Chapter 144

After putting on makeup.

Qin Zhong came to the center of the studio.

“Qin Zhong, you read all the scripts!” Li An walked over and asked.

“Yes, I have read it all!” Qin Zhong said flatly.

“He is the protagonist this time?” said a man about the same age as Li An.

Qin Zhong guessed that maybe this person should be Li An’s friend.

“Yes, Roman!”

Li An nodded and said.

The man frowned, picked up Qin Zhong’s profile and looked at it, and said, “You grew up in China? How is your English? You know, our film will be released throughout BeiM. I don’t want lip mismatches when dubbing!”

There was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Of course, the lines are also one of the basic skills of an actor.

Especially for an actor from China.

Qin Zhong stood up.

He read a paragraph of dialogue with a flat expression.

The next second, everyone present was silent.

“how did you do it?”

The man’s voice suddenly amplified.

It is normal to be able to read these dialogues in English fluently.

The key is,

Qin Zhong just used his accent.

His accent is a pure North M accent. Although 08 can be heard by ordinary people, it doesn’t sound much different.

But the tone, including the speed of speech, the pronunciation of a few words, and the pronunciation of a small amount of words, etc., if this is really imitated, there will be no three to five years that can’t be done at all.

Qin Zhong smiled faintly.

“I think I don’t need dubbing!”

“Of course. Of course.” Roman’s eyes looked at Qin Zhong repeatedly, with a surprised look.

Generally, few Chinese actors can do this to the point. “You have done a great job!”

But Roman’s praise did not bring much surprise to Qin Zhong at all.

According to Qin Zhong’s plan, these things were supposed to be.

Qin Zhong’s performance is in Li An’s eyes.

He said: “Okay. Now prepare for the first audition, ready to perform the part of the shipwreck!”


Qin Zhong nodded.

“Give me four or five seconds!”

Originally, Qin Zhong thought it would take a while before he played the shipwreck.

But I didn’t expect Li An to come up and perform this section.

Qin Zhong needed four or five seconds before he entered the system.

Although he can easily perform that feeling, Qin Zhong feels that it is not enough.


If it’s a shipwreck.

What can be compared to “Titanic”?

In Qin Zhong’s system.

A new feature has just been added recently,

It is to make the filming scene into a movie.

This is not as simple as completing some of the lines and shots.

Instead, the system directly completed the editing, special effects, dubbing, and some modifications on the screen. The final version presented to Qin Zhong is the final public release version.

In other words, what Qin Zhong saw was not the Titanic starring Xiao Li. If Qin Zhong wanted to, he could completely replace Xiao Li and replay the whole movie from the beginning to the end.

Qin Zhong closed his eyes.

He began to think in his mind. He has now mastered God-level acting skills.

But when he tried to perform in the system, he always felt that something was missing!

From a performance perspective, there is no difficulty.

Performances are generally divided into two types: expressionist and experiential.

Most of the actors are expressionists.

But Qin Zhong plans to use experiential performances


Yes, it is his experience of shipwreck.

If you want to perform a shipwreck, how can you perform if you haven’t experienced it?

Beside them, icy water poured in from all directions.

Moreover, in order to create the feeling of the rough sea, there were four huge blowers blowing vigorously at them.

A lot of group performances are floating around them.



Winslet yelled in panic.

There are more than a dozen cameras facing them around.

Now Qin Zhong has come to the shooting scene of the Titanic.

“You, swim, hurry up!” Qin Zhong gave Winslet a sad smile.

He was trembling now, exhausted.

Winslet shouted at her: “It’s cold, no, Jack, it’s too cold!”

Qin Zhong used his last strength to push Winslet down on a small piece of wood.

People around kept crying for help.

All kinds of miserable screams!

The scene of the previous Titanic was completely restored.

Winslet was lying on the plank now, and her condition was better.

But Qin Zhong only showed his head at this time, and his whole body was already soaked in water.

Plus those four huge blowers.


It’s so cold!

Qin Zhong closed his eyes slightly.

He felt that he could no longer hold on.

There are many corpses floating around.

“Ruth, promise me, never give up!”

Winslet’s voice was trembling, tears flashed in his eyes.

“I promise you……”

“No, no…”

Qin Zhong smiled and let go of his hand.

He is too tired.

In the next second, he slowly sank into the sea!

In Winslet’s sad cry, Qin Zhong completed this performance.

“Come again!”

So the same scene.

It was Qin Zhong and Winslet soaking in the water.

Winslet was still wet.

Qin Zhong pushed Winslet down on the board again.

He sighed,

No wonder those people call Winslet the nickname Fat Wen…

Really heavy.

Quickly entered the role.

In Winslet’s hysterical yelling, he let go of his hand.

“Promise me, don’t give up! Never give up!”

“Do not……”

Winslet yelled.

The same scene went through four or five times…

Qin Zhong was completely immersed in that kind of life and death.

He just came out of the system.

On the surface, that is, five or six seconds have passed.

But for Qin Zhong, more than ten minutes have passed.

Ten minutes is enough for him to experience life and death three or four times.


Thoughts moved.

Qin Zhong exited the space.

But the feeling of sadness and despair in his heart is still there.

When Qin Zhong withdrew, he looked sad.

That kind of sad look in relief, even a little restrained look, as if he had just experienced a parting.

The hearts of Li An and Roman who were watching shook fiercely at the same time.

“It’s great, that’s what I want!” Li An was very satisfied.

Soon, the props and lights on the scene were ready.

The other actors are also in place.

Just waiting for Li An to shout to start.

At the top of the studio, lightning and thunder began! .

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