Chapter 61 Ye Xuan: Reba, are you trying to take advantage of me?

After groaning for a while, Ye Xuan temporarily forgot about the system task.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat is naturally straight to the bridge.

The most important thing at the moment is, of course, the kiss scene with Reba in front of him.

Noticing that Reba's face was full of entanglement, Ye Xuan's eyes quickly crossed a playful color, and now he was even joking.

"Reba, don't take advantage of me next."

After all, in the next scene, the female protagonist Qiao Jingjing deliberately touched the abs of the male protagonist Yu Tu.

As soon as the words came out, Reba's beautiful eyes suddenly glared at the boss.

This is her first kissing scene, and just now she is still doing thought work for herself, in case she can't let go.

How did he get into Ye Xuan's mouth, and become his own advantage?!

Filming intimate scenes, it is obviously the actress who suffers.

This guy actually raked upside down?!

Thinking of this, Reba suddenly puffed out her cheeks and huffed.


As soon as he said this, Ye Xuan, who was in front of the meeting, instead showed a bright smile.

"Coincidentally, how do you know that I don't show my teeth when I smile?!"


Reba, who was choked, had already forgotten Fang Cai's entanglement and shyness, and was fully immersed in the bickering in front of him.

"Believe it or not, I'll eat a garlic and smoke you to death later!"

Later, if there is a kiss scene, she will not believe Ye Xuan in front of the garlic smoked and undead!

Seeing Reba's eyebrows dancing, Ye Xuan also laughed and teased.

"Then I'll have a coriander?"

As far as he knew, coriander was Reba's number one sworn enemy, even to the point where Tixian changed color.

Sure enough, as soon as the extremely lethal weapon of coriander came out, Reba exploded like a cat that had been stepped on its tail.

"You dare! If you eat coriander, I'll fight with you! "

Seeing that Reba was no longer nervous just now and regained his full vitality, Ye Xuan gently hooked his lips and smiled.

"Just kidding, joking, of course fake."

He also saw that Reba was nervous, so he made a joke 10 to ease her mood.

Seeing that Reba had recovered his original vitality, he naturally stopped talking.

Seeing that Ye Xuan took the initiative to truce, Reba did not continue to play tricks with Ye Xuan.

After all, the task of filming is heavy, and I have to memorize a large number of lines every day.

Now that the next scene is about to start filming, Reba naturally wants to seize this golden memory time for holding Buddha's feet.

In contrast, Ye Xuan was obviously a little more elegant.

After all, with the skill of systematically passing through the eyes, all the script lines have long been in his mind.

The only thing he needs to do is to absorb and digest the lines well and integrate them into his acting skills.

Half an hour later, it was the turn of the two to officially start filming the intimate scene.

"The light group is in place."

"The camera crew is in place."

As director Wang Zhi's instructions fell, all departments of the crew immediately started work quickly.

In the bright and spacious room, the cameras were in place one by one, and the staff was quickly ready.

The male and female protagonists of this scene, Ye Xuan and Reba, have now changed into a couple's pajamas and also came to the shooting room this time.

At this time, Ye Xuan was wearing a dark blue pajamas, and he looked more and more handsome and tall.

And standing next to him, Reba, who stood tall, was dressed in a pink nightdress, which felt delicate and soft when she looked at it.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is the existence of the second kill film at any time.

As soon as the two appeared, they attracted the attention of many members of the crew.

"These two look really well matched!"

"The heart of the old man and girl who looked at it came out again!"

"Lang Cai girl!"


As the starring Ye Xuan and Reba, they have long been accustomed to hearing everyone's praise, and now they quickly adjusted their acting state.

The scene that the two will shoot next happens to be Qiao Jing's crystal color, touched Yu Tu's abs, took the initiative to kiss Yu Tu, and was immediately counter-pressed by Yu Tu.

Noticing that the two leading actors were ready, director Wang Zhi quickly shouted to start.

"Three Two One, Action"

As this instruction fell, Reba, who played Qiao Jingjing, got into the bed for the first time and looked at Ye Xuan, who was still standing on the edge of the bed.

As if feeling the eyes of his lover, Yu Tu, played by Ye Xuan, quickly lay down.

