Chapter 80 The highest state of pitting people (ten more seeking subscription)

“Actually, we can also make coconuts.”

When everyone walked near the coconut tree, Huang Xiaochu suddenly said.


Wu Jing and Hu Ge looked at each other.

“This, my back injury is not healed yet.”

Before Hu Ge could speak, Wu Jing said decisively.

“Oh, this, I’m afraid of heights.”

Hu Ge was unwilling to fall behind.

They are not stupid, they don’t speak now, for a while… Su Xinghe easily arranges to pick coconuts by himself.

Sure enough, Su Xinghe curled his lips and looked at these two guys without saying a word.

“Xinghe, or you come”

Teacher He said to Su Xinghe.

“I’ll do it if I come.”

Su Xinghe shrugged: “Who hasn’t climbed a tree yet? Didn’t it mean that a coconut can handle everything?”



“Brother Su, you are awesome!”

“Brother is awesome!”

A group of people applauded behind Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe smiled, these people are really unreliable.

Walk quickly under the coconut tree.

Su Xinghe raised his head and looked at it, this coconut is so tall! “Yes, do you have to prepare tools?”

0 Peng Peng asked.

Naturally, it is impossible for the program group to prepare nothing.Since it is said that the coconut can be replaced by a Buddha jumping over the wall, it means that they have prepared tools for climbing trees.

The only problem is that this tool can be a bit complicated.

But Su Xinghe waved his hand: “No, you just need to find me a glove.”

Everyone was stunned.

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely dumbfounded.

What’s the situation? Su Xinghe wanted to climb the tree with his bare hands.

“No, Xinghe, pay attention to your safety.”

Huang Xiaochu was taken aback.

“Yes, brother, you must be careful.”

Xie Nan on the side also said nervously.

“Otherwise you wear a protective gear.”

Teacher He watched Su Xinghe’s movements and her heart trembled.

This tree is too high.

Su Xinghe didn’t care at all, wrapped his hands around the coconut tree, and began to climb upward.

Halfway through the climb, he looked down and found that these people were really quite small in his line of sight.

“Why is it so tall?”

Xie Nan below said with some worry.

“Brother, come down, I’m afraid!”

Qing Qing said suddenly.

To be honest, watching her brother climbing a tree alone, she didn’t even have a safety measure, she was really worried.

“Xinghe, otherwise you can come down first, and then you will get dressed next time.”

Teacher He also took the initiative to make suggestions.

After all, Su Xinghe’s identity is different, and if something happens, he can’t bear this responsibility.

Shonan Satellite TV attaches great importance to the physical safety of artists.

They don’t want to squeeze the artist’s body to the limit like their rival, Blue Whale Terrace, until the artist is exhausted and go to the hospital, and then everyone knows it.

“okay then.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while, and finally chose to compromise.

He doesn’t care about others’ words, but Qingqing’s words, he will definitely listen.

Soon, Su Xinghe came down.

“Brother, you shouldn’t be so adventurous, okay”

Qingqing ran to Su Xinghe quickly, pulling his sleeves and saying.

“Hmm, brother got it.”

Su Xinghe bent down and said softly to the little girl.

He naturally understood what Qing Qing meant.

If others die, they still have family and friends.

But if she dies, Qingqing will lose everything.

To her, she is the world.

……………………Since you can’t pick coconuts, you still have to pick bananas.

Walking to the banana garden near the orchard, looking from a distance, a burst of banana fragrance came.

“Wow, my friends, it’s all fragrant here.”

Teacher He is full of emotion.

What he said was from his heart.

In the sunshine, the banana forest is green and the banana fragrance is overflowing. Just looking at it makes people feel refreshed and happy.

“This banana tastes really good.”

Hu Ge breathed the air in the orchard and sighed loudly.

“On a tree, there is only such a string, right”

Wu Jing came here for the first time and asked curiously.

“Seems to be.”

Xie Nan nodded: “By the way, look at that…, it’s so green, why are you picking it down?”


“It feels all green.”

Wu Jing continued to observe around, like a curious baby.

Hu Ge had already been here yesterday, so the terrain was relatively familiar, so he started to introduce him there.

“It’s all green, can you eat it?”

Wu Jing asked strangely.

Su Xinghe smiled aside: “This is a special banana. Although it is green, it is still delicious.”

“real or fake”

Wu Jing obviously hadn’t eaten it before, and she was surprised when she heard Su Xinghe’s words.

Looking at Teacher He, Wu Jing asked: “Teacher He, this is really edible”

Teacher He nodded and said solemnly: “The taste is not bad, Xinghe ate it before.”

“Well, it’s really okay.”

Su Xinghe said: “But you have to pick it yourself. The people in front of you all prepared it in a plastic bag.”

Seeing the thickly wrapped banana tree not far away, Wu Jing nodded in satisfaction, no more doubts.

Soon, Wu Jing walked to the front of a banana tree, got in and picked a banana out.

Sure enough, it was green.

“Really edible”

Wu Jing looked at his wife and then at Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe nodded: “Really, if you don’t believe me, ask Hu Ge.”

As he said, he took the banana that Wu Jing picked at random, and after pulling it open, he handed it to Hu Ge: “You can eat it and show it to him.”

Hu Ge glanced at Su Xinghe, took the banana and took a bite.

903 Then, a satisfied expression appeared on his face: “It’s delicious.”

Both of them said so, and Wu Jing naturally had no doubts. He broke the banana that Hu Ge had taken, and took a big bite into his mouth.

As a result… the next moment, Wu Jing’s expression stiffened.

“Second brother, what’s wrong”

Xie Nan looked at her husband in surprise.

Then, I saw Wu Jing’s expression very exciting.

Hu Ge, who was on the side, couldn’t help it for a long time, walked outside the camera and started to vomit madly.


Teacher He, Huang Xiaochu and others on the side are almost laughing and have stomach pains.

“Hahaha, you two, it’s so funny!”

Teacher He clutched his stomach and said to Wu Jing and Hu Ge: “It’s really an acting school! Too hard!”

“Yes, I took it!”

Peng Peng also gave a thumbs up and said: “After I ate it yesterday, my whole mouth was astringent. You can still eat it, so amazing!”

!!! Wu Jing with a sour mouth looked at them speechlessly.

Then, he looked at the culprit: “You are too cheating!”

Su Xinghe shrugged: “Don’t find me, it’s Hu Ge who pitted you…”

Hu Ge: There is a sentence in my heart that I don’t know when to talk about it!: The shelf is up to now, and the ten is over! Please subscribe, ask for rewards and support! 100 book coins for rewards and one more chapter! Please download Fei Lu Xiao for the ununderlined version of the novel

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