Chapter 8 Bailu broke the defense: a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost!

"Ye Xuan really doesn't pity Xiang Xiang Yu at all!"

"Groove! Groove! On the front foot I am still seriously smashing CP, and on the back foot my CP is broken?! "

"What's going on with this broken painting style?!"

"Bai Lu's injured world has also been achieved!"


None of the barrage that quickly brushed the screen said Bai Lu's heart.

At this moment, Bai Lu's eyes when she looked at Ye Xuan were even more resentful.

Before, she saw how handsome Ye Xuan's face was, but now she looks at Ye Xuan's handsome face, how hateful it is!

Why did he fall for Ye Xuan?!

Who said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more she lies?!

This handsome man lied, and it was also called a match!

When really answered the old saying, a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost!

Taking a deep breath, Bai Lu revealed an oozing smile and put down the cruel words on the spot.

"Ye Xuan, you won the game and lost your friend!"

At this time, Song Yuqi and Yang Ying, who were standing opposite Bai Lu, also reacted from Fang Cai's dumbfounded eyes.

Hearing Bai Lu's words, Song Yuqi did not forget to mend the knife.

"He may not have considered you a friend yet!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Lu only felt that she had been shot in the heart again.

Song Yuqi, you know how to comfort people!

After a moment, her eyes became more and more resentful as she looked at Ye Xuan.

You boy, wait for me!

This revenge is not rewarded, she wrote the three words Bai Mengyan upside down!

On the other side, Ye Xuan was listening to the prompt sound of the system one after another, and the corners of his mouth lifted lightly.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the White Dew Resentment Value 20 points].

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the White Dew Resentment Value 10 points].

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the White Dew Grudge Value 5 points].


Seeing that Bai Lu's resentment value had reached 40 points, Ye Xuan hooked his lips slightly.

Not bad!

The dawn of victory is not far off!

Seeing Bai Lu being sent into the outroom, as soon as Ye Xuan turned around, he saw Song Yuqi and Yang Ying standing left and right on either side of him.

This is, ready to outflank yourself ?!

The radio came with a countdown prompt for the last minute left, and Song Yuqi was possessed by a woman at the moment, rolling up her sleeves and saying

"At the last minute, as long as we stop you, we will avenge Bai Lu!"

Yang Ying on the side did not speak, but the movement in his hand was obviously in the same camp as Song Yuqi.

The position of the three people is exactly at the entrance of the escalator.

As Song Yuqi and Yang Ying approached, Ye Xuan happened to be caught in a dead end.

Song Yuqi had already stretched out his hand one after another, trying to touch the name tag behind Ye Xuan, and did not forget to persuade him.

"Your time is running out, let's tear it up, don't waste the name brand!"

Yang Ying on the side also smiled and groaned.

"Stop struggling, there's no shame in losing to us two-on-one!"

At this moment, seeing that the two gradually forced Ye Xuan into a dead end, many viewers in the live broadcast room clenched their fists and pinched a sweat.

So far, Ye Xuan is the closest guest to success.

Will it be a pity to lose here?!

"No, won't it?! I'm so nervous! "

"Is it really going to be a failure?!"

"Ye Xuan! Who let him bully us Bai Mengyan! Immortal under Fan Bai Mengyan, peerless beauty Bai Mengyan, milk skin Bai Mengyan! "

"There are only thirty seconds left!"


Song Yuqi had already shown an expression of victory, and Yang Ying was also excited.

Obviously, the two already felt that Ye Xuan would definitely lose.

But in the next moment, I saw Ye Xuan suddenly turn around sharply, supporting his hands on the escalator, jumping with his legs, and his whole person jumped out directly over the escalator.

This momentary action occurred between the electric flint, and when Ye Xuan jumped to the ground, Song Yuqi and Yang Ying had not reacted.

The two of them looked up in unison, and saw Ye Xuan grimacing.

"I'm sorry, I won this round!"

Leaving Yang Ying and Song Yuqi stunned in place, Ye Xuan ran towards his bomb box like an off-string arrow.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were first stunned with Ye Xuan's actions, and then nervous.

At this moment, there are still fifteen seconds left before the bomb is activated.

On the radio, the countdown mode has been automatically turned on for the last ten seconds.

Ten seconds!

Five seconds!

Four seconds!

Three seconds!

One second!

Ye Xuan rushed to the bomb box with two name cards like cannonballs.

Seeing the square light up, he snapped and pressed it without hesitation.

With a drop to the ground, the bomb is lifted!

Soon, the broadcast of the entire venue sounded again.

"Congratulations to Ye Xuan on the successful lifting of the crisis!"

As soon as this voice came out, Bai Lu, who was already sitting in the OUT room waiting for the end of the game, was ready to yawn just now, and instantly became energetic.

"Ye Xuan is a big liar!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Chen, who also felt that he had been deceived by his feelings, stood in the same camp with Bai Lu without hesitation.


Not long after, Ye Xuan, who had successfully ended the game, also came to the outroom.

Seeing Ye Xuan appear, Bai Lu immediately jumped up from her place.

"I never expected that such a handsome and handsome Ye Xuan would do such a cruel thing to me!"

Seeing Bai Lu's breathy little face flushed, Ye Xuan explained with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, isn't this the first time I've been inexperienced?"

Seeing that Ye Xuan took the initiative to bow his head and admit his mistake, Bai Lu wrinkled his nose, thinking of saving some face for the new guest, and said very generously.

"Okay, I don't care..."

The villain passed.

It's just that Bai Lu's magnanimous words have not yet finished speaking, and he saw Ye Xuan popping out the next sentence in a serious way.

"Next time I tear a few more times I will have experience."

How many more times to tear next time?

Also tear?!

This feeling is torn once, it's not enough, right?

The fingers suddenly stood up, and Bai Lu's eyes were round.

Seeing Bai Lu looking so depressed, Ye Xuan heard a pleasant electronic sound in his head again.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the White Dew Grudge Value 5 points].

Good, the wool is successful!

At this moment, hearing the conversation between the two, the rest of the guests had already covered their stomachs and leaned forward and backward with a smile.

The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed one by one when they watched this scene.

"Laughter split!"

"Feelings, Ye Xuan, the biggest advantage of this guy is clearly to tell the truth!"

"Ye Xuan is mainly a Geng Zhi!"

"How did he manage to be perfunctory and sincere?!"

"I suddenly feel that Ye Xuan can go to the talk show to try it, this is not to give the talk show a way to live!"


Not long after, the stadium's radio sounded again.

"Bomb disarming failed, Song Yuqi out!"

"Congratulations to Yang Ying for successfully resolving the crisis!"

At this point, the first level of the game is basically over.

After Song Yuqi and Yang Ying arrived, Director Yao had already held the loudspeaker to announce the results.

"The winners of this round of the game are Yang Ying and Ye Xuan, and the two can get four hundred diamonds."

A few applause rang out.

Bai Lu clapped without hesitation, and quickly glared at Ye Xuan while turning her head.

Feeling something about Bai Lu's eyes, Ye Xuan immediately returned a bright smile.

This is a big customer who provides grievance value!

But this smile fell in Bai Lu's eyes, and she immediately clenched her teeth!

This is clearly a mockery!

No way!

She must get it back next!

Just when Bai Lu secretly made up her mind to win the next game, she listened to Director Yao's voice suddenly turn sharp.

"However, there is one very important thing to tell everyone.

In the process of defusing the poker bomb, four players of spades have been selected, and their hole cards have turned into spades. "

As soon as the voice came out, the atmosphere of the audience suddenly changed!


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