Chapter 152

Although there was an oolong.

Fortunately, the plane was not delayed.

“Hurry up! Let’s not miss the time!”

Qin Zhong put the luggage in the taxi and went to think about the airport with Bai Lili.

On the plane, Bai Lili and him reported for future itineraries.

There are also some work arrangements.

“The Story of Zhen Huan has been finished!” Bai Lili said.

“But now there is a problem. Someone is ahead of us!”

“What?” Qin Zhong’s squinted eyes suddenly opened~.

“I am a person named Yu Jin. I planned to sign a contract with our company and wanted to be the director of our company. Later, I was driven away by you!”

“Oh? Is there such a thing?” Qin Zhong touched his head, he didn’t seem to remember.

Bai Lili glanced at Qin Zhong.

“You still scolded you for making shame on the director of China, saying that he specifically copied the one!”

Qin Zhong frowned, there seemed to be such a person.

I took a few TV shows that were plagiarism at first glance and ran to their company, and they were arrogantly asking for a salary of 30 million yuan a year.

Qin Zhong drove him away at that time.

Is this incident related to him?

“Later when we were filming Zhen Huan Chuan, an actor who played the little promise suddenly resigned. At that time she had been in the group for ten days, and she had filmed a lot of scenes!”

“The crew came forward to mediate, but she would rather pay the liquidated damages and resolutely not shoot, we terminated the contract with her.”

“Who knows, that actress was signed by Yu Cengqi, and then it took Yu Ceng a very short time to pull up a Caotai team and make a TV series.”

Now that TV series has been signed to a well-known TV station in China, Mango Channel.

And the ratings of the previous episodes seem to be pretty good.

Generally, the same type of TV series will be avoided by Energizer at one time.

This is a rule that many film and television production companies will silently abide by.

Because there are so many audiences of this type.

Will affect the ratings.

The result is a lose-lose.

But this person, Yu Jin, always likes to follow suit and keep up with the heat.

I don’t like playing cards according to common sense.

He deliberately rushed to the air when the production of “Zhen Huan” was completed.

“There are so many ways to make money!”

“So such a villain is the most difficult thing!” Bai Lili said empathetically.

In the past, Qin Zhong didn’t care about these things at all. Of course, he didn’t need to know, he just needed to make good movies.

But now that Qin Zhong becomes the boss, he must be responsible for handling these messy things.

He is also responsible for the postponement of “Zhen Huan’s Biography”.

The director of “The Legend of Zhen Huan” once called Qin Zhong and said that it was the number of episodes of the TV series. After the film was cut, there were as many as 75 episodes.

The director was afraid that the audience felt that the time was too long and would not want to watch it.

Ask Qin Zhong if he wants to shorten the episodes.

It becomes forty episodes or more than 30 episodes.

But after reading it, Qin Zhong made an aggressive announcement without shortening it.

Just come as it is.

The plot here is very tight, and if the editing is shortened, it will lose its original flavor.

It is precisely because of maintaining this rigorous attitude that they have suffered a loss in progress.

That’s why I let Yu take advantage of this loophole.

Their TV series are shoddy, and they are put on stage ahead of schedule.

The purpose is to snipe “The Legend of Zhen Huan” produced by [Wushuang]

This gives people the illusion that “The Legend of Zhen Huan” was produced, and “The Legend of the Royal Concubine” was filmed in advance.


Grab ratings and fans.

Qin Zhong searched the Internet for this Yu Ceng, and found that there was another force behind him.

It’s probably the tricks of Ari Film and Television Company.

Qin Zhong opened Weibo to read it.

Sure enough, what the media are discussing is the TV series “Legend of the Imperial Concubine” that Yu earned

Compared with “Zhen Huan Biography”, the time of occurrence is similar, and the story structure is also similar.

But after Qin Zhong glanced hurriedly.

He turned off the video screen.

It’s too far.

Painting a tiger is not a dog.

The plot, clothing, and etiquette of “Zhen Huan Biography” are far from each other.

The actors’ acting skills are not good either.

It can be described as hyperbole.

The actress who ran away did tell Yu Earn all the plot she knew.

But it is only a small part after all.

Soon, they received several calls from the selection department of TV stations,

0 ········Find flowers···

They told him euphemistically.

“The Legend of the Royal Concubine” on Mango Channel is currently on the air, and it seems that the ratings are pretty good.

They want to avoid their edge.

Qin Zhong did not expect this result.

“Two ways!”

Bai Lili’s voice became louder.

“The first one is to postpone the broadcast. It’s best to wait a few months after the broadcast of “The Legend of the Concubine”. When the audience has forgotten the “Biography of the Concubine”, it is almost online!”

“The second one is to sell at a reduced price!”

The price they opened was two million an episode.

It doesn’t look expensive, but there are too many episodes, a full 75 episodes.

If the ratings are not reached, they will be cut off.

This loss has nothing to do with [Wushuang] Film and Television Company.

.. …. 0

So the TV station has to bear it.

But “The Lady’s Biography” only needs 1.2 million episodes.

It seems to be a bit cheaper than “Zhen Huan Biography”.

The leader of the TV station also has to consider the cost.

Obviously, it is more cost-effective to buy “The Legend of the Royal Concubine” than “The Story of Zhen Huan”.

It’s the same reason people buy vegetables at the vegetable market.

One looks very cheap, while the other is very expensive.

Most people will choose the cheaper one.

And the audience of this type of TV series was originally housewives aged 25-40.

The aesthetics of these housewives are actually very close to soap operas, or those shoddy TV programs have cultivated their simple aesthetic taste.

But in any case, the result is the same.

Even some very shoddy TV series have fatal appeal to those housewives.

Especially when the hostess experienced parting, he yelled tightly, “You bastard, do you know how much I miss you?”

Or the vulgar plot like “You grinning little fairy” has deeply moved those housewives.

If anything made casually can get a good return, who would spend hundreds of millions of beats on a well-produced TV series?

After Qin Zhong returned to the company, the entire company began to operate.

“There is news that Jiangzhou Satellite TV is now willing to buy this TV series!”

“But their leaders are only willing to buy one million episodes!” Ding.

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