Chapter 439 The leader is speechless

It’s messed up! The scene, mingle! The young man has a big temper and impulsive personality.

Although middle-aged people are stable enough, they all point to their noses and curse their motherland. People with such a good temper can bear it. Even a few hot-tempered women can’t bear it. Live it.

Even those…CCTV staff and security guards desperately pulling it is useless.

At this time, no one dared to stand by his side except for…

To be honest, the brain-dumping fan is really annoying.

, The young child, regardless of right or wrong, even stopped those… those who did it.

“This guy is going to run away!”

“Can’t let: he go, beat him!”

“Yes, beat Han Shengli!”

“Stop, stop all!”

“No hitting!”

“Brother Victory!”

“Oh, you guys get out of the way!”

“People point their noses and scold your motherland, and you still like him”

“You need to take care of it, originally he was right. Brother Shengli was beaten by you!”


The scene was chaotic, dozens of people were entangled there, and their voices were so loud that it was almost speechless.

At this time, there were two directions in the distance suddenly remembered a lot of sounds, there were chatting, and there was laughter.People began to gush out from the special passageway here, and many audiences and reporters gradually came out from the main entrance over there. , It’s been too long here, and the Spring Festival Gala live broadcast ended.

A well-known party actor and a few friends walked out with a smile.He came to be the audience today, and he is talking about it.

“I still prefer Yang Mi and Princess Wang’s “Unforgettable Tonight”, this song…”

Suddenly I saw the fighting scene over there on my side, and I was dumbfounded! “What’s the situation?”

“This is a fight”

“Oh my God, there really was a fight!”

“Isn’t it? Why are there so many people.”

“Who, who.”

All the people who came out from the Spring Festival Gala scene, without exception, saw this scene with a stunned expression. No one thought that the atmosphere was just happy inside, and it turned out to be such a picture after coming out through a wall! The face of a person in charge of CCTV turned white. He wanted to solve the problem as soon as it did not cause much impact. Unexpectedly, the Spring Festival Gala has ended. Thousands of people have come out, and they are not ordinary people. They are not the leaders of the agency. …Social celebrities and family members are all decent figures, even if they want to hide it, even if they want to minimize the impact, it is impossible! Sure enough, the leadership of CCTV has also come out a lot, just now they They were all busy with the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, and no one dared to disturb them at that time, and the mobile phones were also turned off. Now I just heard the news, and they all rushed out in a panic. .

“Stop it, stop it all!”

“What are you doing?”

“Come on, separate them from me!”

“Play the piano!”

“Send to the police station any more calls!”

However, no one over there listens to them at all, no matter…

What’s going on outside, it doesn’t matter…

What is the deputy director of CCTV or security personnel, those who surrounded Han Shengli did not listen, and no one scattered.

Su Xinghe is also stunned.

He really didn’t expect this group of people to start so cruelly.

This Han Shengli is too owed, so hateful.

However, he also knew that he couldn’t let: people continue to fight like this, and if they fight again, they might die.

It’s really to that point, but it’s a big trouble.

Even if it is oneself, there is no way to suppress it.

Thinking of this, Su Xinghe squeezed into the crowd and said to everyone: “Everyone, everybody, listen to my persuasion, it’s almost enough, and if you hit him again, he will be out of breath.”

Not to mention, Su Xinghe’s words really work.

It was him who heard the words from the crowd, and soon stopped.

Look at Han Shengli and his bodyguard again.

This time it’s………… be honest.

All of them had black noses and swollen faces.

Of course, because everyone knows, it’s purely… venting, punching and kicking, it’s okay, if you really use a weapon, that nature will change.

The CCTV leader on the side was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this… should have such a big appeal.

After a closer look, it turned out to be Su Xinghe! What’s the situation? “No, Teacher Su, why are you here?”

The CCTV leader quickly asked Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe is a big celebrity. He disappeared ten years ago and later participated in the comeback of “A Longing for Life”.Almost no one does not know the existence of this guy.

I heard that he came to the Spring Festival Gala before,,, and wrote a song for Yang Mi and Princess Wang.

The deputy director also heard that the song “Unforgettable Tonight” is indeed amazing.To be honest, if he knew this song a long time ago, he planned to make this song the finale of the Spring Festival Gala.

But what does this matter have to do with him?At this moment, the former person in charge of CCTV ran over, lowered his voice, and said the matter in the ear of the deputy director.

next moment.

The deputy director was dumbfounded.

!!! Su Xinghe, I still think you look like a good person. You, a person with thick eyebrows and big eyes, will make trouble! “No, Teacher Su, what are you, what are you doing?”

Even if he was very dissatisfied in his heart, this…the deputy director did not get angry in front of everyone.

He is very clear that Su He is not someone he can offend.

Su Xinghe smiled slightly, glanced at the other person, and calmly said, “Headmaster, I can’t be blamed for this. It was Han Shengli’s bodyguard who first pushed down the fan who waited here for a few hours and wanted to leave without an apology.

Then he blatantly insulted our motherland. Otherwise, think about it, can so many people want to beat him up.”

“Yes, Teacher Su is right.”

“Yes, it’s obviously…Han Shengli’s fault, why not apologize”

“I want to leave after pushing someone, and even cursing someone, it’s really a beating!”

“Earning the money of our Huaxiya, cursing, our country, this kind of Korean stick does not teach him, should he still have to send him away”


“These young people now really don’t distinguish between right and wrong.”

“I think Han Shengli is… owed!”

“Yes! That’s right!”

“well played!”

A group of onlookers applauded there.

The deputy director of CCTV was almost crying, and it was because of a group of fans that the most important thing was, what did this have to do with you Su Xinghe, you who passed by, even started beating people.

The deputy director who thought Su Xinghe was cute, suddenly felt that this guy was a troublesome guy.

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