Chapter 54 Yang Ying: I'm sorry, I'm Ye Xuan's person!

It didn't take long for Zhou Sheng's three-person team to find Ye Xuan's whereabouts.

Seeing that there were only three female guests beside Ye Xuan, Zhang Yishan and Zhou Sheng quickly glanced at each other, and immediately showed a tacit smile.

Glancing around, noticing that there were no big black bulls and small cheetahs around, Zhang Yishan felt at ease, turned around, took the initiative to expose his back to Ye Xuan, and shook his shoulders with a full spirit.

"Come on, tear me."

Anyway, he is now in the state of a person in the mirror, which can be called invincible in defense!

Seeing Zhang Yishan's swaggering look, Ye Xuan immediately guessed Zhang Yishan's identity as the person in the mirror.

Thinking that he had just been torn off the name tag of "person" by Sha Yi, but the three words "man in the mirror" were pasted on his back, Ye Xuan's eyes moved, and he covered the name tag behind him with his backhand, and his face was full of nervousness.

"Don't come over, let's keep our distance~!"

As soon as Ye Xuan's words came out, the three female guests watching the battle on the sidelines had already covered their faces and snickered.

Apparently, they - have already seen it.

Ye Xuan, this guy is going to act again!

Sure enough, witnessing Ye Xuan's extremely cautious action, Zhang Yishan's eyes lit up.

Ye Xuan's performance is clearly a "person"!

As long as he tears this guy in front of him, he can become a human!

With this idea, Zhang Yishan, who had an itchy hand, took the lead in pounced.

Ye Xuan, who saw through Zhang Yishan's purpose, moved rapidly, and immediately pretended to be defensive, pretending to grab Zhang Yishan's outstretched arm.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xuan deliberately let go of Zhang Yishan's hand and performed an invincible look.

And as soon as this action came out, Zhang Yishan on the opposite side suddenly burst into joy in his heart.

Got it!

Ye Xuan's loophole!

Success or failure is here!

Realizing that this was the perfect opportunity to tear the name tag, Zhang Yishan did not hesitate to pull Ye Xuan's name tag.

After hissing, seeing Ye Xuan's name tag in hand, Zhang Yishan immediately waved the name tag and shouted with excitement.

"I've become human!"

Just when Zhang Yishan was excited, suddenly, he heard Ye Xuan on the side laughing lowly.


The man in the mirror himself tore him apart?!

What is he laughing at?!

A sense of foreboding suddenly came out, and in the next instant a voice was already heard on the radio.

"Zhang Yishan out! Chapter Yishan out! "

Zhang Yishan's smile suddenly froze on his face.

How could he be out?!

He's a man in the mirror!

As if thinking of something, Zhang Yishan sharply turned his head and looked at Ye Xuan's back, and saw that Ye Xuan's back was clearly pasted with three big characters——

Man in the mirror!

With a boom, Zhang Yishan only felt like he had been struck by lightning, and sat on the ground with his butt.

According to the rules, the person in the mirror tears the person in the mirror, and the person in the mirror who tears is eliminated.

Feelings, he is the cannon fodder!

On the other side, seeing Zhang Yishan eliminated from the game, the smile on Zhou Sheng's mouth, who had just allied with Zhang Yishan, also collapsed at once.

Ye Xuan turned out to be not a human?!

They have been deceived!

His gaze skipped over Ye Xuan, and Zhou Sheng's gaze immediately looked at the other three female guests.

At this time, his head melon had turned rapidly.

Himself, Zhang Yishan, and Ye Xuan are all people in the mirror.

Combined with the number of "people" mentioned by the broadcaster, even if the most powerful big black bull and little cheetah are left, there must be "people" among the three female guests in front of them.

Just as Zhou Sheng was quickly calculating, he heard Yang Ying's voice on the side suddenly sound.

"Zhou Sheng, come and help me!"

Turning his head sharply, Zhou Sheng saw that the other three female guests had surrounded Yang Ying.

