Chapter 10

After Qin Zhong signed the new contract, Yang Mi took out two documents and placed them in front of Qin Zhong.

“These are two new books that Jiahang got, you can pick them!”

Qin Zhong opened the script and took a closer look.

The first is “Dream of the Performing Arts”, which is about a group of newcomers who worked hard in the entertainment circle for their dreams, and finally succeeded, and by the way, they also harvested their own love.

It’s a bit like an autobiography, and the content is very simple and rude. It is more suitable for newcomers like Qin Zhong, because the people in it are some artists who have not debuted.

Everyone can see that this movie is specifically for newcomers to debut!

“Our company has invested in this movie. Sister Mi can guarantee that you can do it. Originally, I was going to be the other kid in the company, but now that you have such a strong momentum, you will definitely be able to get a better box office!” Yang Mi said lightly.

Qin Zhong did not speak.

He had watched this movie in the original world. Because the content was shoddy, it was too foolish for the audience, and the audience was screaming. It was only shown for three days before it was disbanded!

Other movies are bad, but at the very least, they can die with a little dignity.

“Dreamcatcher Showbiz” is purely funny, and what’s even more bizarre is that they actually feel that they are hitting the street at the box office, and the audience doesn’t appreciate it!

Fortunately, I crossed over, so I won’t be fooled!

He turned his gaze to another script.

Soon, Qin Zhong was attracted by the contents.

“Big Shot”!

This movie, adapted from the movie of Bangziguo, tells the story of a police investigating a simple jumping accident, which leads to a terrifying case, and finally causes a great disparity between good and evil. . The story of finally bringing the evil forces to justice.

The publicity, pre-sales, and film schedules in this movie are all ordinary, but in the end it became a group of dark horses at the box office.

If he can star in this movie, it will bring great help to the future interpretation!

Looking at Qin Zhong who read the script carefully, Yang Mi said with a smile: “I was planning to prepare other movies for you, but the starring role has already been decided, and it is not easy to change people temporarily…”

“Pop!” Qin Zhong put the script on the table and said categorically: “I want to play “Big Shot”!”

Yang Mi and Bai Lili looked at each other, and they both saw the doubt in each other’s eyes.

Yang Mi pondered for a moment, and said, “But, this movie is a small investment movie, and how popular you are now…”

Bai Lili looked at Qin Zhong suspiciously, and persuaded: “Moreover, “Big Shots” is definitely not as good as “Chasing Dreams.” As your agent, I think you can also consider, “Chasing Dreams” “It’s a fan movie. To a certain extent, it can also increase your number of fans!”

Although “Big Shot” is an adaptation of Bangziguo’s movie, it has limited investment, a long shooting cycle, and relatively difficult conditions.

In addition, the box office of such crime action movies is generally not too high.

Qin Zhong shook his head and said, “Don’t think about it, I will only go to “Big Shot”!”

Seeing Qin Zhong’s stubbornness, Yang Mi had to agree.

“In this case, I will prepare it for you right away!”

Yang Mi immediately dialed the phone on the desk.

Five minutes later, Yang Mi frowned. She had obtained the script three days ago. Unexpectedly, they had already found the lead actor.

“Qin Zhong, I have a bad news. I can tell you that their starring role has been confirmed. It is Wang Qianyuan, and the investor does not agree to change the role. And I think the character of this movie is a middle-aged policeman. , You are not very suitable either!” Yang Mi said euphemistically.

The key is that this time the protagonist is set to be a middle-aged policeman with a lot of experience. He is smart, persevering, just, and even a little cunning.

Yang Mi feels that Qin Zhong may not be able to play such a complicated role.

“Why don’t you wait a moment, I will help you fight for it?”

Although he didn’t agree with Qin Zhong’s decision in his heart, Yang Mi still supported his artist.

“Leader? I didn’t expect to play the lead role!”

Qin Zhong said strangely.

A touch of excitement appeared on his face: “I want to play Zhao Tai!”

Yang Mi widened his watery deer eyes and said in disbelief, “What did you say? Go play Zhao Tai?”

Qin Zhong nodded.

“Well, I respect your decision, they are choosing a role for the supporting role!”

Bai Lili stood up immediately. “I’ll make arrangements!”

“That’s right! Sister Mi. I advise you, you should thoroughly understand the “Dream Pursuit” before you decide whether to invest or not!” Before leaving, Qin Zhong suddenly dropped these thoughtless words.

Qin Zhong didn’t say it clearly, but as an employee of Yang Mi’s company, he needs to remind his boss to prevent Yang Mi’s investment from being in vain.

Although it is normal to make a profit and lose money when investing in movies. But for that movie, the investors lost their money in the end…

“This kid…” Yang Mi looked at Qin Zhong’s distant back and was lost in thought. Could it be that there is really something wrong with “Dreamcatcher Showbiz”?

Back in his room, Qin Zhong opened the property panel.

[Host: Qin Zhong.

Sex: Male

Age: 21

Charm: 26302

Fans: 425151

Popularity: 635913

Skills: Primary acting proficiency]

Unexpectedly, in just a few days of work, he actually has more than 400,000 fans!

Every fan can contribute a fan value. And these fan value can be used to redeem the corresponding props in the shop.

Zhao Tai is a gangster!

If you want to get this role, you must perform that arrogant and arrogant scene perfectly.

Qin Zhong performed several times in advance, but he couldn’t achieve that effect. Although the system gave him an elementary proficiency in acting, as long as he analyzed it carefully, he could feel that the effect came from the performance!

It is necessary to improve his own strength, Qin Zhong looked for it carefully in the item store.

“Right, that’s it!”

Situational simulation training experience card.

As the name suggests, it is to be able to enter various situations and perform simulated performances on specific roles.

As soon as I see the price…


Every time you enter, you actually have to deduct 200,000 fan points!

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Zhong resolutely redeemed an opportunity to enter the scene training.

“It’s so expensive!”

Just when Qin Zhong had a painful expression on his face, Bai Lili suddenly walked in.

“You don’t have to be so scary to see me!” Bai Lili said in surprise.

Qin Zhong drinks a glass of water.


Bai Lili is worthy of being Jiahang’s best artist, and has already communicated with the crew over there.

“The audition is scheduled at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon. By the way, there is another news. I heard that Bao Shier will also participate in this audition. I have a hunch that he will be your strongest opponent!”

PS: Ten more on the first day, please support a wave of flowers! .

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