As soon as he lay down, Qiao Jingjing, played by Reba, immediately moved his body and brought his head closer to Yu Tu's arms played by Ye Xuan.

As soon as this scene came out, many staff members in the same room had already shown their aunt smiles.

The air seems to be filled with pink bubbles, and the picture looks extremely sweet and moving.

Immediately after, it was the scene where Qiao Jingjing touched the abs of the way.

At this moment, Reba was still snuggled in Ye Xuan's arms, and gradually, her gaze involuntarily fell on Ye Xuan's chest.

As if thinking of something, her smart eyes turned, and while Ye Xuan was not paying attention, her hand immediately touched.

At the moment, she forced herself to endure the shyness in her heart, pretending to say Qiao Jingjing's lines with a calm face.

"With so busy work, why do you still have abs?"

The voice with a smile fell on Ye Xuan's ears.

The next moment, Ye Xuan suddenly pressed Reba's hand with a straight face.

"The lab also has to move bricks."

In the plot, Qiao Jingjing felt that Yu Tu was still so serious in this atmosphere of pink bubbles, and immediately chose to take the initiative to steal kisses.

Recalling the plot in his mind, Reba hurriedly stood up and quickly leaned over to Ye Xuan's lips and kissed him.

At the next moment when Reba had just kissed Ye Xuan, director Wang Zhi's voice sounded.

"Stop! Wrong! "

As soon as the voice came out, Ye Xuan and Reba both looked towards the director with their eyes.

I saw that director Wang Zhi had wrinkled two thick eyebrows and shook his head to explain.

"Reba, Qiao Jingjing took the initiative to steal a kiss at this time, because she felt that Yu Tu was too serious, so she wanted to add a little love. Interesting. "

"So at this time, you must let go, and you can't be shy like Fang Cai."

"It's a big deal to tear Ye Xuan's clothes"


Let it go...

Tear clothes...

One blunt word after another fell in Reba's ears, and her ears became more and more feverish.

"Director Wang, I'm sorry, I really couldn't find a feeling just now..."

Seeing that Reba's head was about to be buried in the ground, director Wang Zhi nodded quite understandingly.

Newcomer actresses mostly can't let go of intimate scenes, just try a few more times.

"You just imagine Ye Xuan as your most beloved person!"

"The smile of stealing a successful kiss must have the happiness of a little mouse falling into the rice jar..."

Listening to the director's instructions, Reba exhaled deeply and quickly adjusted her state.

Soon, the second shooting soon began.

"With so busy work, why do you still have abs?"

When he said this line this time, the shyness on Reba's face was obviously a lot more than Fang, and even the movements in his hands were a lot bolder.

"The lab also has to move bricks."

As soon as he heard Ye Xuan pop out this line, Reba recalled Director Fang Cai's instructions in his mind, and now he pounced.

The beautiful eyes stared at Ye Xuan's mouth tightly, and Reba didn't want to think about it.

After the dragonfly's kiss was over, Reba looked up again.

I thought that this time I could pass the level smoothly, but I didn't think that just when Reba got up from Ye Xuan, the director's voice sounded again.

"Stop! Still not right! "

"Reba, your expression is not very good yet, do it again." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"At this time, Qiao Jingjing took the initiative to provoke Yu Tu in front of him..."


Another rather explicit statement, Reba only felt that her face could be boiled eggs.

After taking a deep breath again and pondering the director's reminder in his mind, Hot Barbie gestured to indicate that he was ready to take his place.

Soon, the third start of filming officially began.

Reba continued to snuggle into Ye Xuan's arms and made the same movement again.

However, the thoughts in her mind became more and more complicated, and under the interweaving of a series of emotions such as tension and shyness, before the director could call a halt, she herself realized that something was wrong.

In this way, the third shooting was scrapped again.

"Director Wang, I'm sorry, I was too nervous just now, let's do it again, right?"


Not too long, the fourth shot failed.

"Director Wang, can you shoot it again?"

The fifth time it still failed.

"Duh! This piece is still not right, one more! "

The sixth time was still a failed shooting.

"This time it's too fast, Reba you can slow down a little more!"

The seventh shooting, too, failed.

"Director Wang, I'm so sorry..."

