Chapter 45 Repeater Mode is on again! One Li Ronghao is not enough, but also a Dijia?!

In the midst of everyone's laughter, Ye Xuan's thoughts had already entered the system in his brain.

At this moment, one crisp electronic sound after another continued to sound.

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Song Yuqi's worship worth five points! 】

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Guan Xiaotong's worship value of five points! 】


Obviously, as soon as Fang Cai Ye Xuan's performance of turning the tide came out, he immediately gained a new wave of worship values.

With a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, Ye Xuan withdrew his thoughts and looked at the performance of the other two groups in the field.

The second group needed to answer the bald actors in the circle, and the four guests had already taken turns answering one by one.

Although Zheng Kai came up with a basket of answers, the team members went further and further on the road of mistakes and repetitions.

As a result, the second group ended up with minus nine points.

When it is the turn of the third group, the guests of the third group need to answer the artist whose name contains the animal.

As soon as the question came out, the three guests showed a blindfolded look in unison.

After a moment of hard thinking, the third group finally scored minus fifteen points.

As soon as the scores of the three groups were revealed, Bai Lu suddenly jumped up from the chair, her pretty face full of pride.

"Oops! The victory is not martial. "

And as soon as her triumphant words came out, Song Yuqi and Yang Ying looked at each other, and suddenly each of them shot back.

"Come on, Li Ronghao!"

"Li Ronghao, it's your turn again!"

As soon as Li Ronghao's three words came out, there was another burst of laughter on the scene.

As the duo joked, after the three sets of games, a new round of games once again took the turn of the first group.

Bai Lu, who thinks that she has mastered the rules of the game, has confidently straightened her back and played a ticket.

"I will definitely not delay this time!"

Sha Yi, who also dragged his legs in the last game, also stood up and patted his chest vigorously.

"Brother has eaten more salt than you have eaten, this game is on me!"

Ye Xuan, who was also a teammate, glanced at the two who were full of ambition, and at this moment, his gaze suddenly fell on Director Yao, who was covering his mouth and snickering.

"Why is it that before we arrived, Director Yao was already laughing?!"

When the words fell, the eyes of all the guests also probed over, and they saw Director Yao shouting out the game process while holding back a smile.

"Please look at the first group."

The white screen lit up again, and suddenly such a line appeared.

[Please name Ultraman].

As soon as this line appeared, all the guests in the audience suddenly wow and wow.

"This is good!" Song Yuqi was the first to stand up and applauded.

"This seems to be a bit of an outreach!" Li Chen's eyes widened.

And the live broadcast room was also crazy at this moment.

"My brother can name all the Ultramen."

"My five-year-old is perfect for this problem!"

"Post-00s: This question is simply a sub-question!"

"I'm familiar with this!"

"Look at the look of the first group! Are these three people dumb?! "


Following the voice of netizens, the camera at this moment happened to give a close-up to the three members of the first group.

Compared with the smiles of the other guests, the three guests stayed in place one by one as if petrified.

The corners of Ye Xuan's mouth twitched rarely.

He doesn't look at Ultraman either!

What's wrong with that?!

Bai Lu also wrinkled her willow eyebrows, and was recalling all the names of Ultraman in her mind one by one.

Sitting in the center, Sha Yi was like a good student who loved to ask questions, and put forward the voice in his heart with a confused face.

"Isn't that his name?"

Isn't Ultraman Ultraman?

Where else is the name?

At this moment, as soon as Sha Yi's expression that seemed to be engraved with the three big words "beyond the class" came out, the rest of the guests couldn't help but be handsome.

"A lot! Ultraman has a huge number of names! Post-00s representative Song Yuqi couldn't help but speak up for Ultraman.

"This game is over." Zheng Kai seemed to see the end at a glance and made a conclusion.

"This group is over!" Yang Ying couldn't help but laugh.

Just when the guests laughed endlessly, the game officially began.

"Three two one." Director Yao took the lead in pointing at Ye Xuan.

"Digga Ultraman." Ye Xuan, who only had an impression of Diga Ultraman, gave his only answer.

"Three two one."

"Digga Ultraman." Sha Yi, who was empty in his mind, immediately repeated Ye Xuan's answer.

At this moment, Sha Yi was empathetic to Fangcai's Bailuna.

The feeling of sitting in the center is called a needle felt, like a thorn in the back, like a catfish in the throat!

After seeing Bai Lu also repeat "Diga Ultraman", before he could think, Sha Yi was horrified to find that Director Yao pointed to him again.

Why did it come to my turn again as soon as I finished speaking?!

As a good student, Sha Yi immediately copied Fang Cai's answer in line with the principle of "can't copy".

"Digga Ultraman."

In this way, seeing that Digga Ultraman appeared four times in a row on the field, the laughter of the other guests once again resounded throughout the hall.

"Are your groups determined to stick to a route to the end?" The fast-talking Zhou Sheng grinned. "The last game was Li Ronghao, did you change Dijia in this game?"

"This is to bald Li Ronghao, replace the next one, right?" Li Chen's laughter has not stopped since the beginning of the game.

"The last handful of deep love for Li Ronghao, this one will be replaced by Dijia!" Zheng Kai also shook his head and laughed and teased.

In the midst of laughter, Director Yao, who was forced to laugh, continued to point at Ye Xuan.

"Three two one."

Ye Xuan's mind also spun rapidly.

Who else but Digga Ultraman?!

After being blindfolded for a few seconds, seeing that Director Yao seemed to be ready to bypass him, Ye Xuan said blindly.

"King of Ultraman."

Since there are a bunch of Ultraman, there should be a leader, right?

While muttering secretly, Ye Xuan saw Director Yao nodding affirmatively, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

I'll go!

Unexpectedly hoodwinked by yourself?!

"Three two one." Director Yao's gaze fell on Sha Yi.

Sha Yi watched Ye Xuan pop up a new answer, and now he was closely following the pace of the student Ye Xuan, which was called an unwavering.

"King of Ultraman."

"Three two one." Director Yao pointed at Bai Lu.

At this moment, Bai Lu painfully learned the experience of the previous game, and also joined the queue of imitating Xueba, and the one who read it did not hesitate.

"King of Ultraman."

It's just that when she said the last word, she couldn't help but laugh at the thought that she had staged a round of repeaters again.

And Shayi's unhesitating "Ultraman King" simply pushed the funny level of this competition to a new peak again.

The rest of the guests were already laughing even more.

Is the first group the main repeater mode?!

The last game was Lee Yong-ho, this one was first changed to Digga and then to the King of Ultraman.

And what to learn in the next round of parroting ?!


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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