Chapter 34 Airport Encounter! Bai Lu: You also can't pick up the words? Ye Xuan: After all, I want a face!

After continuing to chat in the group for a while, the topic of the running boy group quickly shifted to the upcoming second running man recording.

That's right.

Three days later, it was the second running man recording.

Seeing that many members of the brotherhood said that they were looking forward to meeting again, Ye Xuan followed back the message for a while, then put away his mobile phone.

In the next few days, even if I learned from my agent Sister Liu, many song invitations came one after another, and Ye Xuan temporarily pushed it.

After all, the next most important itinerary is the recording of the running man.

The recording location of the running man in the second phase is still in Chengdu, and Ye Xuan asked his agent Sister Liu to book a ticket early.

After pushing off other itineraries, Ye Xuan took a rare rest at home for two days, and then took a flight to Chengdu with his agent Sister Liu.


On the flight to Johto, the sea of clouds outside the window is endless.

A young man in a simple white shirt held his cheek with one hand and stared out the window at the good scenery.

The first-class flight attendants are walking around exceptionally frequently today.

Every time, he quietly peeked at the young man sitting by the window with his eyes, and the corners of his mouth showed a happy arc.

"Ye Xuan! Even if he is wearing a mask, I can confirm that this must be Ye Xuan! "

The flight attendant still maintained a calm expression on her face, but her heart had already exploded.

After recognizing Ye Xuan's identity, he reminded himself in his heart even many times to give the artist a certain amount of personal space.

But when sending a blanket to Ye Xuan, the flight attendant still couldn't help but ask.

"Ye Xuan.... I'm your iron fan, I like you so much, can you sign me?! "

Hearing the voice, Ye Xuan raised his head, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly.


Taking the pen and paper in the flight attendant's hand, Ye Xuan quickly wrote down the big characters of the Dragon Flying Phoenix Dance.

The agent on the side, Sister Liu, watched the excited flight attendant leave, and now she couldn't help but ridicule.

"Boss, as soon as the song Red Dust Inn came out, you won a lot of praise from the industry."

"If you were to choose now, would you prefer others to praise your beauty or your talent?"

Agent Sister Liu now has her own guess.

Chinese culture always emphasizes inner beauty but does not pay attention to external beauty, presumably Ye Xuan will also choose talent.

Just when the agent was guessing in his heart, he saw Ye Xuan on the side give the answer without hesitation.

"I don't have talent, I only have good looks."

Agent Sister Liu was stunned at first, and then immediately burst out laughing.

The owner is still humorous as always!

In the middle of the small talk, as the reminder of the flight attendant sounded in the ears, the flight landed steadily.

Ye Xuan put on sunglasses, masks and hats for the first time, and the three-piece set covering his face was a lot.

After all, the studio has long released Ye Xuan's itinerary to participate in the second phase of the running man's recording, and countless fans have probably squatted well at the airport long ago.

Sure enough, as Ye Xuan expected, as soon as he walked out of the flight hall, he saw the fans holding their support cards in the distance.

Fortunately, his fans are quite orderly.

Even if there are a large number of people, under the maintenance of security, we try not to make loud noises to avoid affecting the rest of the passers-by.

Noticing a few common fans, Ye Xuan waved his hand and said hello.

And as soon as his action came out, the fans who followed the same trend were suddenly excited.

"Brother Ye, I like you so much!"

"Male god, I love you!"

"Bai Lu has just arrived at the airport, right over there!"

Closing the fan's voice, Ye Xuan heard Bai Lu's name at the tip of his ear.

"Bai Lu has also arrived?"

The fan who successfully looked at Ye Xuan was surprised, and quickly nodded, and pointed in the direction even more positively.

A little interested, Ye Xuan walked directly towards Bai Lu.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, he also saw Bai Lu and the assistant next to him heading towards the airport exit.

With a hint of playfulness in his eyes, Ye Xuan quickly shushed the fan.

Seeing Ye Xuan act like this, the fans on the side suppressed the screams of the groundhog in their hearts one by one, and they hurriedly nodded, indicating that they would definitely not affect Ye Xuan's performance.

At this moment, Ye Xuan walked quickly towards Bai Lu.

When there were still a few steps left before Bai Lu, Ye Xuan trotted away, buried his head, and lowered his voice.

"Teacher Bai Lu, can you sign my name?"

As soon as the voice came out, Bai Lu's assistant on the side thought it was a fan, and hurriedly came out to stop it.

Only Bai Lu subconsciously raised her head.

How is this sound a little familiar?

When he saw the familiar figure, he fixed his eyes, and Bai Lu immediately showed a sudden look and ridiculed.

"What are you pretending?! Big top stream, still pretend to be my fans?! "

Seeing that he was recognized, Ye Xuan also spread his hands.

"That's not your big name, don't even sign a signature..."

Seeing the two stars meet by chance at the airport, whether it is Ye Xuan's fans or Bai Lu's fans, the photo shooting became more and more vigorous.

At present, many fans are even more coaxing on the spot.

"These two people are dressed well!"


"It's like a couple!"

Following the fan's voice, Ye Xuan and Bai Lu were stunned at the same time and looked at each other.

Bai Lu wore a black and white two-tone patchwork long skirt today, with a ruffled hem, which was a little more playful and cute.

Ye Xuan, on the other hand, was dressed in a simple white shirt and black trousers, showing cleanliness and freshness.

At the moment, the two are standing together, it is indeed like wearing a couple's outfit, and the style and color system are called a harmony.

It's no wonder fans are joking.

Looking at Ye Xuan and his clothes, a glint crossed Bai Lu's eyes, and he also teased.

"Heck, you wouldn't want to fry CP with me, would you? Then I have to be defensive! "

Hearing Bai Lu's words, Ye Xuan was rarely speechless.

How can any star say that the CP is so blatant?!

That's the white dew in front of you.

Seeing that Ye Xuan was rarely speechless, Bai Lu's smile became brighter, and her tone was full of scream.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you wouldn't be able to pick it up, right?"

Just when Bai Lu was proud of Biye, he saw Ye Xuan on the side and said slowly.

"Not really, after all, I want a face."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Lu was slightly startled.

When she reacted, the smile at the corner of her mouth froze.


Isn't the meaning of this saying that you don't want to face?!

With a snort, Bai Lu's eyes became more and more resentful as she looked at Ye Xuan.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the fans on the side have already laughed.

Just chatting all the way, the two soon arrived at the airport gate.

Bidding farewell to the fans of the airport squatting point, Ye Xuan and Bai Lu also got into the special car that the program group came to greet.


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