Chapter 459 Well-intentioned (for subscription)

Before the shooting, no one expected that Hu Ge’s experience would be so miserable.

Hu Ge at this moment is really too distressing.

If his fans are here, it is estimated that some people can cry.

After several hours of filming, he has eaten forty-four buns and five bowls of noodles:

I have been eaten and vomited three times abruptly! This is horrible! And the man who caused all this is frowning at this moment.

“Teacher Su, it’s okay, it’s really good.”

Wen Muye glanced at Su Xinghe cautiously and whispered.


“It’s really good.”

“Look, he is like this.”

“Yes, it was really good that time just now.”

A group of actors are persuading Su Xinghe.

They saw with their own eyes how Su Xinghe practiced Hu Ge.

It is no exaggeration to say that Hu Ge’s performance is already stronger than most actors.

Whether it was the performance just now, or the character characteristics he showed, it was extremely vivid.

But looking at the meaning now, Su Xinghe is actually not satisfied with 09. Is this requirement too high! “You take a rest first, I’ll take a look.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while and said to Hu Ge.

“Ah, good.”

Hu Ge no longer wants to speak.

Slumped on the ground without an image.

He doesn’t want to say a word now, because he is tired.

Su Xinghe turned his head and continued to go to the front of the monitor to watch the performance just now.

Although Wen Muye is the director, Wen Muye knows very well that his level is far worse than Su Xinghe, so when shooting, he will often consult Su Xinghe for his opinions.

Xu Shanzheng also agrees with this, after all, he is very clear about Su Xinghe’s director skills.

Among other things, all of the films that Su Xinghe shot before are considered fine.

At this moment.

Li Xuejian came over.

“Xiaosu, I’m busy”

His voice is very special, it belongs to the kind…you know that the voice is his actor when you hear it.

“Teacher Li, sit down.”

Su Xinghe quickly stood up and said.

This is a serious old artist. Although there is a lot of news haunting him, it… is all about the role. Few people say that there is a problem with his own character.

“Um…, let me tell you a few words.”

Li Xuejian said to Su Xinghe with a smile.

“You said you said, is it because the crew is angry? Don’t worry, I will teach them!”

Su Xinghe quickly said.

In his opinion, you do not like this…

Works, but that’s a question of the character.

You can’t help but respect such a senior who spent his entire life in acting.

“No, no, don’t get me wrong, don’t get me wrong.”

Li Xuejian waved his hand quickly and smiled at Su Xinghe and said, “Everyone respects me very much. Really, what I told you is Hu Ge’s business.”

“Hu Ge”

Su Xinghe was startled, a little surprised.

“What’s up with him”

“I know, you want to train him out, and I can see that this kid is very hardworking, and it was filmed like this today, and it’s still: trying to persevere.”

Li Xuejian looked at Su Xinghe and slowly said, “But, do you have to think about it? Don’t be too hasty.”

The old man is an excellent actor, he can naturally see it, Su Xinghe is deliberately sharpening Hu Ge.

In the eyes of those who don’t know why, Su Xinghe’s approach today simply doesn’t treat Han Lu as a human being.

again and again.

Repeat shooting without stopping.

Poor Hu Ge vomited three times alive.

It’s not sick, it’s holding it! It’s vomiting! This means that Hu Ge has a good temper, and Su Xinghe has absolute authority on the crew.

It’s a different crew, I’m afraid this time, it’s already a nuisance! This is simply not treating actors as human beings! However, in Li Xuejian’s view, Su Xinghe’s seemingly unhuman behavior, in fact, is actually Reinvented Hu Ge.

TV drama actors and real movie actors are actually different in a sense.

In terms of acting skills, TV drama actors are largely limited by their own acting skills.Most of them are only good at performing one role and cannot perform multiple roles.

Hu Ge’s words are relatively better, after all, he has completed the transition from idol school to acting school.

But his acting skills, in fact, are not as good as the outside world.

It’s just that compared to most idol actors, Hu Ge is better than them.

Those…why traffic stars like to desperately earn gold now? To put it bluntly, it is also because the market does not allow it.

You know, the active time of a traffic artist is limited.

From 20 to 30 years old, you can live by those teenage fans.

But ten years later, for a forty-year-old celebrity, should he still pretend to be cute and make a joke! Not to mention whether he can save the face, fans alone, it is impossible to accept an old man who is nearly forty years old , And still said there he was a teenager.

Therefore, transformation is a problem that every traffic artist needs to consider.

In Hu Ge’s words, although he does not need to consider transformation, he himself also hopes that he can become a fully developed actor rather than a single star in a TV series.

But here comes the problem.

The people who look for him to make movies value his traffic and topicality.

9 Once you start shooting, if you have good grades, people will only think that he is the icing on the cake.

But if the grades are not good.

As a well-deserved man of the back pot, Hu Ge does his part.

Almost all the blame will focus on him.

Hu Ge hasn’t starred in movies before.

But the final result was not satisfactory.

And this time, in the crew of “I’m Not a Medicine God”, he finally doesn’t have to worry about this.

Su Xinghe is too strong! His identity is…a first-class screenwriter and director, and he is also an investor.

Therefore, Su Xinghe’s authority in the crew has been strengthened to the greatest extent.

At this time, Su Xinghe chose Hu Ge as a model.

The purpose is clear.

He wants to use this drama to completely get rid of Hu Ge’s idol baggage and TV drama actor habit! Su Xinghe wants to surprise everyone! Let Hu Ge truly complete the transformation of an actor.

But this painstaking effort cannot be seen by everyone.

Many people feel that Su Xinghe is a bit critical.

But fortunately, Li Xuejian saw it.

After all, it is the old rivers and lakes.

He could see that Su Xinghe was well-intentioned.

However, in Li Xuejian’s view, Su Xinghe was a little anxious.

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