Chapter 147

Vincent was obviously very curious.

“Your movie is about to be finalized. We won’t delay you for a few days, right? Why don’t you agree?”

Qin Zhong didn’t seem to hear what Vincent said afterwards.

“I won’t agree to play this junk movie~!”


After all, this is just an audition.

Originally, the director didn’t pay much attention to this person, and he was a little skeptical of Vincent’s vision.

But when he heard Qin Zhong’s words, his eyes looked at Qin Zhong sharply.

“You kid, too arrogant! You dare to say such things in front of me!”

After speaking, Jack suddenly slapped his hands on the table, making a loud noise.

Qin Zhong raised his eyebrows and said coldly: “You screenwriter is almost an idiot. There is no doubt about that, but now it seems…”

“The director is also an idiot! He actually made such a YY movie in a whimsical way!”

“You dare to call me an idiot!”

Jack is like a grumpy lion.

He felt that he was greatly insulted.

Somehow he is also a famous director of Hollywood, and today he actually asked this kid to point his nose to curse.

Angrily, he stood up abruptly and asked in a very unkind tone: “What are you, you dare to question my work?”

“You actually said that my movie and me are idiots? Don’t you think you need to apologize to me?”

“Boy, if you apologize to me right now, I can let you go!”

Jack said, winking a few people next to him.

Then a few muscular hunks on the set walked over with cold expressions.

They came to Qin Zhong at the same time, their eyes fixed on Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong narrowed his eyes.

These guys still have some abilities.

Much better than the average street gangster.

One of the strong men looked at Qin Zhong coldly, and said, “I have officially challenged you now!”

“If you lose, you must apologize to us and get out of here!”

Vincent obviously did not expect things to develop to this point.

“No, no, Chris, this is a misunderstanding!”

Vincent tried to stop the man’s anger.

No one knows the character of Chris better than him.

As early as three years ago, he should have missed and injured an extra and was almost sentenced.

This guy is notoriously ruthless.

“Qin Zhong now, I think you should leave here as soon as possible!”

Seeing that he couldn’t stop Chris, Vincent was sweating profusely.

He really didn’t understand why things would be like this.

If Qin Zhong is not so stubborn…

“I didn’t expect that I would encounter something like this in Hollywood!”

After Qin Zhong finished speaking, he slowly took off his suit.

“What if you lose?”

Qin Zhong looked at Jack.

Jack and several strong men burst into laughter.

As if I heard something funny.

“How could I lose!” Jack said disdainfully.

Chris is a very famous fighting champion.

Jack was originally a very arrogant person, especially after encountering this scene today, he couldn’t wait to show the limelight.

“If this is the case, I won’t play!” Qin Zhong said: “No one will play this unfair match!”

What Qin Zhong said is correct.

I have to apologize if I lose.

There is no reward for winning.

A fool compares with him!

The group performances and staff who were watching began to burst into applause.

But the cheers were not for Chris and Jack, but for Qin Zhong.

“Is this China kid very good!”

“That’s, no one can compare to him without a bet. Do you treat everyone as a fool?”

There was a lot of discussion, and some even applauded Qin Zhong.

“Come on, use your China Kung Fu to defeat Chris!”

“Don’t talk nonsense brother, just do it, I’ve seen Chris be upset! Give him to me and get down, haha…”

Jack’s face suddenly turned blue and white.

He didn’t expect that the crowd under his hands would turn their heads and start cheering on each other.

Chris’s face is even more ugly.

“Okay, yes, what bet do you want?”

Qin Zhong said: “In this case, my bet is to ask you to delete everything insulting China from the script!”

Since you are going to be challenged, you must be prepared to be slapped in the face.

Qin Zhong just finished speaking, the extra actor underneath was even more booing.

0 ········Find flowers···

“Everything is changed. We can also go home to wash and sleep!”

This kid is too powerful, so he can say such harsh words directly.

Jack suddenly became angry with Qi Qiao.

“This won’t work, you can change it!”

“From the birth of the movie to the present, our great New York has been invaded by Martians 100 times, by aliens more than 90 times, various monsters, dinosaurs, great white sharks, and even gorillas have invaded many times, and All kinds of weird viruses, perverts, Frankenstein, etc., have been written by others.”

“This time the screenwriter struggled hard to get you China to invade our country M. This is a new theme.”

“What’s the point of letting you be harlequins?”

He didn’t fall silent.

.. …. 0

“What. Don’t you dare?” Qin Zhong is not a fuel-efficient guy either.

“I didn’t expect you to be so courageous, didn’t you just feel confident? It turns out that they were all fools!”

He ridiculed people, and he was not merciless.

Chris had already spoken.

“Okay, I promise you!”

Chris is very confident of his own strength.

He is tall, and he has that kind of very strong horrible muscles all over.

Just three months ago, he had defeated one or two master fighters. How could this ordinary person be his opponent?

Jack was taken aback, and then he thought of how great Chris is.

“I agree!”

Afterwards, Qin Zhong unbuttoned a few of his shirt.

Showing tight chest muscles,

Not as scary as Chris’ muscles, but very beautiful.

And his figure is very well proportioned.

It’s perfect!

Qin Zhong suddenly exploded with a look of evil and arrogance.

At this time, he was just like Zhao Tai played before, with a terrifying aura all over him.

Insidious, furious, and unscrupulous.

A hint of surprise appeared in Chris’ eyes.

He was right just now, Qin Zhong is indeed using Jeet Kune Do!

Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do!

The aura that Qin Zhong exudes can only appear on those who kill people without blinking.

That kind of horror.

Although Chris believes that he is powerful, he is incomparable to a murderer. Ding.

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