"It's useless for the three of you to tear me apart! I am currently human, and I can only exchange identities if you tear me up! "

As soon as Yang Ying's voice came out, Zhou Sheng immediately heard Yang Ying's purpose.

This is obviously testing the identities of the three female guests.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Ying's words came out, Bai Lu was the first to jump out and deny it.

"Baby, you're thinking wrong, I'm human now!"

"Baby, you just let me tear it again, let me feel the joy of tearing people!" Song Yuqi, who was standing opposite Bai Lu, also added oil and vinegar.

Although Guan Xiaotong did not speak, he also silently joined the queue and blocked Yang Ying's other direction. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Taking in the situation of the confrontation between the four people, Zhou Sheng clearly captured the key information in the conversation between the four people.

Bailu is definitely human!

As soon as the thought came out, Zhou Sheng pounced on a cat, and immediately rushed to Bai Lu's back at a lightning speed.

"Zhou Sheng, what are you doing?!"

Bai Lu, who had already received Yang Ying's color prompt, immediately fled the place, covered her name tag with both hands, and pretended to be panicked at the top of her throat.

Seeing Bai Lu's appearance, Zhou Sheng became more and more convinced of the fact that Bai Lu was a person.

Taking advantage of Bai Lu's lack of attention, he hurriedly stretched out towards Bai Lu's back, and tore off Bai Lu's name tag in one fell swoop.

Feeling that his name tag was torn, Bai Lu was overjoyed in her heart, but her face was crying.

"Shengsheng, blame you, I'm not a human anymore!"

Seeing the "person" behind Bai Lu, the smile on Zhou Sheng's face could not be hidden.

Now he has also changed from a "person in the mirror" to a "person".

At this moment, he immediately ran quickly to Yang Ying's side and slapped a loud palm with Yang Ying.

"Happy cooperation!"

When the voice fell, Zhou Sheng turned his head again to look at Bai Lu, who was still squatting on the ground and did not get up, shaking his head and saying smugly.

"Lulu, who let you take the initiative to expose?!"

And just as Zhou Sheng spoke triumphantly, a bang sounded, and he saw Yang Ying, who was standing next to him, suddenly waving a name tag.

And this name plate is engraved with two familiar words -

Zhou Sheng.

With a stunned face, Zhou Sheng's two eyes suddenly widened as the size of a copper bell.

"Baby, you..."

It seemed that he couldn't believe the scene in front of him, and Zhou Sheng's mind had obviously fallen into a blank.

In the next instant, he saw his teammate Yang Ying and Bai Lu, who got up from the ground, slap their hands in tacit understanding.

"Happy cooperation!"

The exact same four words came out of the two people, and Zhou Sheng's eyes were almost glaring.

At this moment, he saw Yang Ying take the initiative to walk behind Ye Xuan and said with a shallow smile.

"I'm sorry. Before joining you, I had already joined Ye Xuan's team. "

At this moment, the thoughts in Zhou Sheng's mind seemed to be through.

So, Bai Lu is deliberately exposing the identity of "people"?!

This is obviously waiting for yourself to become a "person" first, and then let yourself be eliminated!

Recalling the experience of his own detachment coming to the door, Zhou Sheng despondently came to the final conclusion.

Feeling himself and Zhang Yishan to find Ye Xuan, this is clearly a sheep into the mouth of the tiger!

When he was taken away by the man in black, only Zhou Sheng's grief and indignant shouts echoed over the venue.

"You guys who play tactics have a really dark heart! What about the most basic trust between people?! "

And this calculated scene fell in the eyes of the live broadcast room, and the barrage in the live broadcast room brushed faster.

"Zhou Sheng: How much luck did I pour before I met Ye Xuan"

"A duo who threw themselves into the net!"

"Yang Ying: I didn't expect me to be anti-water, right?"

"The farthest road the two have traveled is Ye Xuan's routine!"

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