Chapter 66 Hu Ge’s dark history (seeking flowers evaluation votes)

Play for fun, for fun, for fun.

But as long as they are not blind, they can see it.

Su Xinghe and Hu Ge have a really good relationship.

The surprise in Hu Ge’s eyes, the smile in Su Xinghe’s eyes, could not be hidden at all.

This is probably the feeling of meeting old friends in another country.

After a lively greeting, everyone sat down in the pavilion.

As for Hu Ge’s luggage, Peng Peng had already helped carry it in.

“Teacher Huang, you live with him. You can save your worry about cooking from now on. This guy cooks very deliciously!”

As soon as he sat down, Hu Ge began to break the news.

Sure enough, what he said was exactly the same as what Zhao Liying said before.

“Haha, isn’t it?”

Huang Xiaochu smiled and said to Hu Ge: “It looks like Hu Ge, you and Xinghe are old friends.”

“Who is friends with him!”

“Who is friends with him!”

The two said almost in unison.

“What? Forgot that it was time when you were scolded by me when you were filming, didn’t you?”

Su Xinghe curled his lips.

“I know I know.”

At this time, Qingqing suddenly raised her hand and said, “Brother, you still have a video of Brother Hu crying on your phone!”

! ! !

Hu Ge was dumbfounded.

He now has the urge to turn around and run.

This dark history, is it about to be exposed today?

Look at other people with help-seeking eyes,

How much Hu Ge hopes that someone can help himself.


What makes him speechless is,

Everyone sitting in the pavilion had an expression of interest.

“Really? I want to see it!”

Teacher He said excitedly.

“Yeah, Hu Ge still has this side?”

Huang Xiaochu is not calm anymore.

“Teacher Su, it’s true, are you so fierce?”

This is Li Yan.

“Ahem, that, I think I should witness your friendship.”

Liu Tao’s face was calm.

that moment.

Hu Ge felt like he had come to the wrong place.

PS: Seeking evaluation votes, seeking flowers for support! Break out today! Strive for six changes, and ask for support from flower evaluation votes! *

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