Chapter 83 Wu Jing soaks my sister (9 more requests for automatic subscription!)

“All beings are equal, don’t say that the younger brother just married a fox demon, even if you marry the demon king, as long as he likes it, today this day of catastrophe, the senior brother will carry it for you!”

“Life is very bitter, and suddenly I feel that this is a very sweet story.”

“Hong Chen has love, Dao Fa is merciless.”

“The most precious thing in the world is the obscurity hidden in my heart.”


“There is no absolute in everything, just a different way.”

“That day, an old Dao wearing a tattered Taoist robe, holding a sword in his right hand and a pot of dirty wine in his left hand, was lying drunk on the white clouds.

Looking at Tiandao: Although you didn’t catch the demon, you are still my most proud disciple.

Forget it, I will give you another ride today as a teacher…”

The audience in the live broadcast room has already begun to riot.

Everyone did not expect Qingqing to tell such a story.

At first everyone thought it was a fairy tale.

But now.

Everyone suddenly felt that Su Xinghe, this guy, is simply too bad! He can always use all kinds of wonderful and fascinating stories to make everyone’s emotions mobilized by him.

This ability is really awesome! In fact, not only in the live broadcast room, but also in the mushroom house, a group of entertainers also looked at Su Xinghe like a giant panda.

“You guys, what are you going to do”

Su Xinghe looked at the eyes of several people and said helplessly: “I am not a casual person.”

“Don’t make trouble.”

Huang Xiaochu suddenly laughed: “Talk about business.”

“It’s just… just a little story to tell her when I have nothing to do.”

Su Xinghe explained: “This child used to sleep very hard. To coax her to sleep every day, I have to tell stories for half a day.”

“You mean, there are many more stories of this kind”

Teacher He asked.

“Yes, brother said a lot, Qingqing remembers it all.”

The good boy Qingqing immediately raised his hand to answer.

Go! Su Xinghe doesn’t want to talk anymore, he thinks, this is not his sister, this is his own hit nemesis! “Xinghe, do you think you want to publish a book”

At this time, Huang Xiaochu suddenly lit up and said to Su Xinghe.

“Publishing Books”

Su Xinghe was a little surprised.

“Yes, don’t care…

Those…net articles, but I think if you tell Qingqing the short stories you told before, to sum it up, you can actually publish a book.”

Huang Xiaochu said to Su Xinghe.

He is a very traditional literati. Although he doesn’t despise online novels, Huang Xiaochu obviously prefers those stories told by Su Xinghe…before bedtime.

“It’s………you can.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while, but he didn’t object to it.

After all, no matter how you say it, this can be regarded as a “right, right, right, there is a classmate at my publishing house, who can help you ask.”

Teacher He said quickly.

After speaking, he took out his phone and started calling.

As a result, the phone hasn’t been dialed yet, and the WeChat over there is…thinking, “I’m watching the live broadcast. If Teacher Su guarantees that the quality of these stories is like Qingqing’s stories, they can be published. .”

He Jiong laughed himself as he read the WeChat sent by his old classmate.

After laughing, he handed the phone to Su Xinghe: “How about it, you can take a look.”

Su Xinghe smiled: “I’m fine.”

After thinking about it, he said: “Since it is Qingqing’s story, it is called Qingqing’s Bedtime Story Collection.

In addition, if it can be published, I plan to donate all the manuscript fees to the Spring Bud Project.”

Many people in the Spring Bud Project, including the live broadcast room, are at a loss.

What kind of plan is that… Teacher He glanced at Su Xinghe in surprise, and explained to everyone: “The Spring Bud Project is a branch of the Hope Project, mainly to help those. …Poverty girls who cannot afford to go to school in poverty-stricken areas.

Everyone knows that although we have always advocated equality between men and women, in many places there has always been a phenomenon of preference for boys. Many girls have to drop out of school because of poverty in their families…”

Listening to his explanation, everyone looked at Su Xinghe and suddenly they were different.

“Brother, you really like to help others so much.”

Xie Nan looked at Su Xinghe and said.

Wu Jing also nodded: “In this way, if this book comes out, I will buy 10,000 copies.”

“I want 10,000 copies too.”

Hu Ge will naturally not fall behind.

Everyone began to subscribe one after another, naturally in order to be able to help those… girls in poor mountainous areas.

Su Xinghe is…not stopped, after all, this is a good thing.

The audience in the live broadcast room also expressed their opinions that when this new book is released, they will definitely buy it.

After all, you can read Su Xinghe’s story articles and do good deeds. No one will dislike it.

0… “Sister Nan, you just said that Brother Su still likes helping others so much. Is there any story?”

Peng Peng noticed what Xie Nan said just now, and he asked Xie Nan strangely.

Hearing what he said, Xie Nan hesitated first, then looked at Su Xinghe and then at his husband Wu Jing.

“What’s wrong, it has something to do with the two of them”

Everyone became curious, and Teacher He even directly asked Wu Jing: “What is it, you have offended him again”

Wu Jing shook his head quickly: “No, no, don’t get me wrong.”

Su Xinghe is…very free and easy: “I’m fine, let’s talk about it, anyway… I can’t keep it, I will be discovered sooner or later.”

…………!!! Everyone’s attention was immediately attracted.

This is obviously a secret! Otherwise, Su Xinghe would not talk like that.

Sure enough, Xie Nan’s first words shocked everyone.

“You probably don’t know that when we filmed “Wolf Warrior One”, our second senior brother almost sold the house.”

As soon as this sentence was spoken, everyone was stunned.

Everyone who sold the house looked at Wu Jing.

Wu Jing nodded: “Yes, it was the second time I was a director to make a movie at the time. The first movie was called “Wolf Tooth”, with an investment of 4 million Hong Kong dollars. In the end, the Hong Kong Island box office was 210,000 Hong Kong dollars and the mainland box office was 4.23 million RMB. It’s really worthless!”

Everyone was surprised, no one thought that he would have had that kind of… in the past.

But what does this have to do with Su Xinghe? “I met him when I was the most downhearted.”

Wu Jing looked at Su Xinghe and suddenly laughed.

“Laugh at you!”

After glaring at Wu Jing, Su Xinghe said angrily.

“This guy, who is unhappy on Hong Kong Island, is ridiculed by martial arts champions all over the street.Not everyone can become a superstar.

I was bored at the time, so I brought him back to China.

In the end, I didn’t expect that this guy actually got into my sister!”

Puff! With a word from Su Xinghe, the entire mushroom house suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

: I took him back to China, but he soaked up my sister! Haha, rhyme! Please subscribe!

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