When the eighth shooting was still a failure, Ye Xuan, who had been kissed back and forth so many times, couldn't help but ridicule now.

"Reba, how long are you going to take advantage of me?"

At first, being kissed back and forth by the big beauty in front of him, Ye Xuan's heart was indeed sour.

After all, Reba is the national goddess in the hearts of countless people.

Such a big beauty took the initiative to give her arms and give a fragrant kiss, which is a beautiful thing.

But no matter how beautiful it is, it shouldn't be so many times, right?!

Just after filming such a scene, the two of them have kissed a few times.

At this moment, Ye Xuan only felt that his mouth was about to be swollen.

Where is this still sweet, it's really torture!

Hearing Ye Xuan's ridicule, Reba couldn't help but glare at him and hummed angrily.

"Who took advantage of you!"

She doesn't want to NG so many times in a row!

Under the noses of so many people, taking the initiative to kiss Ye Xuan so many times, Reba only felt that the heat had risen from the soles of her feet to her Heavenly Spirit Cover, and it almost roasted her.

If it weren't for the actor's deep sense of faith, she probably couldn't wait to find a place to get into it on the spot.

Taking a deep breath, Reba adjusted to her best again.

A new filming has officially begun.

After the conversation between the two, Reba finally managed to steal a kiss of Ye Xuan like a little fox this time, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was even more successful.

The director in front of the monitor looked at this scene and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Reba finally performed the effect it deserved.

Just when the director nodded in satisfaction, the next moment, his brows furrowed again.


As soon as the voice came out, Ye Xuan and Reba's movements stopped, and they all turned their heads to look at the director.

I saw that the director's gaze this time looked straight at Ye Xuan.

"Why is Reba okay, you have a problem again?!"

That's right.

After the end of Fang Cai's Reba's initiative to steal a kiss, it was Ye Xuan's 543 counterpressure.

Remembering Ye Xuanfangcai's stunnedness, the director had quickly explained the main points.

"You can't be like a log at this time."

"Big star Qiao Jingjing prodded in front of you, how could Yu Tu not react at all?"

"At this time, Yu Tu must at least show an attack that is never shown in normal times..."

Hearing the director's explanation, Ye Xuan nodded seriously and listened to these words.

Reba on the side saw Ye Xuan's same NG scene, and at this time he was already gloating and laughing.

"Hear that? How could there be no reaction at all?! "

This is the rotation of feng shui!

Ye Xuan laughed at himself just now, isn't it his turn now?!

Glancing at the smiling Reba, Ye Xuan also hooked his lips.

"You wait for me!"

After the two exchanged a few more words, it didn't take long for the shooting to continue.

After some dialogue, Qiao Jingjing, played by Reba, successfully stole a kiss on Yu Tu, played by Ye Xuan.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xuan turned passive into active and buried his head fiercely at Reba.

The director duly shot a close-up.

In this way, the staff in the room have now looked straight one by one.

The male staff's eyes glowed green one by one.

This is the national goddess Di Li Gerba in the hearts of countless people!

They couldn't wait to penetrate Ye Xuan's body and feel the happiness of being able to kiss Di Li Gerba.

At this time, the female staff was already screaming like a groundhog, and they were madly bumping CP.

This scene is simply a feast for Yan dogs!

Whether it is Ye Xuan or Reba, it is the first echelon of appearance in the entertainment industry.

Handsome men and beautiful women, this is simply a pair made in heaven.

Compared with Fang Cai's stealing kiss with a little water, Ye Xuan's kiss at the moment is called a menacing, and people only feel colorful. Full of gas.

This kiss is also too intense!

It's been almost a minute, right?!

The lipstick on Reba's lips was all kissed off!

The director in front of the monitor looked at this scene and nodded with the same satisfaction.

"Duh! Not bad! "

Hearing the director's voice, Ye Xuan immediately got up from Reba's body.

And Reba only felt that his mouth was numb and painful, and his face was even more red now,

"You... Can't you just tap? "

As soon as she spoke, Reba touched a little scar that had just bitten out of the corner of her mouth, and subconsciously frowned two willow eyebrows.

Hearing Reba's words, Ye Xuan spread his hands and chuckled.

"Pay attention next time."

After all, there are more intimate scenes between the two in this drama.

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