Chapter 21 Final Game, Joker Faction Wins?!

In Song Yuqi's view, Yang Ying and Zhang Da are clearly bound to the same camp.

Especially the two didn't want to think about it, and the speed without hesitation obviously learned each other's identities in advance.

In the entire field, only the spades camp and the joker camp can know the identity of their teammates in advance.

In addition, Bai Lu, who was labeled into the joker camp by her earlier, has always believed in Zhang Da and Yang Ying.

In other words, the three of them are the big and small kings on the field at present!

In this way, the spades camp is obviously Li Chen, Zhou Sheng, Zheng Kai and Sha Yi who participated in the vote just now.

The rest is naturally the camp of spades.

The thoughts in his mind rushed up, and Song Yuqi immediately came to his own conclusion.

All right!

I was almost deceived by the three of them!

After sorting out her thoughts, Song Yuqi immediately made her conclusion public.

"Sister Baby and Big Brother, and Bai Lu, the three of them are definitely jokers!"

Zhang Da, whose identity was suddenly exposed, changed slightly.

He never expected that he had voted so many times before, and he would expose his true identity in the last game!

As a little king, he didn't know the identity of another little king.

Right now, he also followed Song Yuqi's thoughts and regarded Bai Lu as another little king.

Thinking of this, Zhang Da's eyes quickly crossed with regret.

It seems that his team is about to lose?

Just as Zhang Da sighed in his heart, a strange light quickly crossed Yang Ying's eyes on the side.

Bailu is a joker?!

Yuqi, this guessed wrong!

At this moment, the wronged Bai Lu was puffing out her cheeks and defending herself with a look of disbelief.

"Where am I a joker?! I'm red from beginning to end! "

It's just that her rhetoric is a death dying quibble for Song Yuqi.

He didn't take Bai Lu's defense seriously at all, Song Yuqi's gaze was already looking at Ye Xuan, and his tone was full of sincerity.

"Ye Xuan, I believe you are a red peach! Your veto power should be used, don't use it at this time, don't waste the veto power in your hand! "

At this moment, he suddenly got the good man card from Song Yuqi, and Ye Xuan also blinked.

Yuqi, Yuqi!

You've given me a big gift!

At this moment, the director's instructions sounded again.

"Next, I invite members to express their position on whether to exercise the veto, 321."

When the voice fell, Song Yuqi, Chen Zheyuan, and Ye Xuan all raised their veto power.

"Three vetoes, the formation is invalid. Ask Yang Ying to choose a new king from among the voting members. "

The director's voice fell, and Song Yuqi waved his arm, which was called a proud person.

"Sister baby, these three are from our spades camp, choose at will!"

In her opinion, no matter which one Yang Ying chooses, the king is from their red peach camp!

In other words, victory must belong to the camp of spades!

It's just that compared with Song Yuqi's joy, the three people in the spades camp obviously pinched a handful of sweat.

In their eyes, Ye Xuan was still a member of his own camp of spades.

The big black bull Li Chen was already praying in his heart.

"Choose Ye Xuan, choose Ye Xuan, choose Ye Xuan..."

The little cheetah Zheng Kai also pricked up his two ears, his wrinkled brows, and his clenched fists were all full of nervousness.

Even Zhou Sheng swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva at the moment, staring at Yang Ying, for fear that Yang Ying would choose the other two red peach guests.

At this moment, the performance of both red and black fell into Yang Ying's eyes, and the corners of her mouth also slowly hooked.

Everyone thought that Ye Xuan was a member of their respective camps, but who could have known that Ye Xuan had rebelled a long time ago?!

"I choose Ye Xuan."

As soon as Yang Ying's voice came out, the smile at the corner of Song Yuqi's mouth was bright.

At present, she has actively raised her hand, and the two strands of hair shake with her movements, looking particularly energetic.

"Choose me, Chen Zheyuan, Ma Boqian, these three iron reds can be!"

Song Yuqi had already regarded Ye Xuan as a proper camp of spades.

In addition to being happy, she couldn't help but dance their group, apparently entering the celebration mode in advance.

Chen Zheyuan and Ma Boqian, who also felt that Song Yuqi's analysis made sense, also raised their hands.

"Me too!"

On the other side, the three of the spades camp quickly glanced at each other, and their eyes were also full of joy.

Yang Ying really chose Ye Xuan?!

Doesn't that mean that the camp of spades hasn't lost yet?!

The smile on Zheng Kai's face could not be hidden, and his eyes had narrowed into a slit.

The big black bull Li Chen even put down his heart hanging high and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Even Zhou Shengfang's wrinkled brows were completely stretched under the moment.

At this moment, the voice of the director team sounded again.

"Please Ye Xuan choose his queen and knight.

Since only the last veto on the field remains, it is not sufficient to constitute a veto condition.

This game is the final game of the game. "

At this time, everyone's eyes were all on Ye Xuan.

In other words, no matter who Ye Xuan chooses right now, it is a final conclusion!

At this time, even the barrage in the live broadcast room has been brushed up wildly.

"I'll go! Isn't spades going to win?! "

"Yuqi recognized the wrong person! This guy is black! "

"I've seen the little cheetah's uncontrollable smile!"

"Zhou Sheng is so smiling that his teeth are already grinning!"

"How happy Yuqi is now, how dumbfounded she will be later!"


Under the camera, taking in the eyes of everyone in the audience, Ye Xuan's eyes were slightly raised, and he suddenly revealed a brilliant smile.

"My choice is-"

After deliberately pausing for half a beat, Ye Xuan obviously saw that everyone's faces became nervous.

Sorry, brothers!

Being in Cao Ying's heart in Han, he Ye Xuan is a Joker!

"The queen chooses the baby sister, and the knight chooses the chapter big."

As soon as Ye Xuan's voice came out, Yang Ying suddenly showed a look of victory.


In contrast, Fang Cai was still elated, and Song Yuqi, who was almost dancing a hot dance, froze in her smile, and the movements in her hands suddenly stopped.

Ma Boqian and Chen Zheyuan sat up straight at once.

What's going on?!

Yang Ying and Zhang Da are obviously jokers!

Why did Ye Xuan choose the two of them?!

Could it be that Ye Xuan and they are accomplices?!

That's not right!

Bailu is the joker!

For a moment, the three of them only felt that the thoughts in their heads were like woolen balls that couldn't find thread, and they became more and more chaotic.

At the same time, there were also three people from the spade camp who were also confused.

"Ye Xuan, why did you choose these two?" The big black bull Li Chen did not hide his doubts, and now he had blurted out.

Even the little cheetah Zheng Kai and Zhou Sheng also widened their eyes and opened their mouths wide.

At this moment, their hearts suddenly clicked.

Ye Xuan, is there something wrong?!

Without waiting for Ye Xuan's answer, everyone saw that the three had already entered the room of the King Knight and Queen.

By the time the radio started again, the final answer had told everyone everything.

"The knight chose - joker!"

As soon as the voice came out, the audience was dumbfounded.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded even more!


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