Chapter 154

Imperial capital, in a five-star hotel.

It happened that Xu Zhen and the others had something to do when they came to the Imperial Capital, so they stayed for a few days.

That night, Xu Zhen called Zhang Yi, as well as some old friends of Wang Baoqiang, to set up a dinner together.

Qin Zhong brought Sun Li, the lead actor of “The Legend of Zhen Huan”, and Zhao Jingmai and others, also came to participate.

Sun Li’s reputation is still too small.

The few present are all big directors. Qin Zhong took Sun Li this time and wanted to recommend her to them.

As a result, there was a traffic jam on the road.

I don’t know which bastard who actually leaked his license plate.

There are illegitimate meals to chase and intercept.

Fortunately, Qin Zhong’s driving skills are good, and he has no dangers all the way, and finally escaped.

As a result, when he first walked to the hall, he met a fat man who was neither male nor female.

“Boss Qin, congratulations, the new TV series is about to be released!”

Yu Dili said in his sharp voice.

Qin Zhong said lightly: “Tongxi, your TV series is also released!”

Although I hate the fat man, I still have to say the scene.

“Oh, it’s not worth mentioning. I’m also broadcasting on the first round of provincial satellite TV, and then I will broadcast the second round on seven local TV stations in 2008…”

But the smug smile on his face is tantamount to telling everyone how powerful he is.

It can now be broadcast on the first round of provincial satellite TV, and there are also two rounds.

This is already a very rare thing in the television world.

Qin Zhong sneered.

Fatty Yu continued: “I don’t know where your TV is going to be broadcasted? Oh, I heard that it is Jiangzhou TV at the end of the ratings crane! Hahaha…”

The surrounding assistants also laughed very happily.

“I really admire Jiangzhou TV, courage is commendable!”

“Knowing that our “Legend of a Lady” is on the air, I dare to release the same type of TV series at this time!”

The tears of Yu Fatty’s laughter fell.

He had to take off the glasses, and then took the paper to wipe the tears.

Yu Zeng felt a little gloomy in his heart.

In recent years, he has made a lot of money by plagiarizing TV series.

But it also offends many people.

The reputation is too bad.

Many people in the showbiz shun him like a snake.

After a long time, there will be no friends around him.

But he sneered at it, and fooled the audience casually, and he could make a lot of money. That was his skill.

On the surface, he appeared to be very arrogant and disdain to associate with those people, but in fact, no one wanted to associate with him.

The more he is looked down upon, the more rampant he becomes when he gains power.

“Yu Chaochao, are you embarrassed to show up in front of me with your pile of things?”

The smell of gunpowder is full.

This time. Qin Zhong is not silent.

Do you really know what he did?

Before, Qin Zhong had been in M ​​country, busy with the filming of “Youth Pie”, he didn’t care about domestic affairs!

But doesn’t it mean that [Wushuang] film and television companies are good bullies?

“Zhen Huan Biography” is the originator of a generation of palace fighting drama.

The pinnacle of the pinnacle.

Compared with Yu Chaochao’s TV series, Qin Zhong found it a bit funny.

Qin Zhong hit a snake and hit three inches.

Yu Zengbei’s blood pressure is somewhat high.

He is most taboo against others calling him plagiarism.

In his words, it was a reference.

“What do you mean?”

Yu Zeng suddenly lowered his voice.

Dare to ask him to copy?

That was a few years ago, when he was still in a bad mood, but in the past few years, he has become the darling of major TV stations.

No one dared to call him that long ago.

Yu struggled to vomit blood.

Qin Zhong was a little surprised.

It turns out that Yu Zhen also has this normal voice.

Yu Zhenxin was very angry with Qin Zhong, but he has also experienced a lot in this circle, and his face has long been trained.

“I’m waiting to see the day when your ratings hit the street, do you dare to compare with it?”

It’s better than the ratings.

His TV series are on Mango TV.

With Mango TV as the backer, what is he afraid of?

“Let you be proud of it for a few days!” Qin Zhong looked at Yi Earning with a sad expression on his face.

Yu Ceng’s face was pale.

He prepared a lot of words and wanted to provoke Qin Zhong.

But Qin Zhong ignored him at all.

With a long leg, he walked directly into the box.

After arriving in the box, Sun Li and others all looked angry, plagiarizing their TV series, so they could only sign Jiangzhou TV!

Come out and clamor!

Talk about what you just encountered at the dining table.

Suddenly, Qin Zhong’s older brothers were filled with outrage.

Zhang Yi, who has always been elegant, even said swear words like “I’m Cao!”

“That little director used this insidious trick! Don’t be afraid, Qin Zhong. We will support you!” Wu Jing also said angrily.

Just do it.

Several celebrities opened Weibo one after another.

The cause and effect of this incident were posted online.

Suddenly stirred up a thousand layers of waves.

“It turns out that “Legend of the Royal Concubine” is actually plagiarized?”

“Sure enough, Yu Chaochao’s usual style!”

People on the Internet have reposted it.

For a while, the entertainment industry began to discuss this matter.

On Weibo and Douyin, they reposted their photos one after another.

This is the rhythm of the imminent war.

For a time.

Many fans on the Internet have started to spray “Legend of the Royal Concubine”

And more people, because of this incident, began to pay attention to “Zhen Huan Biography” by Jiangzhou Satellite TV.

The first day of statistics is over.

The data of “Zhen Huan Biography” is slightly lower than “Legend of the Royal Concubine”

But their reputation is very good.

However, their launch time is seven days later than “Legend of the Royal Concubine”, but they can still obtain such high data, which is already very good.

And there is a more important statistic. Their ratings on the Internet are much higher than those of “Legend of the Royal Concubine”.

In the headquarters building of Jiangzhou Satellite TV.

The front was crowded with people.

They all looked at the data very excitedly.

Qin Zhong is tall. He was not easy to squeeze over, just behind.

He was also not good to squeeze with those 243 people, so he stood a little farther away.

On the other side, there are many other viewers who are standing in front of the TV.

“This drama is produced by Qin Zhong!”

“This plot is too attractive!”

“Why is the emperor so ugly? But the princess Guo is so handsome!”

“Jiangzhou Satellite TV’s TV series this time is of high standard!”

Slowly, even many people who don’t watch Jiangzhou TV at all can’t help being attracted by the plot and join the drama chasing army.

“Isn’t this Zhao Jingmai? The Chungui she plays is so cute!”

“This plot is okay!”

Director Lin was in a state of anxiety.

The second episode has been played.

“It’s up, it’s up! It has reached 1.19% of the ratings!”

Exclamations erupted from the crowd.

“so amazing!”

Qin Zhong shook his head, and he was far from what he expected.

The technical department refreshed the page again.

“This time it’s %”

“I’ll go, the rise so fast, won’t it be fake!”

Some people even expressed such feelings.

Lin Taichang trembled in his heart.

Excited, he almost got rid of the thermos cup in his hand. For many years, their TV station’s ratings have not broken 1.

At this moment, everyone felt relieved.

If it comes to the later stage, their data will slowly laugh with the word of mouth.

“I can barely go this time!”.

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