Chapter 437 The real Lianjiazi (for subscription)

Su Xinghe himself actually didn’t expect that Han Shengli, the bodyguard, would be so casual.

Originally, he thought that he would have to work hard to clean up this guy, but he didn’t expect that he would easily beat this guy to the ground.

“No combat power at all.”

Su Xinghe thought to himself.

In fact, he didn’t know that the most important reason why he was able to solve that guy so easily was that Han Shengli was not actually a real first-line star, and there was no such kind of…economic strength and circle to invite truly professional bodyguards.

To put it bluntly, these two so-called bodyguards are actually… people who are slightly better than the security guards.

For real super first-line stars, when choosing bodyguards, they must be carefully selected and carefully distinguished.

In fact, when Han Shengli finds bodyguards, what he values ​​is language ability, because his development focus is now in the Chinese department.Communication is the most important, and bodyguards are also part-time translators.

Therefore, the most important professionalism of bodyguards is naturally much worse.If you really encounter an emergency, this fat and thin bodyguard can’t handle it.

Besides…, that is… Su Xinghe’s own strength is indeed very strong.

A lion, compared with a wolf, of course the lion is stronger.

Su Xinghe walked to the bodyguard: “Just now…you pushed people down, right”

The bodyguard struggled to stand up, glanced at Su Xinghe, roared 903, and rushed towards Su Xinghe.

This time, Su Xinghe did not hesitate anymore.

Turning sideways to let the opponent’s fist, Su Xinghe smashed the opponent’s face with a heavy fist.

Bang! A muffled hum.

The guy fell directly to the ground, motionless.

I passed out! Damn, everyone around was stupid.

Su Xinghe, knocked that guy out, “Awesome, Star God!”

“That’s amazing, it looks like a boxing champion.”

“It’s really amazing, it’s almost like a martial artist, knocked down with one punch!”

“If this hits me, I guess I will have a fracture directly.”

“Haha, it really is a pure man! Teacher Su is amazing!”

“Teacher Su, I love you!”

“Star God, I love you!”

A group of people were yelling, and the group was so excited, they were so happy.

That…the little girl who was pushed to the ground stopped crying, staring at Su Xinghe, then at the bodyguard who fell to the ground, she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Instead, it was Yang Mi’s bodyguard who looked at Su Xinghe and his expression changed slightly.

He is an expert, and he naturally understands that from the hands of Su Xinghe just now, his boss is superfluous.

For this person’s ability, don’t talk about these two bodyguards, even if they come again, they will still be given for nothing.

Thinking of this, he simply let go… the thin man went straight back to Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was still a little strange, puzzled: “Brother Tiger, what’s the matter?”

The bodyguard shook his head: “Miss Yang, Teacher Su doesn’t need it”

Ah Yang Mi was slightly surprised.

My bodyguard was heavily paid to spend the coming year in the special forces. It is said that there is a ruthless person who has seen blood in his hand.

Since he was by his side, there have been occasional troublemakers, all of them.

“Don’t talk about these few, even if I do it, it won’t work.”

The bodyguard explained in a low voice.

Hiss! Yang Mi took a breath.

She really didn’t expect Su Xinghe to be so powerful.

“Brother Tiger, are you kidding me”

Yang Mi was surprised, but she didn’t believe it.

She really couldn’t believe that Su Xinghe was so powerful.

“I’ll say it again, don’t apologize, no one will want to leave.”

Su Xinghe stood there, watching Han Shengli and his bodyguard coldly.

Today he and these guys are in a better position! “Yes, apologies!”



“Yes, if you don’t apologize, you are not allowed to leave!”

“Damn Goryeo stick, don’t see where this is!”


The surrounding people were also very excited, and they yelled loudly.

Everyone’s purpose is the same, that is… to make Han Shengli and his bodyguards apologize.

Looking at the people around him, and then at Su Xinghe who was blocking there, Han Shengli was now regretting death. If he knew it, he would just sign a name.

In a cold day, a group of people were facing each other here, and the scene froze for a moment.

“What’s the matter, what’s the matter?”

“What’s wrong”

“What are you doing, stop now!”

“Security guard, where’s the security guard?”

“Stop it all!”

Suddenly, a group of people came from the other side.

These people are all wearing suits, and they look like… some of the people in charge of CCTV, because they all have badges on them, and they look anxious.

Especially when I saw the person who fell on the ground, my face was terribly dark.

The eldest middle-aged man was about to drip with a gloomy expression.

Called a staff member who had been outside to witness the whole process.

The man hurried over to describe the situation to them, sometimes pointing to Han Shengli, sometimes pointing to Su Xinghe’s direction, and whispered.

After listening, these people on CCTV were also dumbfounded.

A small person in charge immediately went up and asked Han Shengli: “Um…, Mr. Han, are you okay?”

One of his companions immediately.

Kneeling down to see the fat bodyguard, in the middle of a pinch, the bodyguard woke up with a shake and touched his face.

The people on CCTV breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, they were not broken.

Han Shengli saw that the people from CCTV were coming, his temper suddenly became bigger, and he pointed to them and started to speak a foreign language.

The thin bodyguard next to him translated: “Mr. Han Shengli said that he was beaten for no reason. This matter must not be let go. He is going to sue this guy!”

Su Xinghe listened to the side and just smiled.

Han Shengli, the bastard, had a shy face and the villain first filed a complaint, saying that his own is not at this time, and the people next to him can’t stand it anymore.

Obviously he did it by himself and wanted to leave, but now he still has the face to complain! “Nonsense!”

“Obviously you pushed people down first!”

“If you didn’t push the fans down, how could Teacher Su do it?”

“Do you want a face, it makes sense to hit someone, hit him!”

“Apologize! Otherwise you are not allowed to leave!”

“Something, I really think I am a big name!”

“Bad son, don’t leave!”

The more they talked, the more excited they were.

This matter seems to be going to be a big deal! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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