Chapter 117

When Zhu Ying saw Qin Zhong playing so well under the camera, she was a little stunned.

In “Slaying the Wolf”, he is a father who loves his daughter.

In “Infernal Affairs”, his undercover police officer, Chen Yongren, affects countless viewers in his every move.

But at the moment in “A Chinese Journey to the West”, he is an ordinary bandit leader in Shantou, Wuyue, leading his brother to live a life of drunkenness and death.

After shooting the first scene, everyone around me admired Qin Zhong’s acting skills.

And Zhu Ying also kept applauding.

Mo Wen said jokingly: “Yingying, just applaud for your applause-right!”

“Look, your hands are red!”

“Huh?” Zhu Ying couldn’t help but flushed after hearing it.

She just sincerely felt that Qin Zhong’s acting skills were very good, and she couldn’t help applauding.


Mo Wenwei looked at Zhu Ying’s innocent appearance, and couldn’t help shook his head.

“I’m afraid this Zixia fairy really fell in love with Supreme Treasure.”

“Hate!” Zhu Ying picked up her powder fist and lightly hit Mo Wenwei on the body.

“Call you nonsense!”

Morwen smiled and ran away.

Zhu Ying glanced at Qin Zhong, who was calm in the distance, and was acting with others.

Can’t help but look at that person!

“Today has a lot of scenes, Zhu Ying, are you ready?”

When Liu Zhengwei stood in front of the camera, he became a little serious.

“I’m ready!”

Zhu Ying nodded.

This scene is the first encounter between Fairy Zixia and Zhi Zun Bao.

Zhu Ying led the donkey and walked to the designated area.

Wearing a fairy-clad fluttering dress, she came to the front of Shuiliandong and met Zhi Zun Bao.


Qin Zhong shook his head.


Qin Zhong shook his head foolishly again!

Qin Zhong’s heart is stunned. He obviously rescued Bai Jingjing through the journey. What happened to this woman who appeared inexplicably?

Where’s your own lady?

He looked around, very anxious and panicked inside.

Zhu Ying smiled and said, “Thank you!”

Although she said straight lines for three rounds, she wanted to realize her kind of fearless aura.

Liu Zhengwei said: “Zhu Ying, I think your performance just now was too gentle. You have not fallen in love with Supreme Treasure. The first time you met, in your eyes, he is just a mortal, and you are heaven. God, you don’t even pay attention to the god Erlang! This is a kind of…”

Liu Zhengwei explained.

“Very hanging… and then very arrogant eyes!”

“The gap between the two of you is very big now!”

Zhu Ying frowned, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, and then thought for a while.

I shot it several times, but it didn’t produce the effect the director wanted.

The reason is that on the one hand, Zhu Ying’s own momentum is not enough, and the details are not well grasped, and the height of Zhu Ying is also very petite. When the two stand together, there is always a big gap!

Qin Zhong suddenly said: “Why not, when I came out, I fell to the ground, while Zhu Ying was standing, your photographer, when shooting Zhu Ying, he looked up, and when he was shooting me, he looked down! ”


Liu Zhengwei said happily: “From this perspective, let’s emphasize the encounter between Fairy Zixia and mortals!”

According to what Qin Zhong said, the effect was much better.

At this time, Fairy Zixia looked condescendingly at Qin Zhong. From Qin Zhong’s perspective, he needs to look up at Fairy Zixia.

This kind of photography metaphors the disparity between the two people’s status.

“Qin Zhong, you are really a genius!” Liu Zhengwei couldn’t help but praised.

This is actually Zhu Ying’s own problem, but Qin Zhong easily used the lens language to achieve the goal of improvement.

“It’s nothing!” Qin Zhong said modestly.

“Qin Zhong is really amazing! A bird’s eye view lens can make up for the feeling that Zhu Ying lacks!”

“It’s amazing, I think if Qin Zhong becomes a photographer, he will definitely win the gold award!”

After the director yelled “Ka, it’s over!”, many people gathered around and kept praising Qin Zhong’s acting skills and talent just now.

Liu Zhengwei is also very confident.

“Qin Zhong, originally you came to act in a romantic movie, I was still a little worried, after all, you have never acted in a romantic movie before, and romantic movies are very delicate, but through my observations just now, you are simply amazing. !”

Qin Zhong said: “Director, I am an actor, and my duty is to perform the roles on the script, no matter what type of film it is!”

Liu Zhengwei applauded excitedly.


The people around also started applauding spontaneously.

During the evening, Qin Zhong and the crew went to a restaurant in town for dinner.

Because there are no big restaurants in the town, they go to regular restaurants.

The decoration is not luxurious.

But looking at history, this shop has been around for 20 to 30 years.

Zhu Ying asked a little strangely: “Qin Zhong, why don’t we go to the restaurant that just opened to eat?”

0 ········Find flowers···

The restaurant Zhu Ying was talking about is relatively large, and the decoration is also very luxurious, with radiant lights.

Qin Zhong smiled and said, “Hehe, of course there is a reason!”

Suddenly Zhu Ying and Mo Wenwei were very curious.

After ordering the food, Qin Zhong said, “Look at this shop. Although it is relatively old, it also shows that it has been in existence for more than 30 years. If the taste is not good, this shop will be yellow!”

Zhu Ying nodded straightly.

“So it’s the truth!”

Others nodded. They hadn’t noticed this problem at all just now, and now it seems that there are more customers in this old store.

In less than half an hour, the waiter served the dishes.

Because it is Ningxia, most of the dishes they eat are also Ningxia delicacies.

There are Yinchuan lamb, stuffed skins, braised snacks, mutton noodles, sauced beef and so on.

.. .. …

Qin Zhong ordered himself a steamed pork bun with wax sauce as a staple food.

However, maybe they are all people from Xiangjiang, so when they face a large plate of red, green, and green dishes on the table full of chili, they can’t even use their chopsticks.

“what is this?”

Zhu Ying looked at the food in Qin Zhong’s hand and asked curiously.

“This is a local snack called Roujiamo, and some people gave him a burger called Tianchao!”

“Oh! Really, then I want a copy too!”

Liu Zhengwei ordered everything when he saw it, and ordered a copy himself.

“I really don’t understand, what’s so delicious about this kind of food!”

Wang Jie, who plays the role of the Bull Demon King, is an authentic Xiangjiang native, and he is a bit disdainful of the local food.

He is planning to order a western food from his mobile phone.

It seems impossible to be like authentic Xiangjiang cuisine here. He can only lower his standards and change to fast food.


When Zhu Ying put the food in her mouth, her eyes widened.

The strong scent of stewed pork instantly made everyone around him swallow a mouthful of water.

“too delicious!”

“It’s so delicious!”

“Oh my god, this lamb is also very refreshing!”

Their table made a sound of admiration one after another, which instantly attracted the curious eyes of countless other diners.

Liu Zhengwei touched his bulging belly and said excitedly: “China’s food is so delicious, I can’t wait to wait for the next meal tomorrow!”

And Wang Jie couldn’t hold it anymore, and finally ate a piece of dish.

“It’s delicious!” Wang Jie said excitedly: “Director. Can you take more time to shoot here? I really love the food here!” Ding.

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