Chapter 160

“Brother Qin, after shooting the perfect mermaid, I will go back to school and go to class. Next, I won’t be able to come out often to find you. After you come back from Country M, don’t forget to come to me!” Lin Yunwan Holding Qin Zhong’s hand, like an ordinary couple.

Lin Yun entered the crew through the audition.

Her true identity is still a student.

When the filming is over, she will continue to return to the university and continue her homework.

“I will miss you!” Lin Yun said with some dismay.

“It doesn’t matter, I will call you when I arrive in Country M!”

Zhang Yuqi looked at Qin Zhong and then at Lin Yun, smiling very delicately.

A mature woman like Zhang Yuqi is always very clear about the inadvertent signs in her private life.

Lin Yun also lowered her head shyly.

“Okay, Qin Zhong, is there any secret between you and Lin Yun? Why do I think you suddenly become very close!” Zhang Yuqi suddenly said with a strange expression.

Lin Yun’s thin skin was exposed to the truth by Zhang Yuqi, and her face blushed immediately.

“Sister Yu Qi, how can we be very close! We, we are just ordinary friends!”

It’s over, this girl, don’t confess.

Zhang Yuqi said sternly: “I can see it, you guys are still trying to hide it from me!”

Lin Yun yelled “Ah!”, turned and ran away!

Qin Zhong helped his forehead.

It was admitted.

“Okay, I didn’t expect you to be really together!”

After Lin Yun left, Zhang Yuqi was left alone in Qin Zhong’s room.

Bai Lili appeared suddenly.

Zhang Yuqi then gave up Qin Zhong.

“Sister Li, you are here!”

Qin Zhong has never hoped that Bai Lili will appear so much, and said with joy: “What are you looking for me?”

Bai Lili looked at Qin Zhong suspiciously for a while, and then said: “You forgot, we have to catch a plane soon!”

With that, Bai Lili took out two tickets from her pocket and put them in Qin Zhong’s hands.

“Look, the ten o’clock plane, it’s eight o’clock now, don’t hurry to pack it up! Forget it, looking at you like this, it must have been unpacked again, let me help you pack up!”

Zhang Yu bit his lip.

Said silently: “Humph! Don’t think you can escape!”

Qin Zhong shuddered.

The ticket has been booked.

Oscar awards are usually registered in August, and a month later, films are selected.

Shenzhen Airport.

Lin Yun reluctantly bid farewell to Qin Zhong.

As soon as the two of them had established a relationship, Qin Zhong was about to leave, and Lin Yun felt very sad.

Qin Zhong knows that in one month, after “Mermaid” is released, Lin Yun will receive the attention of the mass media and become the darling in the eyes of the media and the arrogant girl in the hearts of the audience.

“Go back and study hard!”

Qin Zhong scratched Lin Yun’s little nose gently.

Lin Yun nodded.

She took time off to come out to film this time. When she returned, she needed to make up all the schoolwork she owed, which was very busy.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, Qin Zhong boarded the plane with Wang Jie on time.

After a three-hour flight, the plane landed at the Los Angeles airport.

“Mr. Qin Zhong!” Roman happily waved his hands.

Qin Zhong nodded towards him.

Roman could not help but walked over, gave Qin Zhong a bear hug, and then enthusiastically closed the luggage in their hands.

With the scene of the first encounter in the crew, Roman is obviously a bit too enthusiastic!

The reason? Of course, Qin Zhong convinced Roman with his acting skills.

But this is not the main reason.

The reason is the last adventure that Roman and Qin Zhong experienced.

In Roman’s heart, he already regards Qin Zhong as a friend who can make heart-to-heart.

Qin Zhong even used his agile skills to beat the noble son and his men without fighting back.

What’s more legendary is that Qin Zhong retired completely.

Rome is now admiring Qin Zhong.

The gang fights in the movie are all fake, but Qin Zhong is really awesome.

“I’m going to be a host tonight, I’ll invite you to eat what I want! I’ll take you to the most luxurious restaurant in Beverly!”

Qin Zhong glanced at Roman, and said, “Yes, you have been doing pretty well recently!”

Roman triumphantly said: “Of course, you know, this time I became an executive director in “Youth Pie” and got paid one million dollars!”

People in country M don’t have the habit of saving. They all earn and spend as much money.

And not very good at financial management.

All actors who often have good incomes are often given false accounts by their own accountants and financial planners, and they cannot make ends meet.

Seeing that Luo Man really changed his car and bought a lot of luxury goods, Qin Zhong said: “Roman, I don’t think you should spend all your money!”

“You should have your own industry, or fixed assets!”

Roman said indifferently: “Why tell me that?”

Qin Zhong asked: “Well, do you currently have a new movie appointment?”

Roman thought for a while, and shook his head honestly.


“Then how much money do you have now?”

“I, my salary has been used almost, and my credit card still owes twenty thousand!”

“Oh, damn it, I spent half a million dollars to change the car. I spent too much money in the nightclub these days!”

Roman suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Qin Zhong did not go on.

It’s better to make him aware of these problems than the dunning man at the bank to find the door. .

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