Chapter 133

After eating, Qin Zhong returned to his house in the imperial capital.

Through investment in “Westward Journey”.

He made a net profit of 800 million!

A movie can get a profit of 800 million yuan, how big is this return?

And through this movie, his fans increased by 20 million!

Many of the 20 million are female fans.

After returning home.

Qin Zhong began to think about changing a house.

Qin Zhong is already a big star now, and it is difficult for him to come out in person for many things.

Just as before, these things were handed over to Bai Lili.

Soon, Bai Lili called. She had already selected several larger villas in accordance with Qin Zhong’s request.

When Qin Zhong first got off the Rolls-Royce, the female shopping guide came over at a speed of 100 meters.

“Mr. Qin, are you coming to see the room?”

The female shopping guide showed a very charming smile.

“These are all found according to your requirements. The apartment is more than 300 square meters, the room is very spacious and comfortable, the latest European decoration, and the bag is checked!”

“If you don’t like it, we have other decoration styles. You can see many beautiful scenery from this place…”

After seeing two or three villas, Qin Zhong pointed to one of the villas and said, “Just this one!”

“This set!” The female shopping guide’s eyes lit up.

“This is our latest Shanyu Villa. Its style is…”

Qin Zhong said directly: “Don’t introduce it, just say how much it is, let’s make a payment!”

The shopping guide girl looked at Qin Zhong with happiness. She didn’t expect that this business would be so easy to do.

You know, although those who come to buy villas are rich people, most of them are difficult to deal with.

Few Qin Zhong is so refreshing.

According to the sales lady’s perception, Qin Zhong should be one of those very wealthy people.

Since Qin Zhong paid for the house with one hand, the procedures went smoothly.

And she also specially gave Qin Zhong a 5% discount.

Billion villas. After the discount, it was 110.4 million.

After paying the money, Qin Zhong asked again.

“By the way, do you have any other office buildings here?”

Thinking that he will be out to start his own company in half a month, he still rents the place first!

The sales lady was so excited that she didn’t know what to say.

A few hours later, Qin Zhong swiped again and signed the lease contract.

The contract with Jiahang expires in half a month.

On his accounts, there are now about more than one billion in cash, and he finally has the capital to do something.

After setting up this company, Qin Zhong felt that he could let go of his hands and feet.

Soon, after Wu Jing learned that Qin Zhong was planning to open a film and television company, he called.

“Qin Zhong, you kid, you really dare to play, you know that the elimination rates of directors and film and television companies are amazing!”

Qin Zhong said seriously: “Brother Wu, I’m serious!”

Wu Jing nodded. Said: “Your kid is very talented, of course I support you as a elder brother. I happen to have a few more people in the Propaganda Department, hey. Anyway, I can’t afford it, so you should be pitiful to these people and reward them. Eat one bite of rice!”

“Thank you, Angkor!”

How could Qin Zhong fail to hear the kindness in Wu Jing’s words?

Forming a company is easier said than done.

Wu Jing said that he couldn’t support them, but he just wanted to help this little brother.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Zhen and the others also learned the news from other channels.

They all expressed support for Qin Zhong’s choice.

After all, Qin Zhong is already half the sky.

In the past few days, the popularity of “Journey to the West” has remained high.

There are also many variety show directors who have found Qin Zhong.

Among them, there are many popular programs such as “Running Man” and “Extreme Man Gang”.

In order to contact Qin Zhong, they used all the relationships they could use.

“Qin Zhong, the running man increased his salary to 20 million this time. He said he wanted you to be their permanent guest!” Bai Lili said.

But Qin Zhong still refused.

He has just finished a movie, and now he plans to form his own company. There really is no time to participate in variety shows.

Moreover, he also knows the routines of variety shows very well. They just follow the script.

Qin Zhong felt that when I acted in front of the camera, I wanted to present good works to the audience.

But it would be boring to perform in a variety show.

“Is there really no room for negotiation?” The running man’s director was very disappointed and confirmed the news again and again.

Those variety shows are very regrettable. If Qin Zhong joins them, their ratings will definitely be mentioned!

But no matter how many of them have broken their mouths, 0…

Qin Zhong just stays unmoved.

Imperial Capital, in the Jiahang office.

After Yang Mi learned about Qin Zhong’s ideas, he also expressed support.

Unfortunately, it is huge, but Yang Mi also knows that every outstanding artist will mature.

Just like she left Tang Ren without hesitation back then.

“No matter what you encounter in the future, whether you are troubled or have no money, you can tell my sister, and my sister will definitely help you as much as I can!”

Yang Mi said these words deliberately, meaning she was different from other bosses.

If Qin Zhong encounters setbacks while rushing outside, he can come back at any time.

She really regards Qin Zhong as a good friend.

“Thank you sister Mi!”

Yang Mi smiled, but she also knew that this was unlikely to happen.

Qin Zhong has helped Jiahang create a fortune of almost 500 million in less than a year after joining Jiahang, which is the one with the highest value creation among actors of the same generation.

“Looking back in less than a year, I still remember the first time I saw you. It’s really unexpected. You can achieve such a great achievement today!”

Yang Mi did not try to retain Qin Zhong too much.

She could see that Qin Zhong had to do a lot of her own things.

“I hope your future path will be smoother and smoother!”

Qin Zhong nodded.

He will never forget Yang Mi’s kindness to her.

Dilireba ran over with tears in his eyes.

She bit her lip.

“Brother Qin Zhong, are you really leaving?”

“Why can’t you stay here?”

Yang Mi stepped on high heels and walked over. Said: “Silly girl, don’t you see it yet, Qin Zhong is a dragon destined to soar in the sky!”

How could the dragon be trapped in the pond?

When he saw Qin Zhong for the first time, Yang Mi knew that Qin Zhong was destined to be something in the pool.

But what she didn’t expect was that this day would come so quickly.

Dilireba clenched his fists tightly.

She has to work hard now.

Otherwise, the distance between her and Qin Zhong will get wider and wider! .

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