Chapter 114

After Qin Zhong in “Infernal Affairs” made Scarlett reacquaint herself with the acting skills of this Chinese man, she felt that she was already fascinated by men.

Especially those eyes, oh, what a pair of melancholy eyes that are!

Scarlett felt very excited when she thought that she was about to work with such an outstanding Asian actor.

“Kamelon, do you want Qin Zhong to play this supporting role? Oh, that’s great! I’m so excited, I can’t wait anymore. When will he come to audition and buy a plane ticket? “Scarlett asked quickly.

“Sorry, director, I’m so excited. Let me guess, he must have agreed, right? He must be buying a plane ticket now!”

Kamelon gave a wry smile!

He pointed to the computer and said, “It’s him, this guy named Qin Zhong refused to cooperate with me ten minutes ago!”

“What?” Scarlett’s eyes widened suddenly.

“How is it possible. Didn’t you say who you are? How could he refuse to cooperate with the famous Cameron?” Scarlett was shocked immediately, she almost thought she had heard it wrong.

Someone wants to refuse to cooperate with Cameron!

Cameron pointed to the email on the computer and said, “Of course he knows who I am in 08, and he returned the email to me. I think Scarlett, although I really want to work with this excellent actor, But I am afraid there is no chance!”

Scarlett looked at the email and said incredulously: “It’s unimaginable! It’s a shame not to be able to cooperate with such an excellent actor!”

Cameron also said helplessly: “Yes, to be honest, this is the first time I have invited an actor to be rejected. To be honest, an actor used to get a chance to get a non-important supporting role in my movie directly. He gave up the movie in which he was the male number one, but this Qin Zhong actually rejected me!”

“But. This makes me even more interested in him. He has a lot of ideas, and I admire him!”

In Cameron’s glasses, a strange brilliance came out.

“But next month I happen to have something to go to China, and I will personally talk to Mr. Qin at that time!”

Qin Zhong didn’t know that he had been spotted by Cameron.

Although he refused the opportunity to cooperate with a very famous director in the world, there was no loss in Qin Zhong’s body.

Qin Zhong got up early the next morning, just after dawn.

After a brief wash, he bought some gifts in the supermarket, and then he couldn’t wait to take a taxi to Zhou Xunxuan’s house.

He is discussing the script with Zhou Xunxuan these days.

After a few days of getting along, Zhou Xunxuan and Qin Zhong have become good friends who talk about everything.

As Qin Zhong expected, Zhou Xunxuan soon agreed to film “Journey to the West”.

I went today to discuss specific matters.

Qin Zhong came to Zhou Xunxuan’s villa. He just wanted to knock on the door, but the door opened.

“Haha, Qin Zhong, I knew you would come early!”

Zhou Xunxuan walked over with a little excitement.

“After you left yesterday, I thought about it for a whole night, throwing him away, just doing it, fearful, what a man!”

“You finally figured it out!” Qin Zhong said with a smile, and then put down the gift in his hand.

“The main thing is that what you said that day touched me. The audience now doesn’t know what they like to watch. I can’t always copy the previous comedies. The audience just want to watch newer and more interesting things, not the sequel of the movie! ”

“Taking pictures of what I like, this is what I really want to express!”

Zhou Xunxuan picked up a script on the table, placed it in front of Qin Zhong, and said, “The script is here, you can take a look!”

Qin Zhong took a deep breath. ,

Looking at the script printed on A4 paper with the thickness of about two fingers in front of him, an emotion of complexity and surprise slowly emerged from Qin Zhong’s heart, and only four words were written on the cover: “A Chinese Journey to the West ”

This is a love movie with no one before and no one in the future.

In Qin Zhong’s past lives, in the next ten years, there will be no movie comparable to this one.

The first time of the script:

Zhi Zun Bao is a group of happy bandits with his 19 disciples on Wuyue Mountain.

Until one day, he met a girl named Bai Jingjing.

He felt that he had met love.

Qin Zhong silently finished reading the script, even forgetting the time. The whole room was quiet, while Zhou Xunxuan was waiting quietly beside him. Qin Zhong made the sound of flipping the paper from time to time.

Gradually, Qin Zhong’s home port is getting deeper and deeper. “A Westward Journey” deserves to be a movie that has been popular for so long in the previous life!

Monkey King’s unforgettable love affair, Zixia Fairy’s moths against the fire, Tang Monk’s long-winded, Drifting Monk and Zhu Bajie’s tearing down each other…

What kind of script can be written by a ghost?

Qin Zhong is a little excited, he is completely immersed in the script now.

Compared with the orthodox Journey to the West, this is more like a prequel to “Journey to the West”.

After an hour, I finally finished reading the script.

He gently put the script on the table.

“How is it?” Zhou Xunxuan asked.

“Azun, this is really a rare good script!”

The two talked for a long time.

There is nothing wrong with the script, no matter it is the lines, the plot or whatever, it is full of deep meaning.

And this time it was Qin Zhong and Zhou Xunxuan who invested together, because Zhou Xunxuan still believed that the risk of filming “Journey to the West” was too great, and he did not allow all the risks to be grafted onto Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong knows that after the financial crisis, Zhou Xunxuan is actually in a low period now. Many of his investments have not been rewarded, but he still squeezed out 30 million to shoot.

For Zhou Xunxuan’s friendship, Qin Zhong is also very grateful.

After studying the entire script, Qin Zhong discovered that this “Journey to the West” seems to be somewhat different from what he had seen in his previous life.

The two movies are basically the same.

However, many parts of this script seem to be deliberate.

For example, there are many more positive things, and the whole movie looks a little flat.

But this is also related to the current environment.

These are minor issues.

The biggest problem is the shooting location. .

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