Chapter 30 Game Theme Song?! Ye Xuan: I will compose the lyrics and music myself!

Just when countless netizens were looking forward to this TV series that can be called the ceiling of beauty, Ye Xuan, as the male protagonist, has now bid farewell to the crew and returned to his studio.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, overlooking the great scenery of the high-rise buildings in the magic capital, Ye Xuan stretched out quite relaxed.

Sitting back on the leather sofa, he comfortably made himself tea.

In the past, he didn't have any special research on tea, and at most he knew a big red robe, Biluo Chun, and Tie Guanyin.

After living a top-class life, he gradually drank with Yin. Darjeeling, Sri . Lanka Uvar season tea is also known as the world's three most fragrant teas of Keemun black tea.

At this moment, the brightly colored tea water is gurgling into the cup, and while the heat is rising, a fresh fragrance slowly floats in the room.

Taking the teacup and looking at the rich color in the cup like a blooming rose, Ye Xuan took a sip.


Just at this moment, there was a knock outside the door.

"Come in."

At this time, most of the people who came to find themselves were the agent Sister Liu.

Sure enough, the door was slowly pushed open, and at the same time as the sound of high heels stepping on the ground, a series of clear reports had already spit out from the mouth of agent Sister Liu.

"Boss, the person in charge of this game wants to cooperate with us, I hope you can sing an original theme song for the third anniversary of the game, I don't know what you think?"

"Game theme song?"

Hearing the new business in the mouth of agent Sister Liu, Ye Xuan immediately captured the key words.

Seeing that Ye Xuan's eyes showed some interest, agent Sister Liu opened the tablet in her hand and pushed it in front of Ye Xuan.

"This game called "Jianghu" has been in the top three in the popularity of mobile game rankings for many years, and the overall reputation is quite good."

"The game's personas are primarily young and coincide with your fan base."

"The person in charge also wants to take advantage of your popularity and popularity to take advantage of the third anniversary of the game's release to attract a wave of young new players."

"The sincerity of the other company is very strong, and the price of the theme song of this game has reached five million..."

Putting this series of information into his ears, Ye Xuan put down the teacup and nodded slowly.

"It's not that you can't take it."

After all, the reward I received from the system last time I didn't use it.

Seeing that Ye Xuan was interested in this cooperation, agent Sister Liu continued to tap a few times on the tablet, and the screen suddenly appeared the feasible plan she listed in advance.

"If the boss agrees to cooperate, we can also find other musicians to write the lyrics and music for this theme song, and you only need to be responsible for singing..."

Agent Sister Liu's consideration is very thorough.

Although Ye Xuan successfully debuted by relying on music talent shows, what he relied on most was his impeccable face.

Judging from Ye Xuan's past musical strength, singing a song is barely enough.

But if you write lyrics and music, it is embarrassing.

This series of plans of agent Sister Liu, if it is placed on the original body, it is of course extremely applicable.

But where did she think that this shell in front of her had already changed a core?

At this time, hearing that the agent Sister Liu was also preparing to invite other composers and lyricists to invite songs, Ye Xuan shook his head slightly.

"I don't have to outsource to other musicians, I write the lyrics and music myself."

As soon as Ye Xuan's voice fell, Agent Sister Liu subconsciously blinked, and suddenly doubted her ears.

What did she just hear?!

The boss actually wants to compose music and lyrics himself?!

Agent Sister Liu did not take Ye Xuan's words seriously at first.

"Boss, are you kidding?"

Noticing the stunned look in the eyes of agent Sister Liu, Ye Xuan could also understand.

After all, Hara has never shown his talent for lyrics and music.

It's just that with the blessing of the system, he is not the original self.

Coupled with his unforgettable skills, all the songs that have been popular in his previous life have remained in his mind.

In other words, if you really forget these songs, it is disrespectful to the system!

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts in his head and taking the tablet in the agent's hand, Ye Xuan finished reading the game introduction at a glance.

Rivers and lakes?

After pondering the name of the game several times in his mouth, Ye Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up.


He had already thought of the theme song that would best fit the game.

"Sister Liu, give me ten minutes."

To Shangye Xuan's serious gaze, agent Sister Liu nodded ghostly.

But after nodding, agent Sister Liu couldn't help but raise her forehead.

My own boss suddenly wanted to write a song, why did he still have a hot head and believe it?!

Where is a song so simple?!

A normal song at least has many links such as lyrics, composition, arrangement, and singing.

Many singers even in the first link, one card can be stuck for half a year.

Not to mention in just ten minutes!

It's just that as a subordinate, agent Sister Liu is also embarrassed to discourage the boss's enthusiasm.

Just when the agent Sister Liu did not report much expectations, ten minutes passed quickly, and Ye Xuan had already handed over a piece of paper that had been written.

The four words "Red Dust Inn" jumped into view.

With a cursory glance, Agent Sister Liu's eyes suddenly widened.

A line of neat handwriting appeared on the manuscript paper.

Apparently a complete work.

Did you really finish writing?

The fox glanced at Ye Xuan on the side, and the expression of agent Sister Liu quickly returned to normal.

And what after writing?

How good can a work that can be completed in ten minutes be?

A second ago, she was still thinking so, but looking at it, the expression on the face of agent Sister Liu changed again.

"The end of the world is wind and sand"

"The story of red dust is called concern"

"The sealing knife is hidden under the east fence of ordinary people"

Just the first paragraph, agent Sister Liu was deeply attracted by the artistic conception of this word.

Although she is not a professional musician, she has a certain musical aesthetic when dealing with people in the entertainment industry for many years.

Just these few words, it is very suitable for this game!

It's no exaggeration to say that these words are simply tailored for this game!

He raised his head, and the agent Sister Liu's gaze towards Ye Xuan changed.

"Boss, you are..."

Why did you suddenly get the hang of it?!

Seeing the surprise in the eyes of agent Sister Liu, Ye Xuan did not speak, but got up and picked up the guitar hanging on the wall of the office.

"You listen first."


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