Chapter 46 The real secret (seeking flowers evaluation votes)

In the live broadcast of “A Longing for Life”, the barrage has been fried.

“So the girl wants the boy to die?”

“The husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and fly separately when the disaster strikes, haha.”

“Don’t be so dark, why can’t it be a girl who wants to keep her boyfriend?”

“Fart! The boy said, if the leaves fall out, he will die!”

“What do you know upstairs, I ask you to be kind.”

“Kindness? Can kindness be eaten?”

Everyone has their own opinions, because they feel that what they know is correct.

Especially the story that Su Xinghe told, he didn’t tell it so clearly, and everyone needs to guess it by themselves.

This is embarrassing.

Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, even the few people at the mushroom house, were thoughtful.

no way,

There is a thousand Hamlet in the hearts of a thousand people.

Each of them has their own ideas for this story.

Girls are more sensual, and naturally they lament the poignant beauty of love.

As for men, think more about it.

But no matter what, everyone feels that Su Xinghe, the purpose of telling this story, seems to be to make everyone think about it.

“Okay, stop thinking about it.”

Su Xinghe said to everyone with a smile: “I have a chance, let me tell you a few more short stories.”


Huang Xiaochu nodded, he suddenly felt that Su Xinghe, the level of storytelling, is really good.

It’s not too early, and today’s shooting is a lot of weight. Everyone turned off the camera and stopped the live broadcast, which is considered to be the end of the shooting.


“Xinghe, did you really recommend a role to Dalin?”

With the camera turned off, everyone is naturally more relaxed, Huang Xiaochu casually asked Su Xinghe.

“Well, that producer is very sincere.”

Su Xinghe nodded: “Although Dalin’s acting skills are average, he himself is a person with a sense of comedy, and that role needs a sense of comedy.”

Huang Xiaochu smiled: “You kid, there are so many secrets.”

Su Xinghe chuckled, but said nothing.

“By the way, Teacher Huang, who is the next group of guests?”

Su Xinghe remembered something and asked curiously.

“I do not know.”

Huang Xiaochu shook his head: “The director kept secrets from us, saying that the selection of guests will change greatly from now on.”

Su Xinghe was speechless.

This program group now has more and more tricks.

“But Xinghe, I want to ask you, Qingqing used to expose your vest or something, is it okay?”

Huang Xiaochu said solemnly to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe smiled and shook his head: “It’s okay, Teacher Huang, these things can’t be kept for long. Besides, many people in the circle actually know who I am, so just expose it.”

“That’s good.”

Huang Xiaochu was obviously relieved.

But I didn’t see the smile at the corner of Su Xinghe’s mouth.

What he really worried about was never that the secret identities of these literary circles were exposed.


No words for a night.

The next morning, Su Xinghe got up to make breakfast.

After everyone had breakfast, Yaya and Nazha left, and Duoduo and Sun Li, mother and daughter, also got in the car.

No way, everyone has their own business.

Even if he is reluctant, there is no other way but to make an appointment to get together again when there is a chance.

Anyway, I added WeChat and phone privately.

In the entertainment industry, that’s it.

“Well, everyone has a good rest, there are new guests coming today.”

A few guests today were sent away, and everyone sat in the pavilion to rest.

“Teacher He, who is the guest this time?”

Su Xinghe asked casually.

“I really don’t know this.”

Teacher He shook his head and pointed to the director team in the distance: “They are now getting better and better at confidential work, and they only told me that they were female guests.”

“Female guest!”

Su Xinghe was taken aback: “Do I know him?”

“Hey hey, Xiao Su, what do you mean?”

Huang Xiaochu suddenly shouted: “Could it be that you plan to choose a girlfriend from among us guests?”


“Why is Teacher Huang targeting Su Xinghe?”

“The old father is too pitiful, is this revenge?”

“I feel sorry for my Su, it’s obviously a confession.”

“Mr. Sun agreed, and Huang Xiaochu is still struggling.”

The audience in the anchor room immediately began to mock Huang Xiaochu.

A discerning person knew at a glance that he was “retaliating” Su Xinghe for taking away his precious daughter’s heart.

I don’t know why, everyone just thinks this scene is so interesting.

And this time,

Not far from the flower road, a few young and beautiful figures are walking.

The guests of the second period have finally arrived.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes! Ask for a reward! Seeking all kinds of support! It will definitely break out today! Please everyone! *

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