Chapter 102

Sorry, I am a policeman.

No matter what kind of situation Chen Yongren fell into.

This is what he said over and over again.

He never forgot his identity, even when Liu Jianming pointed a gun at him, he never forgot this sentence.

He enters the gang, fights, hacks people, goes to jail, and takes drugs. On the surface, he is a heinous villain. But he has never forgotten that he is a policeman!

Fight wits and courage with the target criminals, and strive to bring the other party to justice.

Even if Superintendent Huang died in front of him.

He also steadfastly struggled towards his goal.

When he was suffering in his life, there was only such a simple sentence.

“I’m a policeman!”

This last scene is simply one of the classic shots of “Infernal Affairs”.

Qin Zhong was also moved when he heard the praise of the actor Andy Lau for himself.

From the beginning when I was not recognized by other people in the crew, until I was playing with Huang Qiu, their attitude changed dramatically.

In the end, he faced off with Liu Dehua on the rooftop.

Everyone’s attitude towards him turned into admiration.

Many people have keenly realized that Qin Zhong will achieve very great achievements in the future.

No one dared to look down upon him.

Liu Dehua is very optimistic about him.

And Yu Wenle and Guanxi Ge also let go of their previous prejudices about Qin Zhong. After the three people talked, Qin Zhong said in a simple way, and immediately helped Yu Wenle and Chen Guanxi out of their previous doubts.

Out of gratitude to Qin Zhong, the two of them had time to discuss deduction matters with Qin Zhong.

After all, they are young people, and they have a lot of topics in common, and the three of them are about to become good friends who talk about everything.

After the movie is over, the finale banquet will be held.

According to the rules of Xiangjiang, people with status and status sit on the main seat.

On the Xiangjiang side, queuing for capital is very important.

Qin Zhong is a newcomer here, and it hasn’t been long since his debut, so he took the initiative to come to Chen Guanxi to be with them. Anyway, with the young people, he is even more unrestrained.

Chen Guanxi is still the same, the phone does not leave his hand.

Qin Zhong smiled. It seems that Mr. Chen’s career may have changed from a photographer to a game anchor in this world.

Soon they were seated at once.

“Do you want a round?”

Chen Guanxi asked.

“No!” Qin Zhong shook his head. He is not very interested in games. Sometimes he will play it several times when he is interested.

However, just like in the crew, as soon as Qin Zhong makes a shot, the others basically have no room to play.

Qin Zhong had to give up.

When Chen Guanxi saw that Qin Zhong didn’t seem to be interested, he said, “This decompression is very good!”

Qin Zhong thought for a while and said, “Are you under a lot of pressure?”

Chen Guanxi and Yu Wenle said in unison: “It was not big before, since you came… it’s terrible!”

In these three months, he was almost tortured to death by Qin Zhong. Who would have thought that Qin Zhong’s acting skills would be so good! When acting with him, it was simply too stressful.

Fortunately, he and he hardly have any rivalries.

Even so, he felt that his heart was very burdened.


People who are better than you work harder than you.

Then I will sling you in all respects!

This is how Chen Guanxi and Yu Wenle feel at this moment.


After the movie ended, he suddenly discovered that he had learned a lot from Qin Zhong.

These things have changed him greatly.

Especially Qin Zhong’s concentration and devotion to the script, and think of himself as a nightclub or picking up girls every day.

Wasting time on such meaningless things.

Chen Guanxi decided it was time to make some changes.

Saygoodbye thoroughly with that decadent self before!

The appearance of Qin Zhong gave him a new goal to strive for!

The world is a very fragile thing.

Because Qin Zhong accidentally became the male lead of “Infernal Affairs”, and changed some things, some people and things will change.

It’s like a butterfly, fanning its wings.

Some things are destined to be different.

What Chen Guanxi didn’t know was that at that moment, something was different.

“Qin Zhong!”

Liu Weiqiang saw Qin Zhong and Chen Guanxi sitting together and shouted loudly.

“Come here! Come to me!”

Liu Weiqiang was so enthusiastic that Qin Zhong couldn’t refuse, so he had to bid farewell to Chen Guanxi and the others.

Liu Weiqiang called Qin Zhong to his side and sat directly with the two directors, the producer, and Liu Dehua.

Chen Guanxi looked at Qin Zhong with envy.

“When will the two of us sit with those producer bosses and talk and laugh together!”

It doesn’t matter what you eat, everyone’s dishes are the same.

But sitting in that position, the identity is suddenly different.

Although Chen Guanxi and Yu Wenle are also called stars now, they are far worse than Qin Zhong.

Yu Wenle shook his head and murmured: “It took 15 years and 15 years of hard work for Liu Dehua to do this, so he has such a pivotal position in the entertainment industry!”

“And Qin Zhong, in only three months, has become a hot character in the eyes of directors and producers…”

He gave a wry smile.

What kind of genius is this to do such a shocking thing!

Chen Guanxi also knew that Yu Wenle felt it was impossible in his heart.

In a blink of an eye, many people around started toasting with a few leading actors.

But Zeng Zhiwei couldn’t do it anymore. After drinking two glasses of wine, he poured it down.

When Huangqiu swayed and sat on the chair, he was almost unrestrained by those who came, with extraordinary tolerance.

Liu Dehua and Qin Zhong naturally drank a lot.

Qin Zhong just feels a little dizzy now.

He had drunk a dozen cups and was already close to his limit.

Qin Zhong closed his eyes.

To outsiders, Qin Zhong seems to have drunk too much.

But in fact, Qin Zhong is only searching for what he needs in his system store.

“found it!”

Thousand cups are not drunk, one-time use skills.

After use, it can last up to 72 hours, no matter how much alcohol you drink, whether it is red, white or foreign, you will not get drunk.

Looking at the redemption conditions, it actually requires three million fans.

Qin Zhong thinks it is too expensive and not worth it.

Can I not only drink a few more glasses of wine? The price is so dark.

What a profiteer!

When Qin Zhong was slandering in his heart. Liu Dehua came to Qin Zhong’s side. .

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