then gave the award to Qin Zhong.

And sincerely wish: “Qin Zhong, congratulations!”

Qin Zhong said politely: “Thank you, I will continue to work hard in the future!”

Little Lizi also walked over and said, “Qin Zhong, I have seen your performance. You are a great performer. Are you interested in being one of the highest-ranking ones with me?”

Qin Zhong also smiled faintly, and said, “Very interested!”

Xiao Li blinked his eyes and said, “That’s a deal!”

At this time, the fans surrounding the live broadcast room were boiling.

“Qin Zhong really got the Oscar!”

“Oh my God, when I first entered Hollywood, I got such a good result in my first movie. This is simply too bad!”

“Now let’s see what Zhao Xiaosi has to say!”

“Forget it, our Qin brother is already an Oscar actor, and Zhao Xiaosi is no longer in the same class, Zhao Xiaosi can’t afford it!”

“I just want to know that in the future Qin Ge will develop in Hollywood, and he is still returning to China!”

“Should I stay in Hollywood! I have achieved such good results, and my salary in Hollywood should not be low in the future!”

The news of Qin Zhong’s award made it into the hot search at the speed of a rocket.

After half an hour, the Oscar award ceremony finally ended.

Qin Zhong took the heavy golden man, and Li An were about to leave, but suddenly met director Gore.

Gore said, “Hi, Qin Zhong!”

His eyes looked at Qin Zhong very fiercely and said, “Mr. Qin Zhong, I want to invite you to join our new movie!”

Qin Zhong asked: “May I ask, what kind of movie is this?”

Gore said: “This is a magic movie called “Pirates of the Caribbean”!”

When Li An heard it, he was also very excited.

“Pirates of the Caribbean is the big IP of Disney Company! Qin Zhong, this is a rare good movie!”

He has been in Hollywood for many years and has long heard that Disney has prepared a full four years for this movie.

They have polished the script for two years.

Later, they never started work because they never found a suitable actor.

Because Captain Jack is the soul inside, the director is also very picky!

When Qin Zhong heard it, his heart moved instantly.

This is a very classic movie, it is simply popular all over the world!

I just don’t know what role I was playing in it?

“Okay, I agree!”

Qin Zhong said very happily.

“Hahaha, that’s great. Your acting skills have been recognized by Oscars, and I also watched your work specially! You are really great! I hope that your joining will make our pirate adventures become More interesting!”

Gore said very happily.

“Thank you for your invitation, I don’t think I should let you down either!”.

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