Chapter 77 New guests (12 more seeking subscription!)

Many things in this world often seem ridiculous.

But the truth may be this.

It’s like now.

Although Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He can’t imagine.

But it was the possibility that they didn’t dare to imagine, and it was… the real answer.

Su Xinghe is the major shareholder of the major shareholder behind Wanda Film and Television.

To put it simply.

Wanda Film and Television is controlled by Wanda Group, and the majority shareholder of Wanda Group is a company called Yonghui Capital.

The boss of Yonghui Capital is Galaxy Investment.

The owner of Galaxy Investment is Su Xinghe.

This is Su Xinghe’s confidence.

Regardless of….

The so-called big bosses in the Beijing circle are so awesome, in his opinion, it is just like a dog barking.

A group of people who are pointing to the capital to eat, what qualifications do they have to be awesome with the capital Of course, in front of the camera lens, Su Xinghe will not be so arrogant.

He wants those people to kneel and beg for themselves.

…………..Many people toss and turn and can’t fall asleep this night.

So when they got up in the morning, many people in the mushroom house were all panda eyes.


“Haha, none of you slept well.”

Qingqing happily patted the little hand.

9 The girl woke up in the middle of the night yesterday. If it wasn’t for Su Xinghe’s death to stop her, she would go to the room where the girl was staying and call her brother’s girlfriends to chat with her…”Qingqing, sister is leaving today NS.”

Li Yan walked to Qingqing and hugged her.

This girl is so cute. In my heart, Li Yan is really reluctant to leave here.

If it weren’t for the urgency of the agent, there is an event that must be attended, and she even plans to stay for another day.

“Will you come again?”

Qingqing blinked her big eyes and asked Li Yan cutely: “Sister Yan, next time you come, I will let my brother make chicken drumsticks for you, okay?”

“Yeah, elder sister will come as long as you have time, okay”

Li Yan’s heart moved, and he nodded quickly.

“Well, hook!”

Qingqing said with a smile.

Seeing the two of them having fun, everyone laughed.

The dull atmosphere yesterday disappeared without a trace.

The audience in the live broadcast room all laughed.

After all, Spielberg has come out, and the…negative news has long since disappeared.


Early in the morning, more than 20 million viewers swarmed into the live broadcast room.

It really scared everyone in the show crew.

The director even specifically asked someone to check the data to see if it was related.

That’s a total of 20 million people! Today’s live broadcast industry is very hot, but some of the top anchors, don’t look at them.. It is said to have more than 10 million followers, but when it is really broadcast, there are a hundred thousand live audiences. The live broadcast of “Longing for Life” has been watched from the beginning, and now it has exceeded 10 million. It is simply… sensational! “Qing Qing, stop making trouble, come and have breakfast.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to Qing Qing and Li Yan.

A group of people sat happily in the pavilion and started to eat breakfast.

Because a few girls are leaving, Su Xinghe made a very rich breakfast.

The aroma of the food fills the air, making people smell it, and they all salivate.

This is a pain to those… the staff of the program group.

Su Xinghe and the others…The guests were sitting here eating Zhengxiang, and the staff of the program group swallowed.

“Director, this is too torturous, right”

Someone shouted.

“Yeah, why is it so fragrant, a breakfast, don’t need to be so rich, isn’t this gluttonous?”

“Hey, it feels like the bread and milk in my hand are so unpleasant.”

The director blinked his eyes and looked helpless.

He is more greedy than these people.

I thought in my heart, whether to take a sip of the task for the reason of assigning the task, and I looked at the subordinates who were about to shine. In the end, it was because of the director’s face and did not do that.

At this moment, the phone in the room rang suddenly.

“I’ll pick it up.”

Teacher He smiled and stood up to answer the phone.

“Let me go.”

Zifeng put down his chopsticks and walked quickly into the room.

This girl’s character is like this.

Muffled, a bit introverted.

Unless she’s a familiar person, she’s basically…the kind…the person who doesn’t say anything on weekdays.

Soon, Zifeng finished answering the call and returned to the live broadcast room.

“Who, sister”

Teacher He asked with a smile.

“I don’t know, it’s a man, and there’s a woman, saying it’s an old friend.”

Zifeng replied.

“Old Friends”

All of them looked surprised.

They are really inexplicable.

The list of guests invited by the previous show has only been heard, and with the addition of Su Xinghe, according to the directors’ team, the list of guests will be kept confidential.

Even if the person who was scheduled to come before is no longer certain.

Just like these people here today, Song Qian and Li Yan are the previously confirmed flying guests, but Liu Tao, Zhao Liying, and Hu Ge are temporarily added.

Similarly, even Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu don’t know who these two people are coming soon.

“I’ll know in a while.”

Su Xinghe said with a smile.

After dinner, he personally sent Li and Liu Tao and others to the entrance of the village, and hugged everyone and bid farewell.

In front of the camera lens, people naturally don’t say anything unnecessary, anyway…there are phone calls and WeChat, just chat privately.

Reluctantly bidding farewell, Su Xinghe walked back by himself.

“Seriously, I’m sorry for everyone.”

Su Xinghe said to the camera: “There are new friends and old friends, but everyone, in my heart, is my friend.

Sometimes people are in the rivers and lakes and cannot help themselves. As an artist, you may have to be so busy.”

The moment the audience in the live broadcast heard the words that people couldn’t help themselves in the rivers and lakes, they immediately resonated.

After all, everyone is actually in the same river and lake.

The eight words of Su Xinghe really reveal their helplessness in life.

…The scenery of the mushroom house in the early morning is really beautiful.

Dewdrops stuck to the leaves, looking from a distance, the green lotus pond, the lotus buds are waiting to be placed.

There are fruits that are about to ripen, and a group of flying birds pass by in the distance.

Looking at Su Xinghe walking in the flower road, the audience suddenly felt that this is the “Yearing Life” that really makes people.

No wonder Su Xinghe is willing to lead Qingqing to live in seclusion here.

At this moment, an off-road vehicle is driving on the road.

A man’s voice sounded.

“I haven’t seen him for many years. That guy always likes to play missing. The last time we met, we had a drink together. Obviously we were there before we drank. After drinking, he will disappear.”

“This time, I will definitely not let him go.”

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