Chapter 164

On the screen, Pai’s ship was hit by a storm.

The audience looked at the picture excitedly.

For fear of what danger the pie encountered.

Qin Zhong and Scarlett also watched very deeply.

Although the development of the plot has been known for a long time, Qin Zhong is also attracted by the plot.

Pai went through hardships and came to a deserted island,

Things seem to be moving in a good direction.

Pie walked cautiously on the meerkat.

“Why do you feel that the meerkat is a little disgusting?”

“Under the meerkat, there are all bones!”

But everyone finally felt something was wrong.

“It’s kind of scary. But nothing scary happened at all!”

“I think so too, I have all the intensive phobias seen by these meerkats!”

It’s night,

There are no waves, no adventures.

Pie seems to have found a peaceful haven.

He was very happy and made himself a sleeping basket.

At this time, the camera slowly zoomed out.

The entire island appeared in front of the audience.

And there was a full pause of three seconds.

“Oh. That’s not an island!”

Suddenly an audience yelled.

“That’s… that’s a person! A woman is lying there!”

The outline of the entire island is like a woman, and the music at this time is so soft.

Everyone exclaimed.

It looks like an island with food and fresh water, the outline is actually a woman?

The audience’s gaze is also tightly locked on Pie’s body.

Why are there teeth in the fruit of the tree?

The entire island became mysterious and evil.

In the end, Pai decided to leave the island quickly.

“Why is the island a woman.¨?”

This question has successfully attracted everyone’s attention.

Everyone carefully observed the screen.

The plot is interspersed with the dialogue between the writer and the pie from time to time, which also reassures the audience that the pie did not die on the ship.

Finally, Pai lay on the hospital bed, and the truth of the shipwreck was told.

Because of the pie experience.

It made him feel very scared, so he tried to use the islands in the fairy tale to disguise the story.

Seeing this, the audience finally understood.

There are no meerkats. There are no islands.

The truth is bloody.

For survival. He had to eat those things.

At this time, Qin Zhong vividly paid tribute to the guilt and guilt in Pai’s heart.

The contempt and alienation of the two insurers from the faction gradually turned into pity.

At the end of the movie, it became a dialogue between the writer and the faction.

Pie seems to have forgotten those things before.

“This movie is really thought-provoking!”

“I don’t understand a bit, I think I need to read it once!”

“Richard Parker seems to be our dark side. After the cook killed his mother, the tiger appeared! The tiger represents the evil in Pie’s heart. It was the tiger who asked Pie to kill the cook.”

A person who looks like a scholar and talks about it.

His views were also agreed by several people.

“Leaving the cannibal island, is it the tiger’s choice or the choice of sending one’s own?”

“There are two stories, which one do you prefer?”

“No, I think everything is deceiving. His drifting process is ordinary and too lonely, so his personality is split!”

A woman put forward her own point of view.

The audience has been plunged into deep thinking.

They have been completely attracted by this story.

Various opinions emerge in an endless stream, and everyone tries to use their own understanding to watch this movie.

Even began to quarrel.

Everyone felt the unusualness of this movie.

“I’m sorry, what you said makes sense, but you can’t convince me!” the middle-aged scholar said domineeringly.

“Me too!” the woman said coldly.

“Forget it, do it again! See who makes sense.”

The audience mumbled.

He knew that this time, being able to let the audience fall into this kind of thinking was enough to prove that the film was a success.

A movie that lets people know the ending at a glance is obviously not a good movie.

For example, an old policeman took a group photo of his whole family and happily introduced him to his younger generation: This is my wife, this is my daughter, how beautiful! I can retire in three days.

A seven-year-old child knows that this old policeman is not far from his sacrifice.

However, this story can make these audiences quarrel.

The reporter waiting outside was a bit boring.

Literary and artistic films are inherently dull.

But when they saw the arguing audience, the reporters were shocked.

In the end what happened?

“`” What are they talking about? Why can’t I understand? ”

“It seems to be in the movie!”

“This is a suspenseful movie?”

The reporters and photographers looked at each other.

Then an audience was interviewed.

“Oh, after watching this movie, I found that I just fell in love with Qin Zhong’s performance. He is really a talented actor!”

And another (Li’s) old man who was slightly older frowned: “This movie is really a rare good movie!”

The audience gave all the praise to the movie.

The seven-day screening was over, and “Youth Pie” won a box office of 3 million. Although the box office is not very high, the score and reputation are surprisingly high.

It seems that the movie theater of “Youth School” is not very high.

They originally reserved only about 10% of the filming rate for “Youth Pie”.

Their big heads still have to be reserved for those heroic films,

But seeing such beautiful data,

They are also moved.

The theaters have requested to increase the filming of “Juvenile Group”. It even extended the supply period from 30 days to two months for the first time.

And as the starring actor of this movie, Qin Zhong’s value is of course slowly rising! .

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