Chapter 127

Wu Jing is here specifically to cheer Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong took a look. There were many famous directors and industry insiders who came that day.

The premiere soon began.

Qin Zhong was dragged by Liu Zhengwei and walked to the stage, standing in the middle position. Surrounded by the reporters’ cameras, many photos were taken.

After a speech by Liu Zhengwei and Zhou Xunxuan, the lights at the premiere scene suddenly dimmed-go on.

Under everyone’s gaze, a light blue light curtain suddenly lit up on the screen.

This light curtain became the LOGO of the film company.

The actors and directors who came to watch the movie looked solemn.

Especially director Zhang Yiming.

His face was indifferent.

As an art master who promotes the national quintessence, the dignified “Journey to the West” was actually used as a spoof!

This time Zhang Yiming didn’t want to come, but he changed his mind to think about it. It’s better to take this opportunity to educate them.

Zhang Yiming is known for his poisonous tongue, and there is nothing he dared not do.

Many people around you know this.

Zhang Yiming looked at the screen with disdain, with an arrogant mood.

At the beginning of the movie.

Running alone in the desert.

A group of bandits were eating meat and drinking from large bowls in the yard.

That person was a small thief from the Five Sacred Mountains, but unfortunately he was a dumb.

No matter how he described it, no one understood what he was going to say.

“The guard is actually a dumb?”

“It’s so funny!”

The audience was quickly amused by this setting.

“Be careful, everyone, there is a woman coming in outside!” The second master said disapprovingly.

Soon, the charming and enchanting Spring Thirty Mother appeared.

She put a peach blossom on the door frame,

“Do you know what place this is?” The second master’s eyes rolled and he smiled grimly.

This woman was so courageous that she ran into their robber den.

“You are so courageous, you are not afraid of getting into the mouth of a tiger?”

“Who is the sheep and who is the tiger is still unknown?”

“Peach blossoms will not give birth to a single inch of grass. Money will fall, and the head will not be protected!”

The actor is very gorgeous, but there is a trace of viciousness in his bones, and the devil is just right.

The people around were suddenly frightened.

The audience in the cinema was also taken aback by this vicious female demon.

“Wow, so awesome!”

A gang of bandits were so scared by the devil, they hurriedly went back to report to their gang leader.

Immediately afterwards, the gang leader who had been hit by the seven wounded punches appeared.

The audience quickly forgot the anger that was drawn just now, and was immediately amused by Qin Zhong’s cross-brow cross-eyed gang master.

“This gang leader is too unreliable!”

“Those little brothers are also super unreliable. They were fierce at first, but I didn’t expect them to be all idiots!”

“really interesting!”

“I’m so ridiculous. The first time I saw the handsome Qin Zhong look like this, I still cross-eyed, but the effect is really good!”

“This devil is so beautiful! It’s so aura!”

“As soon as you come up, the aura is full!”

Qin Zhong looked down and listened to comments from people around him. He followed with a chuckle.

He is already very familiar with the plot of the movie, and slowly nodded to the audience’s evaluation.

The audience watched very carefully.

The seemingly funny beginning, in fact, everyone’s appearance is very meaningful.

Numerous foreshadowings were laid from the beginning.

Spring Thirty’s mother is beautiful and beautiful. She wants to eat Tang Seng meat all day long, and asks for a long body, but she didn’t expect the real Tang Seng to be her own child.

To eat or not to eat? What a tragedy.

This is simply a huge irony!

But now Qin Zhong will not show spoilers.


Zhang Yiming was gradually attracted by the plot in the movie.

The cottage was taken over by the devil’s head Spring Thirty Niang.

The cross-eyed gang leader led a group of younger brothers to kill Chun Thirty Niang. Before it started, his side had already been defeated, and a group of younger brothers were greedy for life and fear of death. Moreover, the gang leader was also hit with seven wounds, and his internal organs were about to explode and died, but he was happily enmity. Although he knew he could not beat him, he rushed forward again and again, like a middle-two boy.

0 ········Find flowers···

The audience smiled, but suddenly realized that they had been moved by Supreme Treasure.

Zhi Zun Bao was carefree, but when he met Bai Jingjing, all this began to change.

“Helper, your taste is too bad!”

People around laughed.

But what about him?

Like it is like it, in order to make the girl leave a good impression of herself.

Zhi Zun Bao, like a boy with a new love, began to make changes to his image.

He combed his hair neatly, shaved his beard cleanly, put on the clothes of a scholar, and even the champion hat, and finally decided to have an unforgettable experience with Bai Jingjing on the wooden bridge. Encounter.

.. … 0

The pure Supreme Treasure only wanted to attract Bai Jingjing’s attention at this time.

But Bai Jingjing was a man who had lived for hundreds of years and was abandoned by Monkey King. When she faced Zhi Zun Bao, she had already seen through Zhu Zun Bao’s tricks.

“The night is long and I don’t want to sleep. I thought I was the only one who couldn’t sleep. So you can’t sleep, Miss Jingjing!”

Zhi Zun Bao put on a look that he thought was very handsome.

The audience laughed again.

Both funny and thought-provoking.

When they were young, when they first met the girl they liked, they tried to get the attention of each other in this way.

Bai Jingjing wanted to see what kind of stupid things Supreme Treasure would do next, and deliberately followed his words and continued.

Zhi Zun Bao did not see the sneer at the corner of Bai Jingjing’s mouth, but was ecstatic. Said that for the sake of Bai Jingjing’s absence from a thief, he would reform and be a new man!

“The setting of this movie is so unexpected!”

“Indeed, I started to look forward to the development of the following plot! Sun Wukong actually fell in love with the bone spirit, but didn’t the bone spirit want to eat Tang Sanzang? I seem to see how the two people turned against each other in the end!”

The person next to him started talking to himself.

Other audiences reacted similarly.

The audience was full of interest, and none of them exited early.

The plot continues. Ding.

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