Chapter 98 Su Xinghe’s face (4/10)

Su Xinghe is…I didn’t think so much.

For him, the words are readily available, and the tunes are in his mind.

The only problem is how to compose the music.

After all, this is live broadcast.

But after all, this involves the production process, and it must not be broadcast, so Su Xinghe closed the live broadcast and began to make a demo.

And this time.

There are more and more discussions on the Internet about whether Su Xinghe is qualified to start a school.

Some people questioned, others appreciated.

Everyone is wondering what Su Xinghe’s song will look like.


No one doubts whether Su Xinghe can compose, everyone just cares more about “Nine Zero Three”

Huang Xiaochu’s statement of starting a school and establishing a school.

“A network singer, what qualifications do you have to say to start a school?”

This is the most common saying.

In the eyes of most people in the music circle, Su Xinghe is just an outdated singer who has retired for ten years.

Even if he has achieved outstanding results in other areas now.

But that… after all, does not represent the musical aspect.

Soon, a large number of people came forward to accuse Su Xinghe.

Bear the brunt.

It is a well-known domestic music production company, Taihe Maitian.

“Su Xinghe is indeed a good singer, but we have said more than once that music is a serious art, even pop music.

It has been developed for many years and now, pop music has a variety of models, but casually piled up a bunch of difficult to understand vocabulary, it is not called open school.”

The famous singer Wang Bancheng also said publicly: “I respect teacher Huang Lei’s literary attainments and like to watch his TV series.

But when it comes to music, I think I have more say than him.

Su Xinghe’s work, although the lyrics are good, but the meaning is obscure, and I don’t know the tune until now. I can only say that this is a half-literal lyrics. As for the open school, I think he has to go. There is still a long way to go.”

As soon as these two news came out, the fishing boat became more and more disadvantageous to Su Xinghe.

Taihe Maitian and Wang Bancheng have a great influence in the music circle.They openly opposed Su Xinghe, and then a group of three-fourth, fifth-line singers stepped forward and took the initiative to speak.

All in all, Su Xinghe seems to be:, has become a scum for everyone! “These guys are really hateful!”

Looking at the news on the Internet, Tan Song Yun said angrily.

As an iron fan of Su Xinghe, no one hates it more deeply than she.

think about it.

The idol that I like, finally appeared in front of me, so satisfying.

As a result, he was hacked out.

It is strange that Tan Songyun’s mood will be good.

That is, Qingqing, Teacher Huang and others stopped her from going upstairs long ago and reported this to Su Xinghe.

“Yeah, how can you talk like that”

Even Teacher He frowned, and was quite dissatisfied with those…people who play rhythm online.

A discerning person knows at a glance that if Su Xinghe’s song is successful, it will really be well-known in the singer circle of Hua Xinghe, especially in the circle of original singers.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is equivalent to establishing the status of Su Xinghe’s grandmaster.

At this time, don’t say those heavenly queens, even if it is a top-tier big coffee, Su Xinghe will not be afraid of each other.

This is his confidence.

Starting a school! When thinking of this, Teacher He looked at the camera and slowly said: “I always think that people with strength and ability will succeed at any time. Xinghe is undoubtedly such a person.”

The audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Teacher He would actually say 0….. After so many years in the arts, although Teacher He’s major is learning foreign languages, he has been hosting children’s programs for many years. The world is engaged in multiple professions such as presenters and film directors.

There are voluntary and official.

So the problem is that my mother has two children, one is very obedient and the other is not very obedient.

If there is a good thing, it is self-evident that the mother will subconsciously choose who the answer is.

So it didn’t take long for Teacher He to officially leave CCTV and start his own business.

After so many years of establishment, he and all the people in the entertainment industry are Teacher He.

Maybe you go to a show and don’t know when, you will meet an acquaintance of Teacher He.

But everyone knows that Teacher He has a very good temper, and he rarely breaks up with people.

But this time, the expression on He Jiong’s face was quite gloomy.

Anyone with a little brain can clearly see that he is very upset! “Okay, Mr. He.”

At this time, Huang Xiaochu decisively started to make peace.

He naturally understands that the…rhythms on the Internet are all due to Su Xinghe.


Pang’s team is involved.

Some are headhunters of hostile companies, navy.

Also, it’s just… annoying.


“Teacher Huang, I think we should turn off the live broadcast first.”

Teacher He thought for a while and said to Huang Xiaochu.

There are advantages and disadvantages to broadcasting this stuff.

When it’s good, you can really interact with actors and artists to promote the development of the show.

But when it’s not good, if the recording of the show is always under the crowd of the audience, it will inevitably cause problems.

It’s like now.

: Seeking cattle flowers, seeking rewards, seeking subscription support!

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