Chapter 129

This time through, there is no picture of Bai Jingjing dying again.

The audience then released the heart that jumped into their throats.

Almost scared to death by the director!

In the previous plot, there was a person who repeatedly mentioned in Supreme Treasure’s dream that when you meet the person who gave you three moles, you will understand.

And Spring 30 Niang also repeatedly mentioned that she was looking for the man with three moles on the bottom of his feet!

Many viewers have not forgotten this clip.

Perhaps the arrangement of fate.

When Zhi Zun Bao first met Zixia Fairy, she gave Zhi Zun Bao three moles.

Every foreshadowing in the movie has its meaning.

If you miss a shot, the movie is not perfect.

The unpredictable fate brought the Supreme Treasure back to five hundred years ago. When he picked up the demon mirror, he unexpectedly found that he had become Monkey King.

At this time, the background music penetrated the void.

Like a blast of thunder in the flat ground, the audience was instantly awake.

Supreme Bao has really become Monkey King.

“I now solemnly declare that everything in this mountain belongs to me, including you!” 08

Fairy Zixia’s opening remarks were so simple and confident.

She thought everything she wanted was within easy reach.

Because she is a god in the sky, and even the god Erlang and the four heavenly kings are not her opponents, how could she put this man in her eyes?

Erlang Shen asked her to return to the Heavenly Court, but she didn’t.

“If you can’t be with the person you like, even if you let me be the Jade Emperor, I won’t be happy!”

Erlang sneered.

If you find a monster, don’t you lose Tianting’s face?

Many viewers saw Fairy Zixia who did her own way, but she was brought in instead.

In this world, there are too many people who like to tell the truth.

Even the Heavenly Court is like this.

Fairy Zixia took away Supreme Treasure’s Moonlight Treasure Box.

For Bai Jingjing, Zhi Zun Bao had no choice but to let Fairy Zixia at the mercy of her.

But unexpectedly, Supreme Treasure pulled out Fairy Zixia’s Ziqing sword.

At this moment, Fairy Zixia looked at Zhi Zun Bao’s gaze changed.

She looked astonished.

At the same time, he said softly: “It’s actually him!”

From then on, Fairy Zixia fell in love with Supreme Treasure.

Fairy Zixia put aside her pride and arrogance, and began to become reserved, worried, and even inferior.

She cautiously went to the test, and then confessed.

Supreme Po’s attitude towards Fairy Zixia is very perfunctory.

“here we go again!”

“Just tell him, it was arranged by heaven!”

“You care about him so much, God arranged it, it’s not enough for your ass!”

Facing the entanglement of Fairy Zixia, Zhizunbao casually asked: “It won’t be me!”

Then Zixia Fairy gave her first kiss shyly, but the supreme treasure to whom she belonged violently pushed her away.

How arrogant Zixia Fairy started, how humble she is now.

Fairy Zixia regards love as more important than her own life.

But the people she loves don’t love her.

So she begged to die in the desert.

Next came a series of tear-jerking plots.

Beware of the gray fairy Zixia, who meets the Bull Demon King, who is greedy for beauty and deceives her to be single and proposes to her.

Zixia didn’t think about it at all.

The person you like doesn’t love yourself, so who won’t you marry?

But when Zhi Zun Bao learned that Fairy Zixia was married to the Bull Demon King.

He saw the Moonlight Treasure Box that the Bull Demon King took out as a token of love.

Supreme Treasure secretly happily secretly wanted to facilitate this marriage!

When Fairy Zixia, who had mixed love and hatred for Supreme Treasure, drew her sword and pointed it at Supreme Treasure.

Supreme treasure made up a lie.

And also performed with tears.

Although I have told countless lies, I think this one is the most perfect.

“There used to be a sincere love in front of me…”

Fairy Zixia, who had suffered a series of blows, heard the words of Supreme Treasure, as if the purple sword in her hand fell to the ground.

Her heart is completely in love with Supreme Treasure.

This time, Zhi Zun Bao successfully used his scum and was once again scolded by the audience.

“Fairy Zixia, don’t believe him!”

“Qin Zhong, why didn’t I realize that you are so bad as a scumbag!”

“Supreme Treasure is not a thing, I can do anything for the Moonlight Treasure Box!”

Faced with Qingxia’s cynicism, Zixia still said idiotically: “Since God can arrange for him to pull out my purple sword, he must be an extraordinary person. The person in my mind is a great hero. Put on the golden armor and holy clothes, and marry me on the seven-colored clouds!”

In Zhi Zun Bao’s dream, Zi Xia said: “You can cheat, just like a moth. If you know that you are injured, you will still fall into the fire. The moth is so stupid!”

Zhang Yiming couldn’t help snorting coldly.

“Hmph, he will definitely not come, he is a scumbag, a liar!”

Fairy Zixia clearly knew that she was smarter than anyone else, but how could she not tell that Supreme Treasure was lying to him?

But Supreme Treasure once again met Bai Jingjing.

He proposed to Bai Jingjing to marry him, but after Bai Jingjing entered his heart, he left a letter without saying goodbye.

Zhi Zun Bao didn’t believe it, he had put in so much effort.

Love Bai Jingjing has become his vow, how could it change?

His persistence, his beliefs, are gone.

Therefore, when he met Spring 30, he asked to take a look at his heart before he died.

Ultimately, Zhi Zun Bao understood that instead of running away, he took his own golden hoop.

As an ordinary supreme treasure, it is impossible to defeat the Bull Demon King.

As Monkey King, he had to give up the love in his heart.

This time, he finally understood.

Everything in the world has a choice. Once you pick it up, you can’t let it go.

Avalokitesvara asked him what else he wanted to say before he brought this golden hoop. He repeated what he said to deceive Zixia again. This time, he did not deceive Zixia.

When Zixia was about to despair, Monkey King appeared.

But he did not recognize Zixia,

Zixia’s crazy love, Monkey King refused to admit, she stalked.

Finally, in order to save the entire town, Monkey King took the opportunity to attack.

Zixia died in the arms of Monkey King.

“I guessed the beginning, but couldn’t guess the ending!”

Zixia is dead.

Monkey King yelled: “I want your life!”

The audience only felt that their chests seemed to be tightly twisted and hurt.

They also wished to go up and kill the bull demon king.

Because the Bull Demon King killed him…

Zhang Yiming cried out of breath.

“Zixia died terribly!”.

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