Chapter 53 Xanadu (seeking a flower evaluation ticket)

Just when Su Xinghe thought that things would end here.

A scene he never expected appeared.

“Don’t scold your brother, Qingqing is not good.”

Qingqing, who stopped sobbing, said pitifully: “My brother said that he wrote novels only because of interest, and didn’t want to become a tool person who was urged all day long. Things written like that would be unsightly.”

Damn it!

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly felt a sense of guilt.

It’s Su Xinghe, the dog thief, why is it like us people have done something terribly wrong?

After playing around for a while, Peng Peng suggested that everyone go for a walk around the orchard.

As for the reason.

Naturally, I have to watch the people in the program group who are cleaning up the orchard.

Everyone naturally clapped their hands and cheered.

For the opportunity to torture the program group, everyone is happy to see it happen.

In the previous three seasons, Huang Xiaochu, Mr. He and the others were very tossed.

Now that I have a chance to retaliate back, of course I will not let it go!

Soon, everyone came to the orchard.

Su Xinghe took them to a small house in the orchard.

“Oh, why didn’t we see this place before?”

Peng Peng said with a look of surprise.

“Yeah, it’s so beautiful!” Teacher He also sighed with emotion.

What they said was from their hearts.

It’s a paradise here.

There are tables and chairs for drinking tea, and swings for children to play, surrounded by trees and lush grass.

Not far away, there was a burst of fragrance from the sea of ​​flowers, which made people intoxicated.

Beautiful sunny day!

Fortunately for men, a group of girls fell into trouble the first time they saw this place!

“Oh my God, I think I’m in love with this place!”

Li Yi blurted out and made his debut.

“That’s easy.”

Huang Xiaochu smiled: “If you make Xinghe a girlfriend, you can immediately become the hostess here!”

“Teacher Huang!”

Li Yan blushed immediately and took a peek at Su Xinghe.

Not knowing why, she suddenly felt that perhaps Huang Xiaochu’s proposal was not bad.

However, Su Xinghe at this moment is not so happy anymore.

Because he is holding a mobile phone codeword.

“Brother Su, what are you doing?”

Peng Peng came over curiously.

Su Xinghe immediately put down the phone, stared, and looked at Peng Peng: “You stay away from me. If there is no way to update today, it is your fault!”

! ! !

Peng Peng instantly retreated.

Su Xinghe, this guy is too despicable!

If this is because of his own sake, he cuts off, then his book fans, it is estimated that his Weibo can be blown up!

Sure enough, the people who wrote the book were dirty!

A few women couldn’t sit still soon, pulling Qingqing to play on the swing.

And Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu pulled Peng Peng to accompany them to drink tea and chat, and asked about some things about online texts by the way.

After all, at their age, they are not as young as Peng Peng, and they don’t know much about many trendy things.

“Let’s put it this way, the status of these vests of Brother Su is equivalent to that of the actor among our actors.”

Peng Peng simply explained it to the two big brothers.


Teacher He took a breath.

He really didn’t expect Su Xinghe to have such a high status.

“This kid is really a weird thing!”

Huang Xiaochu nodded, thoughtfully.

Su Xinghe’s talent is absolutely rare in his opinion.

Such a person lives in seclusion in a mountain village. In Huang Xiaochu’s opinion, it is really a pity.

Thinking of this, Huang Xiaochu looked at Su Xinghe, seemingly inadvertently and said: “Xinghe, can’t you do that concert?”

Hear what he said.

Su Xinghe hasn’t answered yet, and the audience in the live broadcast room is suddenly excited.

“Yes, the concert, we have to watch the concert of the Star God!”

“Yes, so many people support Star God, so we must have a concert!”

“Looking forward to the first concert of Star God!”

“No matter where it is held, I will go. It has been ten years, Star God, I owe you a ticket for the concert!”

“Me too, I was still in high school ten years ago.”

“Ten years ago, I was still a student.”

“This time, we must support the Star God!”

There are people who say everything, but there is no doubt that everyone is looking forward to Su Xinghe’s first concert.

And Su Xinghe himself, after hearing what Huang Xiaochu said,

It was startled at first, then laughed.

“Don’t worry, let’s wait until the filming of this season’s show is over.”

Su Xinghe said to Huang Xiaochu.

It is said that a good meal is not afraid of late, and for Su Xinghe, the concert is the same.

He believes that his fans will also understand.

After all, I have been waiting for ten years, and it is not bad for more than two months.

What’s more, Su Xinghe cares more. It is never the concert, but the people around him.

If he really cared about his career so much, he wouldn’t live in Manyuan Village with Qingqing. *

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