Chapter 178

“A battalion commander! Take that mountain top to Laozi. Grandma’s. If you can’t take it down, I chopped you off!” This sentence stood up, how motivated!

The soldiers screamed like little wolf cubs.

At the beginning of a battle, in the twelfth lunar month, a group of soldiers were crawling in the wild. They had no warm clothes, only a thin single coat!

“Lao… Lao… Lao Zhao, look at you, it looks like a damn blue-faced beast…like it!”

Li Yunlong felt sorry for Zhao Gang and the soldiers who were frozen.

Let Sun Qi seem to be more able to feel the distressed Li Yunlong’s face in that cold winter!

“You look…not much better than me…go there, like…fuckin…hanging…frosted winter melon!”

Of course, in addition to cursing others, Li Yunlong is also very cunning. When he wants to equip his superiors, he cares about it, just like those street vendors.

But in a war, you are fearless, and you are not afraid of death! These qualities make the audience like him even more!

08  “It’s so fucking beautiful!”

Sun Qi’s eyes lit up suddenly.

Looking at the wonderful plot in the TV series, Sun Qi’s heart was already excited.

By the way, why are the previous TV shows not good-looking?

For the hero’s facial makeup!

“This TV series, we want it!”

“One episode at the price of 1.2 million!”

Sun Qi thought he gave a very reasonable price.

“Don’t worry!” Qin Zhong smiled faintly, and said, “Next, there are more exciting places!”

No matter whether this is Sun Qi’s final price or not, Qin Zhong will not sell it. He is sure that “Bright Sword” will explode!

With that, Qin Zhong motioned to Bai Lili to show Sun Qi the content of the next episode.

“very nice!”

Sun Qi took a deep breath.

Bai Lili smiled immediately.

“Mr. Sun, it’s already one o’clock in the afternoon. We have been busy watching movies. We have already arranged for the hotel. Why don’t we go to dinner first! How about having a good chat while eating?”

“Yes!” Sun Qi nodded, he had no problems with this proposal.

He already knows the quality of this TV series.

Then it’s time for bargaining.

This process is unavoidable. Sun Qi himself represents the interests of the TV station. The smaller the price, the better!

Qin Zhong did not expect to use the first broadcast of this TV show to sell it for much.

What he fancyed was the reputation and communication effects of CCTV.

Being able to be on the stage of CCTV, [Wushuang] film and television company has invisibly raised a level.

The next negotiations went smoothly.

“We are willing to buy this TV series for a price of 1.5 million yuan! But the end must be deleted, and the later things cannot appear on TV!”

Sun Qi put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth.

It is impossible for CCTV to put those late-stage things.

Especially Li Yunlong’s final miserable end!

The audience can’t accept it, and the leader of the station won’t agree.

“Yes!” Qin Zhong nodded hesitantly.

Some of the later episodes are really not so good to be broadcast on this platform,

But Qin Zhong has thought about it himself.

What he broadcasts to the TV station is a version, but the real ending, he can keep it intact on DVD.

In this way, DVDs and TV stations are artificially distinguished, and naturally some people will buy DVDs because they want to see the complete ending!

Sun Qi saw that Qin Zhong agreed and immediately signed the contract with Qin Zhong.

He originally wanted to use the name of CCTV to suppress the price of the show.

But when he saw this TV series, he found that his ideas were unrealistic.

Such an excellent TV series, if it is not shot fast, ruthless, and accurate, it will definitely be cheaper than other companies!

After signing the contract, Qin Zhong sent him out.

When Sun Qi just walked to the door, he saw that seven or eight people had already reached the door of the company.

They all immediately surrounded Qin Zhong.

“We are Blue Satellite TV, we are the top three companies in the nation’s ratings! We are particularly interested in this TV series.!”

“Our Modu Satellite TV is a well-known Shanghai Satellite TV. As long as you sell “Bright Sword” to us, you will get a good deal!”

“Dongfeng Satellite TV is looking forward to cooperating with you. I believe that the price we offer will definitely satisfy you!”

“We are the website of Aiqiyi Video. Our website wants to buy the broadcasting rights of your TV series for the next five years!”

“We love the Xun video website…”

A large number of TV station bosses rushed to Qin Zhong in a gossip.

Qin Zhong sent a distress signal to Bai Lili.

Bai Lili walked over immediately.

“Boss, let’s come here to talk about it! However, regarding the first round of playback permissions, we have just sold it! Next, you can only buy second and third rounds!”


The hearts of everyone seemed to be poured with cold water!

Sun Qi silently wiped the sweat from his head.

Fortunately, he decided temporarily to come to the company in advance to meet with Qin Zhong and the others in person.

He even offered such a generous condition!

The leaders of Blue TV, Modu TV, Qilu TV, and Mango TV all wailed.

They discovered that when people on the Internet were talking about “Bright Sword”, they realized what a great TV series they had rejected before.

The trailer alone made them want to watch.

Unexpectedly, it was still the first one.

Suddenly, the big guys looked at each other angrily.

And I hate myself why I didn’t take down this TV series earlier.

They all knew in their hearts that the broadcast volume of the second round was far worse than that of the first round.

Their hearts began to hesitate.

At this moment, the Jiangzhou TV guy gritted his teeth and said: “We will all buy the second round of broadcasting rights!”

Jiangzhou Satellite TV once had in-depth cooperation with [Wushuang] Film and Television Company.

They choose to believe in [Wushuang] Company!

“Lao Lin, you have to think clearly, not every TV series can be as big as “Zhen Huan Biography”!”

“That is, speaking of Potian, he is just an anti-Japanese drama, different from the big IP dramas adapted from Internet novels!”

Some people spoke out to discourage, in their opinion, Lin Tao was a little stubborn.

They know the popularity of the TV series very well.

Generally speaking, costume dramas are the easiest to explode, because the audience are housewives, and their size is relatively large, and they are a group that cannot be ignored.

Next is the urban drama.

Although the anti-Japanese war movie is good-looking, there are not many audiences. Although “Bright Sword” is relatively good, they are not willing to take this risk!

Director Lin shook his head.

Bai Lili said happily: “Then let’s talk about it in detail here!”

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