Chapter 51 There are also bad times when you have a dark belly (seeking a flower evaluation ticket)

“What did you say?”

On the film crew’s side, the director went crazy when he heard Su Xinghe’s words.

What’s the situation?

Why suddenly, the topic changed to yourself?

It was still being discussed just now, asking the four girls to collect bananas, but in a blink of an eye, it would be better for the camera crew to do this job.

“This, isn’t it appropriate?”

The director said with a guilty conscience.

Although he doesn’t know why, he always has an ominous premonition.

The staff of other program groups also gathered.

If this is really agreed, I feel that their lives today must not be easy.

“Nothing inappropriate.”

Su Xinghe looked indifferent: “If you don’t believe me, ask the audience, I think they will definitely agree with my opinion.”


He muttered: “If I have time to rest, I feel like I should be able to write a few more chapters of the novel.”

In an instant.

The barrage in the live broadcast room became lively.

“Haha, nothing wrong! It’s time for the show team to stand up.”

“Seriously, I waited for three seasons just to wait for an opportunity to see the show crew being abused!”

“See you for a long time! Really! I look forward to it for the first time.”

“It’s interesting today.”

“Yes, right, for our update, let the program team give it a bit.”

“If Su Xinghe breaks the watch today, I won’t watch the show.”

The news on the barrage will soon be known to the program team.

The staff’s faces are green, what’s the situation!

Su Xinghe was very calm, and continued: “In fact, it’s nothing, director, if you don’t agree, we will have to talk about the charges in the future. In addition to a few of them, others can also eat barbecue or something in my place…”

! ! !

The director is almost crying!

This Su Xinghe is simply a master at digging pits!

“Otherwise, don’t let your uncles and aunts collect bananas, it’s so pitiful!”

At this time, Qingqing said.

“Yes, yes, Qingqing is right.” The director nodded quickly.

At that moment,

Everyone thinks this kid is so cute.

“Then let’s do it, let our family Qingqing decide what you do.”

Su Xinghe rolled his eyes and said to the director.

The director thought for a while, then discussed with the assistant director and others behind him, and finally nodded.

In their opinion, even if the girl Qingqing is very smart, she is still a child no matter what, and it is impossible to cause problems like Su Xinghe.

As a result, the next moment,

The director is dumbfounded!

The staff of the program group were also stupid.

Because Qingqing thought for a while, she suddenly said, “Our orchard and the sea of ​​flowers have not been cleaned up. It took a week for my brother to clean it up last time. Why don’t you take care of it this time, Uncle Director.”


Huang Xiaochu and the others all laughed.

As for the people in the program group, they don’t even have the strength to cry.

They could see clearly how big the large orchard and the sea of ​​flowers were.

If this is packed up, it is estimated that this group of people will not even have the strength to raise their arms at night.

But there is no way, I have already agreed, and can only nod his head while gritting his teeth.


The members of the program group had to take things honestly under the watchful eyes of the guests, leave the mushroom house, and clean the sea of ​​flowers and orchards.

In the live broadcast room, the audience laughed madly.

“Hahaha, what a miserable show crew, but why can’t I control my laughter.”

“What should I do if a person laughs like a pig in the office?”

“Distressed the director for five seconds.”

“It turns out that Qingqing is also a black belly.”

“Isn’t it.”

“Qingqing is too cute.”


People in the program group went out to work, and Su Xinghe was not idle either.

As soon as Qingqing got up, there happened to be hot noodle soup, so Su Xinghe served her a bowl.

“Brother, I can’t eat it anymore.”

The little girl narrowed her mouth without taking a few bites and didn’t want to eat it anymore.

“No, take a few more bites, I can’t finish my brother.”

Su Xinghe ignored her at all, and continued to feed this girl on his own.

She is like this. When eating, she always likes to be lazy, and then she goes to snacks.

This is not a good habit.

“Then I want a drink.”

Qingqing raised her head and looked at Su Xinghe: “Go get it for me.”

Zifeng quickly stood up: “Where is it, I’ll get it.”

“No, let me do it.”

Su Xinghe shook his head, got up and walked into the room.

As a result, as soon as he left, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because in front of them, the girl Qingqing picked up the spoon,

Put chili peppers into the noodles one by one,

He kept muttering in his mouth: “Let you feed, let you feed, feed it if you can’t eat it! Spicy you! Spicy you! Spicy you!”

Everyone was stunned, and the audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned.

And at this time,

Su Xinghe came back and looked at Qingqing with both hands and said: “Qingqing, there is no juice, I will squeeze it for you later. Otherwise, you can have some noodle soup…”

? ? ?

! ! !

that moment,

Qingqing wanted to cry without tears.

The audience in the live broadcast room, Huang Xiaochu and others, burst into tears of laughter.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes! *

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