Chapter 44 Misfortune comes out of the mouth, Peng Yuchang

A man who can bend and stretch!

In Dalin’s concept, he was born in a cross talk family, and he was also a comedian and variety show. The sacrifice of his personal image is nothing at all.

I have to say that the variety cell of this guy is really amazing!

On his knees, the effect of the show instantly exploded!

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly became hot.

“Haha, Dalin who can bend and stretch!”

“I’m so ridiculous, Dalin, does your father know if you are like this?”

“Mr. Guo: Son, you kowtow and see if you can get a actor!”

“Puff! Are you the devil upstairs?”

“It’s funny, look at Su Xinghe’s expression.”

“Haha, Su Xinghe has nothing to love.”

“Being pitted by my sister, and being pitted by Dalin, Su Xinghe thinks, why is he so miserable!”


Hurrying to help Dalin up, Su Xinghe said helplessly: “No, Dalin, you can’t do this, this, this…”

Dalin smiled, looked at Su Xinghe “sincerely”, and said in a casual tone: “It’s okay, Brother Su, I’m kneeling here, really, that role, you really don’t have to fight for me! ”

Special two characters, this guy added an accent.

Everyone burst into laughter again.

Seeing Su Xinghe deflated, everyone felt relieved inexplicably.

Who made this guy have so many secrets.

He actually still has this vest!

“alright, alright.”

Huang Xiaochu saw that the fire was almost over, and he smiled to Su Xinghe: “Dalin and Xiaoxun are leaving soon. Let’s prepare food now. When they finish eating, you tell a story. The program team prepares a car and sends They go to the airport.”


Su Xinghe naturally has no opinion.

He and Huang Xiaochu immediately began to prepare, and Sun Li and Zifeng and others helped.

In less than two hours, a sumptuous dinner was ready.

They are all the specialties here, and Su Xinghe also specially made a Buddha Jumping the Wall.


The ingredients were prepared by him at home before, and originally intended to be eaten by Qingqing.

“It’s so delicious.”

Dalin ate the dishes made by Su Xinghe, with a satisfied expression on his face.

“Yeah, Xinghe, you are a delayed cook. I think it is more than enough for you to open a restaurant with Brother Lei.”

Young Master Zhou also nodded.

“I want to buy shares!”

Although Nazha’s sense of variety shows was average, her inspiration flashed at this time and she raised her hand decisively.

Everyone laughed.

I really didn’t expect that this girl’s sense of variety is so interesting.

“Well, if I want to open, I will ask you to buy shares.”

Su Xinghe laughed and said to Nuzha.

She basically didn’t speak much today, and it is rare that she is willing to speak now.

“I really envy Qingqing.”

At this time, Peng Peng suddenly said.


Everyone was a little curious, and Teacher He asked inexplicably.

“Because Qingqing can eat the dishes made by Brother Su every day, and it’s still five years!” Peng Peng said leisurely, looking yearning.

The corners of Huang Xiaochu’s mouth twitched, and he suddenly said to Peng Peng, “Peng Peng, Galaxy may not appear in the next season, but I know, you seem to be choosy to perform!”


“Puff! Peng Peng’s face has changed!”

“I feel sorry for me, Peng, what do you mean by your mouth, this is it!”

“Peng Peng, you probably forgot, Teacher Huang is still an investor in this show!”

The audience in the live broadcast room gloated for a while.

Of course, everyone knows that Huang Xiaochu is just playing with Peng Peng.

The program “Longing for Life” is now in its fourth season. The pattern of resident guests has basically stabilized. Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu, two adults, Peng Peng and Zifeng, are the most prominent of the program. Basic staff.

The rest, even Su Xinghe and Qingqing, belong to the icing on the cake.

However, the existence of Su Xinghe and Qingqing made the popularity of the fourth season of “A Longing for Life” an exaggeration.

If we say that this show is ahead of other domestic variety shows in the past.

So now,

With the joining of Su Xinghe and Qingqing, they attracted more viewers to pay attention to the show.

At the same time, it also makes the whole show more lively and interesting.

Moreover, Su Xinghe’s various hidden identities are constantly exposed, and everyone is becoming more and more curious about how many identities this guy has hidden.

How much has he done in the ten years since he retired from the entertainment industry?

Even more, some people have started to open online.

The content is very simple,

It is how many secrets Su Xinghe still keeps from everyone.

Of course, whether these secrets can be exposed depends on whether Qingqing, a little cutie, will unintentionally act as a sunrise crowd again.

not only.

The major brokerage companies are now discussing how to make their own celebrities board the fourth season of “Longing for Life” and take a good look at this heat!

Who made this program now discussed on the whole network?

PS: Seeking flowers evaluation votes! Ask for rewards and support! Now the flowers are 7449, the evaluation is 562, the flowers are 7500, and the evaluation votes are 600. One more chapter before 12 o’clock! *

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