Chapter 91 Excited fans (7/10 ask for automatic subscription!)

More than an hour passed quickly.

Everyone sat in the pavilion and chatted.

“somebody is coming.”

Peng Peng stood up and happened to see a car parked on the far side of Hualu.

Three 3 figures came down from the car.


Although I know that one of them is Tan Songyun, the other two people, Teacher He and others don’t know.

“It seems to be Xiao Ming.”

Teacher He looked at the figures carefully and frowned.

“Really, it seems to be him.”

Huang Xiaochu nodded, for…this one’s own family is still familiar.

“Which is Tan Songyun”

Su Xinghe stood there and asked in surprise.

Then, he saw that there was a thin figure, and suddenly began to run wildly with his schoolbag on his back.

“No, then…”

Su Xinghe was dumbfounded.

“It seems to be Sister Song Yun.”

Zifeng is very familiar with Tan Songyun and said with a smile.

Su Xinghe was quite surprised, and I really didn’t expect that Tan Songyun, who looked very cute on Weibo, would be so petite.

Even compared with Zifeng, it’s almost the same.

But what did she run “Oh, Song Yun is here!”

As a senior of Tan Songyun in the entertainment industry, Teacher He smiled and opened the courtyard door. When she was about to shake hands with Tan Songyun, she saw her rushing past her like a gust of wind… She just passed by.

Teacher He put his extended hand there, and only a word in the wind responded to him.

“Hello, Teacher He, I will hug you later.”

Whoosh! “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!”

next moment.

Tan Songyun hugged Su Xinghe and shouted excitedly.


Everyone is speechless.

This is too exaggerated. “Woo, Star God, why did you go? Why did you have no news for ten years? Tan Songyun started to cry.

Su Xinghe was startled, just about to push her away, but remembered that when he announced that year, those fans… who desperately left messages to him.

At that time, he announced his withdrawal from the Asian entertainment industry.

Although the Internet is not very developed, fans still retain themselves through various channels.

Even today, ten years later, after they learned of their news, in the live broadcast room, what they left for themselves was all words of support.

At that moment, Su Xinghe really felt deeply.

In the live broadcast room, the always picky viewers were also very moved by this scene.

At the moment when Tan Songyun passed Teacher He and rushed directly to Su Xinghe, many people thought she was rude.

After all, Teacher He is a senior in the entertainment industry, and she usually takes care of her very much.

But she passed Teacher He so directly, it was too much! As a result, the next moment, seeing her holding Su Xinghe howling and crying, everyone suddenly understood what status Su Xinghe had in her heart.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry.”

Su Xinghe said softly to Tan Songyun.

The person next to him was surprised, you know, except for… to Qingqing, he has never been so gentle to others.

“Sister doesn’t cry.”

At this time, Xiao Qingqing leaned over and handed Tan Songyun a tissue.

“Sister doesn’t cry, brother said, if a girl cries, it shouldn’t be pretty.”

Perhaps it was Qingqing’s words that worked. Tan Songyun sobbed for a while, then stopped crying, and wiped the tissue that Qingqing handed over.

“I’m sorry…, Star God, I caused you trouble.”

The little girl cried and said to Su Xinghe.

She also knew that her behavior just now was too reckless.

But a lot of things happened recently, which really made her unable to control.

“it’s okay no problem.”

Su Xinghe stroked her head.

Speaking, Su Xinghe walked to the front of the camera and bowed twice to the camera: “The first one is for my fans.

The second is to apologize for Gang Song Yun’s behavior, which caused everyone trouble.”

Then, Su Xinghe stepped up to Teacher He and bowed again.

“Sorry, Teacher He, Song Yun just saw that I was too excited to say hello to you, sorry…”

“Oh, what are you doing.”

Teacher He hurriedly helped Su Xinghe: “What is our relationship, we don’t need to care about this.”

“Two different things.”

Su Xinghe shook his head and said, “Boom! Su Xinghe’s words immediately caused the live broadcast room to blow up.

“My God! This is so touching!”

“Star God, I’m still here:.”

“This is the Star God I love!”

“Ten years old fan is here, Star God, love you!”

“Did you see, this is our idol, no matter…

Whenever, care about us.”

“Envy Sister Song Yun.”

……………………Mushroom house here.

With Su Xinghe’s apology, everyone naturally won’t mind what just happened.

Moreover, at this time, Huang Jiaozhu and Liu Shishi also walked in.

After some greetings, they came to Su Xinghe.

“Hello, Teacher Su.”

“Hello, Teacher Su.”

Both of them reached out to Su Xinghe with a look of enthusiasm.

“It’s polite, promise, it’s so polite.”

Su Xinghe shook hands with the two of them, and said to Master Huang, “Brother Xiaoming, don’t leave Teacher Su to Teacher Su, just call me Xinghe, but I watched your work grow up.”

The time of Master Huang’s debut was similar to that of Young Master Zhou, who was really a senior in the entertainment industry.

“Okay, I won’t see outside.”

The leader is very happy, after all, Su Xinghe is so popular now, but he still gives himself so much face.

“Speaking of which, when we filmed “The Wind”, we missed it.”

The leader smiled and said to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe was taken aback, then sighed.

Yes, I was accidentally exposed again!: Please subscribe, ask for a reward! Continue to explode today! Don’t worry, as long as you subscribe, I will explode without limit! Flowers reached 20,000, and today 15 more!

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