Chapter 110

Liu Dehua is in the police station. Cooperating with Han Chen, the leader of the gang, grabbed some small characters and cleared some obstacles for Han Chen by the way.

But Chen Yongren has to go through countless internal struggles in the gang.

At the same time, he also met a good brother, Silly Strong!

Constantly betraying the people around him, fighting wits and courage with the gangsters, and hiding his identity, Qin Zhong made this character’s confusion and cautious interpretation very vivid.

Especially when he is facing that Superintendent Huang who is also a teacher and friend to him!

Once, Qin Zhong met a woman on the street.

She used to be the woman she loved deeply.

But because of his undercover status, he could only watch the woman walk away with the child.

The woman told Qin Zhong that she was married.

The daughter is five years old.

Qin Zhong smiled indifferently.

“We have been apart for six or seven years… In a blink of an eye, your daughter is so old!”

In a blink of an eye, his beloved woman has become someone else’s wife.

Even the children are gone again. Really, no surprises!

Qin Zhong smiled lightly, but his back faltered.

The woman looked at Qin Zhong’s back. The corners of the eyes are moist.

“Mom. I’m six years old…”

After Qin Zhong left, the little girl immediately corrected her mother’s mistakes unconvinced.

The woman laughed sadly: “I’m sorry, mom made a mistake!”

In the cinema, many people burst into tears.

How could mother mistake the age of the child? Obviously, he didn’t want Aren to know the existence of this child.

The screenwriter did not specify, but left room for imagination for the audience.

Qin Zhong smiled sadly. At the same time, it touched the soft hearts of countless audiences.

“It must be Aren’s child…”

“For the sake of undercover, my girlfriend couldn’t recognize each other even after she had a baby!”

This short one-minute shot is like a stroke of magic.

The hearts of the audience were all picked up.


In an operation, Qin Zhong’s identity was about to be exposed.

Superintendent Huang went to rescue Qin Zhong.

“Let’s go separately. ¨!”

Superintendent Huang closed the elevator and suddenly reached in with a hand.

“Wow, one hand. Scared to death!”

“It’s terrifying, I guess Superintendent Huang won’t be able to escape…”

The courageous had already called out.

Han Chen’s killer smiled very strangely.

Then, when Qin Zhong successfully escaped from the building, he was secretly rejoicing.


Superintendent Huang suddenly hit the taxi.

He died in front of Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong was stunned.

The man who has been with him for ten years. He died suddenly in front of him without any signs.

Qin Zhong collapsed.

He wanted to cry.

Silly Qiang babbled around…

In the end, Qin Zhong was suspected by Han Chen. This time, his best brother in the underworld, Stupid, helped him.

“Brother Ren, you go find a girl, I didn’t tell Brother Chen, if you let him know, at that time, if you ran out to find a girl, you would be dead!”

He slowly smiled at Qin Zhong.

In fact, he knows everything.

“If someone looks at you with inattentive eyes, he is a policeman! Remember!”

Stupid is dead…

Qin Zhong wiped away his tears after crying and went back to Han Chen’s side. He told Han Chen that he killed Silly Qiang himself because he suspected his undercover agent!

Once again, the crisis was resolved.

Finally, on the rooftop, Liu Jianming defrauded Superintendent Huang’s file password and deleted Chen Yongren’s file. Chen Yongren also knew Liu Jianming’s true identity. Before Liu Jianming came back, he fled.

The last scene. Chen Yongren used Han Chen’s recording as bait, and Liu Jianming met on the rooftop where Superintendent Huang was involved.

On the rooftop, Chen Yongren recalled the death of Superintendent Huang. He was lost. Now he is an undercover undercover with nothing. No one knows his identity. Who is he?

Liu Jianming offered to join hands with him.

“give me a chance!”

“I want to be a good person!”

Chen Yongren smiled indifferently.

He said: “I am a policeman!”

From beginning to end, he never forgot that he was a policeman himself. He survived, and faced Liu Jianming’s temptation, he clearly knew who he was, “I am a policeman!”

This is his belief. He chose the most difficult path, but he was slow and firm, getting closer and closer to his goal.

Instead, it was Liu Jianming. He didn’t figure it out at first, and he repeated: “I want to change with him!”

But this choice is not given by others, but chosen by oneself.

Chen Yongren sacrificed!

His sacrifice made the whole movie theater sigh and sad.

Finally, the movie is over.

No one in the cinema is willing to leave yet.

“I still want to watch!”

“This is over? I haven’t seen it yet!”

People talked a lot, but they just didn’t want to go.

“Chen Yongren died so easily?”

“It must be dead. Big B ran in and made up several shots again. The one who died can’t die anymore!”

“The elevator doors can’t be closed, I’m so sad, I want to cry now!”

“`” Shiitake mushrooms, blue thin! ”

But people do not believe that Chen Yongren actually died like this.

The manager of the cinema was chatting with the young girl who bought the tickets in front.

The manager smiled and said, “Xiaoli, when the movie is over, I invite you to drink milk tea, okay!”

Someone hurried over.

“What are you doing? Didn’t you see me busy?” The manager was angry.

“Better give me a reason, otherwise I can’t kill you!”

The staff member hurriedly said: “Something has happened, the guests in the projection room No. 32, none of the more than 200 people are willing to leave!”


The manager’s head is also big.

He has been a manager for such a long time and has not encountered such a thing.

It’s already twelve o’clock, and he is still waiting to ask Xiaoli to go and tea with milk after work!

Manager Ye rushed to the box No. 32 in a hurry.

On the road, I was still asking the person next to me: “Is the broadcast malfunctioning? Or does the audience have to refund the tickets?”

“It’s all (it’s) no, but the audience just doesn’t want to go! It’s also very noisy”

“Weird! On the 32nd, I think about it, it seems that “Infernal Affairs” was released! No matter what, please go and comfort the audience. Hey, I shouldn’t have shown this film at the beginning. I didn’t expect something happened to be released at night!”

However, when Manager Ye arrived in the screening room, the audience sat quietly in their chairs. There is no point of making trouble.

Manager Ye was shocked, what’s the situation?

Wiping the sweat from his head, while not forgetting to stare at the staff next to him fiercely.

Scared him to death. I thought there was a big accident.

“Hello, I am the manager of this movie theater. Now that the movie is over, everyone can leave now!”

“No, your movie hasn’t finished, we won’t leave!”

The audience commented.

Manager Ye looked at the screen and said in surprise: “The 100-minute movie is indeed over. Look, the subtitles are all out!”.

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