Chapter 158

In order to anger Ruolan, or to cause trouble with strong self-esteem, Liu Xuan looked at Ruolan provocatively, and then picked up the phone.

The atmosphere between the two is tense.

Liu Xuan was very arrogant, while Ruolan was cold on her eyebrows.

“Mr. Liu!”

Listening to Shanshan’s surprise voice over the phone, Liu Xuan’s eyes suddenly became soft.

“Where are you?”

Lin Yun and the mermaids around were very pleasantly surprised, but did not expect that Liu Xuan actually made an appointment with her.

After two people spent an afternoon, Liu Xuan was gradually moved by this kind and lovely girl.

In the second stage, the crew moved to a large local swimming pool.

Looking at the dozens of five-and-three rough men in the swimming pool, Qin Zhong stared at Zhou Xunxuan suspiciously: “Guide Zhou?”

“here I am?”

“You said the pool battle?” Qin Zhong looked suspicious of life.

“It’s a big battle, you see, Ruolan even took out the demolition artillery, isn’t it a pool battle?” Zhou Xunxuan laughed loudly in 08.

Qin Zhong is very depressed.

It’s the first time Lin Yun has come to act in a movie.

She doesn’t know much about it.

However, in the movie “Mermaid”, Lin Yun has a lot of action shots, and Diaoweiya also has a lot of shots.

Although some stand-ins were prepared for her in the crew, she still had to complete many shots by herself.

In some action movies, the director even requires the actors to start training six months in advance. Of course, this situation is rare.

And the schedule for “Mermaid” is very tight.

There is no way to help her train in advance.

“Watch your left leg!”

The martial arts instructor kept examining Lin Yun’s movements and gave her various suggestions.

“Pay attention to the height over there, you can’t just jump down like this…”

Lin Yun nodded hard in the air, and then repeated the movement over and over again.

“No, your rhythm is not good at all!”

The martial arts instructor kept shaking his head.

Lin Yun continues to follow the movements that Wushu knows.

“No more!” Lin Yun yelled, and then got off Wia, she said: “I’m dizzy, almost vomiting!”

“You take a rest first!” Qin Zhong came to Lin Yun’s side, took out a bottle of mineral water, and helped Lin Yun unscrew it.

“Thank you!” Lin Yun was blushing with sweat on her forehead.

“You have to work hard, in fact, you have done a very good job!” Qin Zhong said encouragingly.


Lin Yun wore a small face.

“How about this, I’ll do it for you, you watch me do it!”

“Mr. Qin, this is unnecessary!”

Some staff quickly wanted to stop.

“It doesn’t matter, I think, you don’t want Lin Yun to do useless work again and again. Let me try it out for her!”

Qin Zhong said: “You are a martial arts instructor, and your suggestions may be more mature, but I think Lin Yun is still a new actor, and may not understand what you mean for a while!”

“Let me feel it!”

Qin Zhong said confidently.

He didn’t want to express himself, but put himself in the situation for Lin Yun’s sake.

Lin Yun has always been like this, which will slow down the crew’s progress.

“okay then!”

Qin Zhong tied Via and bounced off the trampoline,

Hit the board, return again, and jump to a higher place.

All in one go.

“How did he do that?”

Unconsciously, the eyes of many people have gathered around.

Slowly more and more people,

“Oh my God. Qin Zhong hasn’t practiced this movement before. How can he do it so beautifully in one go?”

Qin Zhong took off the Via.

Walked to Lin Yun’s side.

“It’s actually very simple, I just noticed it, you just need to find the right spot!”

Qin Zhong told Lin Yun the information he had just received.

“The movements designed by the martial arts instructor before did not suit you. Your weight is too light, so the jump should be smaller…”

A scene is down.

Lin Yun successfully completed this difficult movement.

The martial arts instructor walked up, looked at Lin Yun apologetically, and said, “I’m really sorry, Miss Lin Yun, I am sorry for my mistake just now. It is not your problem. It turns out that these reasons are actually my own. !”

Lin Yun shook her head.

“Actually, I also have a reason. I am a newcomer, so no matter what problems I encounter, I dare not communicate with you!”

At the same time, she took a deep look at Qin Zhong next to her.

“Qin Zhong, he is amazing! If he hadn’t noticed that I was too light just now, I’m afraid I would have to do useless work!”

Qin Zhong also knows and smiled and said, “Thank you for your compliment, but what you did just now is also great!”

There was enthusiastic applause in the surroundings unknowingly.

Zhou Xun smiled and said, “I didn’t expect it. You are a genius! Tell me quickly. What else can you not?”

“Qin Zhong is great!”

“Qin Zhong, can you see me doing this?”

“Qin Zhong,…”

Everyone around immediately surrounded Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong shook his head.

The martial arts instructor was left standing there alone.

He was invited by Zhou Xunxuan for a million dollars.

Now it seems that he is not as good as an actor who can train those martial arts moves.

He stood there awkwardly.

“Thank you all for your love, but I think you still have to communicate more with the martial arts instructor!”

Qin Zhong said this, which is equivalent to giving him enough face.

Zhou Xuan’s expression admired.

Not only has the ability, but also has such a high emotional intelligence, it will not easily offend people!

As the shooting went deeper and deeper, Qin Zhong’s performance became better and better.

The softness and kindness beneath Liu Xuan’s crazy appearance also slowly revealed.

The shooting went smoothly.

In the evening, when Qin Zhong saw Lin Yun in the restaurant, he was jumped off.

“Lin Yun, you don’t stay up late, is it because you have nightmares, or because I propose to you, you can’t sleep with excitement!”

When Qin Zhong saw Lin Yun’s beautiful United Bank, two big dark circles appeared unexpectedly.

Said jokingly.

The scene they shot yesterday was the scene where Liu Xuan proposed to Lin Yun.

“You guy, you just don’t have a right line. Didn’t Lin Yun want to do a kiss scene with you today? She was in a hurry! I didn’t fall asleep all night!”

Zhang Yuqi, who plays Ruolan, held a pile of salad in his hand and said teasingly.

In order to lose weight, Zhang Yuqi only ate vegetables and didn’t touch other things.

Qin Zhong didn’t think that Lin Yun had insomnia, but it was really for herself.

“No way!”.

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